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====Responding to the Vision of God====
God gives us a vision. In God’s time the vision will be fulfilled. The period of time between the vision and its fulfilment is critical for the saint. It is during this period of time that we are to patiently bear our cross after the Lord.
God gives us a vision. In God’s time the vision will be fulfilled. The period of time between the vision and its fulfilment is critical for the saint. It is during this period of time that we are to patiently bear our cross after the Lord.

Latest revision as of 16:14, 6 May 2019

Responding to the Vision of God

God gives us a vision. In God’s time the vision will be fulfilled. The period of time between the vision and its fulfilment is critical for the saint. It is during this period of time that we are to patiently bear our cross after the Lord.

We think about Abraham. God gave him a vision concerning an heir. After several years Abraham decided to fulfil the vision. The result was Ishmael, the wild man. After a quarter of a century passed, the vision was fulfilled by the power of God.

The record of Christianity, for the most part, is that of human beings taking matters into their own hands. Denominations may commence with a vision from the Lord, but it appears that sooner or later they take matters into their own hands.

We humans find waiting for the Lord very difficult.

Sometimes nine camels are watered immediately, so to speak. But the tenth camel may be delayed for one cause or another. The reason it is delayed is that God is not ready as yet to fulfil the vision. If we plough ahead and wrench and force that which is hindering us, the result will be a wild man.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

What we hope for is the fulfilment of the vision. What is not seen is the fulfilment of the vision. So we are to patiently wait for God to do what He has promised.

The vision excites us because it speaks directly to that for which we have been created. We are joyous and ready to serve the Lord.

Then the years go by—twenty, thirty, forty. No fulfilment. What now?

Here is the testing of our faith and patience. If we go ahead in our flesh and seek to fulfil the vision, we will produce confusion. Apples eaten before they are ripe can cause considerable discomfort in the region of our stomach.

How blessed is that individual who grasps the vision by faith, and then waits while God prepares him or her, other people, and circumstances so once the vision is fulfilled it can be enjoyed without pain. "The blessing of the Lord makes rich and He adds no sorrow with it."

Not only was Ishmael a wild man, Abraham experienced considerable sorrow as he was forced to drive Hagar and Ishmael away. They nearly died in the desert before God intervened.

Hagar was Sarah’s idea. Sarah too suffered pain as Hagar scorned her, and later when she saw Ishmael mocking when Isaac was weaned.

The true Christian life is one of patiently waiting for the Lord to fulfil His promises. The believers who are following their own understanding, walking in the flesh, will always mock those who are looking to the Lord Jesus for His will in every circumstance.

We know the current "faith" and "prosperity" teachings are not from the Lord because they insist we receive the answer right now. Such an attitude is contrary to the Scriptures.

One of the most difficult tests of the entire Christian discipleship involves waiting for God when there is something we desire intensely. We always ought to give thanks to God and let our requests be made known to Him. If we do not we may suffer needlessly.

We are not to attempt to smash down the door that is hindering what we think is God’s will. Once we break through that door we will find ourselves in an empty room. Had we looked around we probably would have seen another door that was open just a crack.

The Kingdom of God is always associated with patience. God is patient. Christ is patient. And we are predestined to be in Their image.

"Suffering produces endurance." "Let patience work its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete, wanting nothing."

If we will guard the word of Christ’s patience He will guard us throughout the hour of temptation that is approaching.

The Rest of God.