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==Establishing the Law ==


Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. (Romans 3:31)

If it is true that the same God makes righteous the circumcised Jews by faith and the uncircumcised Gentiles through faith, have we then made the Law of no effect?

No, we have upheld the Law.

It appears to us, from the text of the Book of Romans and from the logic of what is being stated by Paul, that by the term Law he is referring to the Ten Commandments and to related moral injunctions (Romans 7:2,7).

The substance of the discussion from Chapters One through Eight is the transgression of the Divine standards of moral righteousness, and the provision God has made under the new covenant for delivering people from the guilt and the power of the transgressions.

It seems clear that Paul is thinking about the moral conduct of human beings, especially of those in the lustful city of Rome—Jews and Gentiles alike. God has made a way of salvation through Christ that deals directly with the problem of such immoral, abominable behavior.

The Divine grace in Christ does not do away with the Law of God as though God has changed His standards for human behavior.

God and His eternal moral law, of which the Law of Moses is an abbreviated, negative part, never change. They are eternal. Sin is sin and the soul that sins shall die. This rule shall never be changed in any manner whatever.

Calvary does not demonstrate that God has changed His mind about what is right and what is wrong. Rather, the judgment that fell on Christ on the cross reveals to us the terrible consequences of immorality and lawlessness.

God never is indulgent toward the sins of Christians, as some appear to believe. Not at all. Some believers are rebuked and chastened by the Lord Jesus to their astonishment and dismay, shaking their trust in the goodness of God (I Corinthians 11:32, Revelation 3:19).

Every one of our sins was carried to the cross by the Lord Jesus Christ. Not one sin was overlooked. Not one was left unaccounted for. It is not true that God overlooks or is indulgent toward the sins of Christian people. A fearful price was paid for each sin of each person.

If we keep this thought in mind, we will not be so careless about committing sin. If we realize sins must be accounted for, and that our Lord Jesus had to bear them in His own body, we may not be so willing to add to Christ's burden and grief.

No, the Law was not whisked away by the Lord God of Heaven in a change of mood. The awful consequences of rebellion and immorality were paid to the last drop of agony, as the Lord Jesus descended into Hell under the crushing weight of our moral transgressions, our wickedness, our rebellion.

Therefore Calvary did not change the Law, it established the Law in that it revealed the terrible penalty for sin and then made it possible for those who believe to be forgiven. </p>

(from A Study Guide for the Book of Romans)