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Biblical Binding and Loosing

by Mike Oppenheimer </strong>

The following is an excerpt from Mike Oppenheimer's article on spiritual warfare.

What is Biblical binding and loosing?

For us to understand its true meaning, we need to go to the text it was first used in Matt. 16:13-20. (Remember, all scripture is to be read in its context for us to understand the original intent of the author.)

Matt. 16:13-20 -- Jesus asked the disciples a direct question of who they say He is. Peter is then given a revelation from the Father calling Him the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.

Jesus then states He will build His Church on Peter's statement of who He is. (Meaning the deity of Christ is what the Church is built on -- this is the fundamental confession of faith.) And the gates of hell will not overcome it ever. In Vs. 19 We see the term we are looking into -- Jesus speaks to Peter and gives him the keys of the Kingdom. “Whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven”.

Giving keys to a person signified an entrusting with him to do an important task, in the scriptures they are used a symbol of authority and power, which is given specifically to Peter for his role in the beginning of the church.

Binding and loosing were used in two different manners judicially and legislatively. The traditional meaning was used in a -judicial sense “to bind” meant to punish, “to loose” meant to release from punishment.

Used legislatively “to bind” meant to forbid something, “to loose” meant to permit.

The terms of binding and loosing were used by the Rabbis as legislative authority in interpreting scripture. The Pharisees used this authority to permit laws that were forbidden and forbid laws that were permitted. By doing this they elevated their own authority to add onto the scriptures extra laws which were man-made and became tradition.

We see Peter using the keys beginning in the book of Acts, when the Church is born. He used his authority by opening the door to three groups to enter the body of Christ on three separate occasions, using the keys legislatively (loosing) to permit that which was formerly not permitted such as the gentiles to be part of Gods kingdom by faith.

In Acts 2:5-41 - In his first sermon to the Jews on Pentecost, 3,000 Jews were saved (although the Jewish people are given the Gospel first and are the natural branches in the olive tree, the church is beginning to be formed, it will consist of both Jews and gentiles as believers in one body). Eph. 2:14-17.

In Acts 8:14-17 - To the Samaritans, Philip preached, they believed, vs. 12 -- Peter then came and laid hands on them, vs. 17 -- (both Peter and John).

Peter used the keys in a judicial sense binding punishing Annanias and Sapphirra for their lying to the Holy Spirit.

Peter also uses these keys in a legislative sense of ‘loosing” something after he has the vision in Acts 10:9-48. The Lord was telling him to eat what was on the sheet. Peter refused because it was forbidden to eat unclean animals under the mosaic Law. After three times of the Lord saying to eat because they are now clean, Peter then begins to contemplate what the vision means. This had a two-fold meaning at now what was once forbidden as food is now permitted, from this Peter concludes as he sees that the Lord had cleansed all by his blood.

In Acts 10:44-48 - To the Gentiles - Peter used his authority to permit these into the body of Christ, by recognizing God's work that was done by Spirit baptism. (I Cor. 12:13)

Other Examples of Keys Used in the Scripture
Isaiah 22:22 -- Eliakim is given the key to the House of David. To Bind and loose” was the function of a gatekeeper” or “steward” (oikonomos) He would have the keys so he could go into the temple area having access to the presence of God.

Revelation 3:7 -- Jesus addresses the faithful church of Philadelphia. He, Jesus, has the Key of David (rulership - Isaiah 9:6-7). And is able to open and shut doors for His churches work in a legislative sense. Revelation 1: 18 Jesus has the keys of death and Hades. It is he who controls live and death and judges the intents of the heart.

Mt. 28:18 - All authority has been given to Him. He controls this in a judicial sense. He is the head of the Church as well as the universe.

Revelation 20:1-3 - Satan is bound after the second coming by an angel for one thousand years. This angel has the key to the bottomless pit. Today we are not able to bind his activity, this will not be possible until the second coming of Christ by the authority of a special angel, this is done in a judicial sense.