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The Kings From the East

And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. (Revelation 16:12)

If you listen you can hear them, the drums of El Shaddai, the distant thunder of the hoofs, the trumpets.

The earth is shaking. The sky is trembling. The sun and the moon grow dark. The stars no longer are shining. It is as dark as the day of crucifixion.

On the distant horizon two huge banners appear. Light streams from them, the only light in an ocean of blackness. One portrays a lamb that had been slain. On the other is emblazoned a ramping lion.

The holy light glints from the tips of spears stretching for a hundred miles. The great shields cover the white robes of the riders.

The mighty war stallions move forward majestically, relentlessly. The horses and riders are one in concentrated purpose, in fury. The heavenly host is irresistible.

In the lead a tremendous warrior on a powerful white stallion. Fire flames from His eyes. His robe is blood-red. Power comes from His mouth as a palpable force.

These all are dead-living warriors having been crucified and raised again. They are terrible in Divine righteousness. They cannot be frightened or bribed. They are uncompromising! Untouchable!

The army of God flows into the dried-up bed of the Euphrates. Some follow the river bed to cut off Antichrist on the north. Several battalions come straight across the desert, spears down ready for the charge.

Christ and several of His captains split off and follow the valley opened up by the earthquake preventing Antichrist from moving south.

Antichrist has a sea of blood at his back.

Now the charge begins. Three platoons of psychics attempt to block the Lord's army with metaphysical power. Their curses turn into poisonous spiders that crawl into their eyes, their mouths, their ears.

Computer-guided artillery fire nuclear warheads point blank at the warriors. They hit an invisible shield and the radioactivity released is driven back on Antichrist and his army by a strong east wind.

Canisters of poison gas hit the same shield and the fumes are blown back on the forces of evil.

Atomic missiles dropped by planes, guided by satellite stations, turn and begin to seek their own planes.

More confusion! A force field begins to affect Antichrist's computerized systems. The planes and rockets are disoriented. Computer-operated steering mechanisms of armored vehicles become unreliable and the tanks and armored cars run over their own soldiers. Communication is impossible. The world television stations that had been covering Israel pick up meaningless signals.

Antichrist tries to contact other nations for assistance but his message does not get through.

Antichrist's line of battle begins to waver. Then the men and women turn and flee in every direction in the darkness, throwing down their laser rifles. Antichrist and his officers curse their troops and kill some of them in an attempt to turn them around. But to no avail. The terror of God strikes the soldiers. Giant hailstones fall on them from the sky.

Now the first wave of cavalry hits the fleeing soldiers. Soon the field is covered with corpses heaped on corpses. Blood rises as a dark river. In a matter of hours there is no army remaining. The air is filled with birds coming to the carrion banquet.

The gentle Jesus would never do this? Read your Bible.

Now the Lord's army returns to Jerusalem. Amid the shouts of His captains and soldiers the Lord Jesus goes up to the Temple Mount and ascends the throne of David. There King David himself places the crown of all authority on the head of his greater Son.

As we see the wicked vaunting themselves in the earth, we know that the Day of the Lord is not far off. Where will you be then?


Words of Righteousness author Robert B. Thompson.