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(Created page with "==The Coming of the Royal Priesthood== <p><em>(a reaction to today's world news) </em></p> <p>I was vexed at what I have been reading in the newspaper. I teach our congregati...")
(The Coming of the Royal Priesthood)
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<p>I was vexed at what I have been reading in the newspaper. I teach our congregation that it displeases the Lord when we fret about the antics of evil people; but it is difficult to keep from fretting, isn't it, when we see our country being torn down? </p>
<p>I was vexed at what I have been reading in the newspaper. I teach our congregation that it displeases the Lord when we fret about the antics of evil people; but it is difficult to keep from fretting, isn't it, when we see our country being torn down? </p>
<p>While I was battling vexation and fretting, the following words came to me rather forcefully, sort of but not exactly like a poem. </p>
<p>While I was battling vexation and fretting, the following words came to me rather forcefully, sort of but not exactly like a poem. </p>
<strong><em>The Coming Royal Priesthood </em></strong></p>
<p><strong><em>The Coming Royal Priesthood </em></strong></p>
I heard in my soul what I thought was thunder.
I heard in my soul what I thought was thunder.
<p>No, I considered, it is the drums of <em>El Shaddai </em>. </p>
<p>No, I considered, it is the drums of <em>El Shaddai </em>. </p>

Latest revision as of 01:35, 16 November 2018

The Coming of the Royal Priesthood

(a reaction to today's world news)

I was vexed at what I have been reading in the newspaper. I teach our congregation that it displeases the Lord when we fret about the antics of evil people; but it is difficult to keep from fretting, isn't it, when we see our country being torn down?

While I was battling vexation and fretting, the following words came to me rather forcefully, sort of but not exactly like a poem.

The Coming Royal Priesthood

I heard in my soul what I thought was thunder.

No, I considered, it is the drums of El Shaddai .

That was not it either. It was the sound of the tramping of a million warriors marching on holy ground; bones long dead made alive.

It is the blessed, terrible advance of the Royal Priesthood!

God yet shall arise and breathe upon the slain of Israel.

They still are young but powerful in the Lord.

They shall establish the new righteous world of Jesus Christ.

Today the wicked sneer at the righteous.

They congratulate themselves and look around arrogantly.

They shall be as garbage; worthless, smelly dung.

They cannot stand before the army of the Lord.

The wicked shall be swept into Hell. The sulfurous odor of their burning will fill the Land of Darkness for many generations.

The children of the future will read of these dark days, the stuff of legends, when the wicked mocked the righteous.

God's rainbow promises shall shine for eternity, although the children of today are exposed to the abominations of the wicked.

The records of the current phantom scenes shall be filed in the Celestial Repository. But they must be guarded closely, lest a finger touch them and they resolve into wormy dust.

Such will be the memory of what seems permanent today..

"O wicked ones, you had best imagine your future, and turn and seek righteousness before there no longer is time.

"Where will you be found when the harps of Heaven have drowned forever the raucous horns of Hell?"

Then he said to me, "Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, 'This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.'" So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army. (Ezekiel 37:9,10)

Who is this "vast army"? It is Israel.

Who is Israel?

Israel is the Seed of Abraham.

Who is the one Seed of Abraham?

The one Seed of Abraham is the Lord Jesus Christ.

The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed . Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed," meaning one person, who is Christ. (Galatians 3:16)

The world of today appears to be turning against the land and people of Israel. Also, against the Lord Jesus and the Bible. It is fashionable to mock attempts at righteous behavior. Even in the Christian churches, anyone who preaches righteous behavior is often regarded as a "legalist".

One could gain the impression that the situation is hopeless. All hope of a Christian world is vain. The only solution seems to be an unscriptural "rapture" in which those who "accept Christ" are carried to Paradise, there to do nothing except praise God for thousands of years.

(Even Christians would not enjoy that sort of Heaven.)

The wicked are arrogant, vaunting themselves, being assured that their way of life is safe from all harm. The doctrine of evolution does away with the idea that men shall be judged for their sins. The only law, Christians say, is the "law of love."

The abortionists hear the ringing of their cash register. The entertainers strive to see who can display the most flesh without being arrested. The American people, once worshipers of the Lord Jesus Christ, are receiving another god, Allah , under the doctrine of "freedom of religion," not understanding that the militant devotees of Allah are committed to their destruction.

What a day! Is there any hope?

What does the Bible teach?

The Bible speaks in the Book of Ezekiel about the reviving of "dead bones."

Just who are the "dead bones"?

The dead bones are the whole house of Israel. Not the physical land and people of Israel, but the people—both Jews and Gentiles—who are part of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the one Seed of Abraham.

Who are included in the whole house of Israel?

Every human being who is part of the Lord Jesus Christ.

How do we become part of the Lord Jesus Christ?

By denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and obeying Jesus promptly, completely, and cheerfully for the rest of our life.

Are all people who attend a Christian Church part of the Lord Jesus Christ? Part of the whole house of Israel?

Next Part No, they are not.

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