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====The Manifestation of the Sons of God.====
Paul stated in the Book of Romans that the creation is eagerly awaiting the revealing of the sons of God. There are believers in our day who are viewing the revealing of the sons of God as an endowment of miraculous power that will be given to us in the last days. However, I think Paul is speaking of our returning with Christ to install the Kingdom of God on the earth.
Paul stated in the Book of Romans that the creation is eagerly awaiting the revealing of the sons of God. There are believers in our day who are viewing the revealing of the sons of God as an endowment of miraculous power that will be given to us in the last days. However, I think Paul is speaking of our returning with Christ to install the Kingdom of God on the earth.

Latest revision as of 16:13, 6 May 2019

The Manifestation of the Sons of God.

Paul stated in the Book of Romans that the creation is eagerly awaiting the revealing of the sons of God. There are believers in our day who are viewing the revealing of the sons of God as an endowment of miraculous power that will be given to us in the last days. However, I think Paul is speaking of our returning with Christ to install the Kingdom of God on the earth.

We are in the Church Age at the present time, and shall continue to be in the Church Age until the return of the Lord. This means that the gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit will continue to travail in birth pains until the members of Christ’s Body come to maturity as measured by the stature of the fullness of Christ.

That the creation is bound with chains of sin and rebellion against God is evident. The consequence of such spiritual bondage is pain, insanity, uproar, sickness, bewilderment, and death. The whole planet is in an agony of torment and confusion.

What is the solution? Certainly not education. There is as much pain and bewilderment among highly educated people as there is among the uneducated. Certainly not democratic government. The United States of America is not a model of peace and righteousness. Some of our cities are in a state of near-anarchy.

The only solution to the pain of the world is the return of the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ.

However, we may note that Paul did not say the creation is eagerly awaiting the revealing of the Son of God but of the sons of God. I do not think this statement of Paul’s is emphasized enough.

The fact that the creation shall be brought into the liberty of the glory of the children of God through the revealing of the sons of God gives us a true picture of our future, and also of the demands placed on us in the present world.

If we are to return with the Lord Jesus Christ, then our concept of eternal residence in beautiful mansions in Heaven is a fairy tale.

In addition, we have some growing to do. The Christian churches in their present state are not producing many believers who are prepared to return to the earth and cause God’s will to be done here as it is in Heaven.

The truth is, we have been taught that it is not essential we do God’s will because we have been "saved by grace." It is not necessary that we come to the stature of the fullness of Christ because we have been "saved by grace."

It is not necessary that we go through fiery trials with the Lord because we have been "saved by grace."

It is not absolutely necessary that we deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow the Lord Jesus each day because we have been "saved by grace."

It is not absolutely necessary that we present our body a living sacrifice to God because we have been "saved by grace."

The expected result of the current teaching is spiritual babies. They do not know the Consuming Fire of Israel. The only righteousness they understand is that which is given to them with no effort on their part.

They know nothing at all about holiness, except it has something to do with the way women used to wear long dresses. To them, God is a kindly, loving grandfather who spoils His children, making no uncomfortable demands on them. Such is the mythical Gentile church.

Obviously, such a crop of infants is not competent to descend with the Lord Jesus on the white war stallions and drive the powers of wickedness from the earth. In fact, they would not ride in ranks behind the Lord.

They would do as they do today: they would charge at each other with their spite, envy, and malice; or they would decide to ride off in another direction as it pleased them. Such is the bumper crop of self-centered infants we are raising in the Christian churches.

Too strong? Then why are pastors of large churches installing coffee bars so the "worshipers" will be completely comfortable and stuffed before, during, and after the service? Our destiny is our mansion in Heaven where we can continue to stuff ourselves without becoming overweight. The concept of riding behind Christ and installing God’s will in the earth is the farthest thing from our mind.

The statement was made to me that only Christ will fight in the Battle of Armageddon, because if the believers had to fight they would get their robes dirty. Honestly—someone actually ventured that idea.

It is God’s will that you and I follow Jesus Christ in iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to the Father. We are to pray every day that our personality will be thus transformed. Only mature believers will be resurrected when the Lord returns, be gathered to Him in the air, and then descend with Him to release the groaning material creation.

The immature believers will not be resurrected when the Lord returns. Neither will they be gathered to Him in the air.

Why not? Because this first resurrection is for the members of the royal priesthood; for the soldiers of the army of the Lord; for the brothers of Christ to whom has been assigned the authority of judgment; for the members of the Body of the Servant of the Lord who will bring justice to the nations. These are they who will rise in the first resurrection. Anyone else would only bring confusion to the work of God, just as the immature do today.

If you want to be revealed to the creation in that Day, then get busy and follow the Spirit of God today. As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

The Nations of the Saved.