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====The Overcomer===
The idea of the overcomer has been important to me since Bible-school days. "He who overcomes will be a pillar in the Temple of God" seemed to be a specially important verse.
The idea of the overcomer has been important to me since Bible-school days. "He who overcomes will be a pillar in the Temple of God" seemed to be a specially important verse.

Revision as of 16:14, 6 May 2019

=The Overcomer

The idea of the overcomer has been important to me since Bible-school days. "He who overcomes will be a pillar in the Temple of God" seemed to be a specially important verse.

When I arrived in Bible school, after being discharged from the Marine Corps, I noticed that the prevailing attitude was "Nobody is perfect. We all sin. The grace of God covers our sin. It is hopeless to try to overcome sin, it is not possible." This description of the Christian life did not set well with me for some reason. It just did not seem right. In fact, I refused to accept it. The second and third chapters of the Book of Revelation continued to be inspiring.

A few years later I had a dream. Audrey and I were living in a trailer on a property owned by Brother Dowell on the outskirts of National City, near San Diego.

In my dream I was on a ship that was breaking up in a storm. The sailors were jumping over the side. The passengers were drowning in the water. The shore could be seen in the distance.

I jumped over the side. Having spent my boyhood days in a house overlooking the West Shore of West Haven, Connecticut, I had spent a good deal of time in the Atlantic Ocean and so I had no fear of the water.

As I was kind of treading water, looking at the shore, and about to strike out, I saw the sailors on the shore holding hands and playing some kind of child’s game, like ring-around-the-rosy. I looked back and saw the passengers drowning.

Then I noticed that my feet were hitting the bottom. Lo and behold, the water was only waist deep. All one had to do was stand up straight and walk to the safety of the shore.

So I turned back to tell the drowning passengers to just stand up straight and they would have no problem walking to safety. At this point I woke up.

I pondered the dream for about three days, and then the meaning came to me. Christians are drowning in sin when they do not need to. The water is only waist deep, so to speak. All they have to do is stand up straight in Jesus Christ and they can overcome sin and walk to safety.

The sailors on the shore represent the churches of today that in many instances are playing childish games instead of pursuing the iron and fire of God and leading the believers to victory in Christ.

Since that time I have been preaching the victorious Christian life. It is entirely possible to overcome sin through Christ, to gain victory over sin. It is not only possible, it is absolutely necessary if we expect to receive the rewards designated for the overcomers.

Away with this teaching that we have to sin while we are in the world! The devil take this teaching! It came from him and belongs to him!

I am sure I will hear the old song, "Nobody is perfect. We all have to sin until we go to Heaven." What rubbish! Sin began in Heaven around the Throne of God. Why, then, is it true that we will not be able to sin when we go to Heaven? On what basis do we believe such a totally unscriptural idea?

Jesus Christ came to earth to destroy the works of the devil. Christ has the power to conquer Satan in our personality.

I am not referring to being "sinlessly perfect" or any of the other objections that are raised. In the first place, our idea of perfection and God’s idea are two different matters. When Christ commanded us to be perfect He was not speaking of being perfected. Being perfect and being perfected are two different states of being.

An individual can only be perfect for the day. If he keeps on being perfect each day the point eventually will be reached where he or she has been perfected; and being perfect has nothing to do with being in Heaven, on the earth, or beyond the Milky Way galaxy.

What does it mean to be perfect each day? It means only that we have prayed and obeyed through the challenges of the day. We are not walking around in condemnation, we are praising the Lord and living in victory through Him. In this case the blood of the Lamb keeps us without condemnation even though we have not as yet been perfected.

If God speaks to us about covetousness, then we confess our covetousness, renounce it fiercely, receive our forgiveness, and, by the Spirit of God, turn away from it. Covetousness will die in us if we really want to get rid of it. The reason people do not get delivered from sin is that they do not confess and renounce it specifically with enough determination.

If you have confessed and renounced a sin, and it does not vanish immediately, do not become discouraged. You are in a battle. Keep on confessing and renouncing the sin, not in a stressful frantic manner but in an attitude of praise and confidence in Christ; and the first thing you know the power of covetousness in your personality will be broken. "Walk in the Spirit," Paul said, "and you will not fulfill the lusts of your flesh."

Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Read the Bible promise. Determine to make it your own possession. Then, nothing can prevent your receiving the blessing.

Whenever people tell you that a New Testament promise was for the Apostles, or no one is perfect, or as long as we are in the world we have to sin, turn away from them hastily. Their unbelief is keeping them from the blessing. Don’t allow them to take your crown of rejoicing.

The bank of Heaven is waiting for you to make a withdrawal. Why are you standing around as a pauper in your rags when the King has invited you to His palace?

No, we will not listen to people as they dump the garbage of their unbelief on us. The base camps have been established by the godly. The summit is in site. The present generation is being invited to ascend to the heights of victory in the fullness of God. You can be a part of those who arrive at the top. Or you can wallow in your unbelief and settle for second best—or less!

You can tell from the tone of my writing that I have become disgusted with believers who choose to huddle in their fears and unbelief and refuse to answer the call of Christ to the life of victory. Oh well, we can’t have conquering faith unless God gives it to us. But there certainly is no harm in praying for victorious faith!

At the present time, the overcomers, of the second and third chapters of the Book of Revelation, are the only true members of the royal priesthood. The promises we ordinarily associate with being a Christian, such as ruling with Christ, are designated for the overcomer. And to the overcomers the rewards shall go—and to no one else!

Either we are overcoming through Christ or we are being overcome because we are not choosing to believe Christ. There is no middle ground. There are the winners and the losers. All the glorious rewards are given to the winners. The losers are facing pain and chastisement.

You can be an overcomer. Jesus Christ has all authority and power in Heaven and on the earth. The only factor that can prevent your being an overcomer is your own unbelief, disobedience, and fear. Get your eyes off yourself and off other people. Look steadfastly at Jesus.

Keep your eyes focused on Jesus and He will give you victory in every area. Christ has more power than the world and Satan have. No obstacle can stop you. Look at Christ and walk on the water for the rest of your life on the earth. The Lord will be proud of you and congratulate you when you stand before Him. "Well done, well done, well done good and faithful servant. Enter My joy, for I also overcame."

Responding to the Vision of God