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"God so loved the world"!

The Royal Priesthood, the brothers and sisters of Christ, have been in the world to prepare them to receive the saved people of the world. The Royal Priesthood is the Kingdom that is being prepared for the "sheep" of the nations.

The inheritance of the Lord Jesus Christ is the nations and the farthest reaches of the earth. We are co-heirs with Christ. Our inheritance is not a mansion in the spirit Paradise. It is people and the earth. In the future it will be a new earth, but still the earth, not Heaven.

So we see the things that happen to us are getting us ready to bring the blessings of God to the saved people of the nations. God is so great, I believe it is true that God already knows what people will be assigned to you and to me.

I have spent a large portion of my adult life working with children in a public-school setting. I still hold three life credentials in the State of California: Elementary, Secondary, and General Administration. However my age disqualifies me from further work in the public schools.

I never was so happy as I was at that time. I hated to see the summer vacation come around, because I had no children to love and teach.

But the God of Heaven gave me those children to love, and I did, and enjoyed teaching them.

I enjoy also being a pastor and Bible teacher. I genuinely care for the people and appreciate their love for me. I am hoping that many of them will be able to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom after I am gone. I feel certain that they will. They have made it possible for me to spread the revelation that God gave me in 1948. They have encouraged and supported me.

So who knows what is ahead. Perhaps some work with children. Perhaps some opportunities to help believers in the spirit world come to a closer walk with Jesus, who has been my closest friend for seventy years.

So the great separation shall come at the end. The sheep shall be separated from the goats. The goats will go to be with Satan, whom they have served. The sheep will enter the Kingdom of God and a new earth, and be blessed by the New Jerusalem, that is to say, by the members of the Royal Priesthood.

Since you to whom I am writing are members of the Royal Priesthood, I exhort you to use the third day of redemption wisely. Jesus has great things for you if you will endure to the end.

Three Sources of Sin  (from Three Sources of Sin )
The World; the Sins of the Flesh; and the Sins of the Personality. These are the three areas of sin that seek to control our personality.

Seventy "sevens" are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy Place. (Daniel 9:24)

Can you picture living in the new world of righteousness in which there is no sin?

Did you know that it is in God's mind to put an end to sin? In fact, the purpose of creating the Kingdom of God is to put an end to sin and to bring in everlasting righteousness.

What is sin? Sin is rebellion against God's will. It is behavior that does not agree with God's moral image.

There are three aspects of sin: the guilt of sin; the desire to sin; the practice of sin. Please do not confuse the three aspects of sin with the three sources of sin, which is a different subject.

It appears to me that Christian teaching is occupied primarily with the guilt of sin. "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" is interpreted as meaning "takes away the guilt of the sin of the world."

This is not surprising in that the Gospel is presented in the New Testament as being for the purpose of removing the guilt of our sin. There are passages that deal with the craving and practice of sin, particularly with the coming Day of Redemption. Still, the emphasis from the first century to the present day is on removing the guilt of our sin.

Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." (Acts 2:38—NIV)

Actually, the reason God gives us His Spirit is so we can gain victory over sin. The Holy Spirit we have now is a down payment on the Day of Redemption when we are totally free from these three areas of spiritual darkness.

It may be noted that the Spirit of God is beginning to speak today about the removing of the bondages of sin.

The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. (Matthew 13:41—NIV)

It is understandable that forgiveness is a popular concept, in that the average person would like to please God if that is possible without too much inconvenience.

When God said, in Daniel 9:24, that He is going to put an end to sin, do you think God means that He is going to forgive all sin, or He is going to put an end to the desire and practice of sin? What is your answer to this question?

Put yourself in God's place. Which would be of greater benefit to God: to forgive all sin, or to remove the practice of sin?

Which would be of greater benefit to our fellow Christians: for God to forgive our sin, or to remove our sinning? How about when we are in Heaven?

Which would be of greater benefit to us: to forgive our sins, or to remove our desire to sin and our practice of sin?

Next Part Let's think for a moment about the Judgment Seat of Christ. Copyright © 2015 Robert B. Thompson. All Rights Reserved. </p> Sermons WOR