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|False prophets
|Heavenly signs
|Seven Trumpets
|Trees injured

Revision as of 01:40, 24 September 2011

Understand! The Tribulation and the Day of the Lord are not synonymous! These are completely separate, different events. The Heavenly Signs come between the Tribulation, which precedes them, and The Day of the Lord, which follows them. (Although only Matthew 24:21, 29and Revelation 7:14 use the term “Great Tribulation,” at least thirty scriptures speak of it.)

The religious leaders of this world are in almost complete ignorance of how these three great earth-shattering events come—in what order they appear. Most believe them to be synonymous. They are not!

Chapter Outline

of the Book of Revelation

Chapter Story Flow
1 Introduction
2-3 Message to the Seven Church Eras
4-5 Prelude-Setting
6 First Six Seals
7 The Two Companies
8-10 The Trumpets
11 The Two Witnesses
12 The True Church
13 The Two Beasts
14 The Three Messages
15-16 The Seven Last Plagues
17-18 The Great False Church
19 The Return of Jesus Christ
20 The Millennium
21-21 New Heaven and New Earth

The Tribulation comes first. “Immediately after the tribulation” (Christ recorded) come the Heavenly Signs. These introduce the Day of the Lord (God’s Wrath), which is a separate period of events. We have seen how Joel, Zephaniah and Matthew have explained what Christ revealed in vision to John in the Revelation. By now, these great events should be clear.

Christ also taught His disciples, “...in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men...” (Mark 7:7-8). There are many “traditional,” but incorrect, views of prophecy.

More and more people are writing of prophecies they know nothing about. They ignore what God says, in order to promote time-honoured, empty theories—or even newer, more far-fetched ideas. I have just reviewed an article in a national magazine about much of what has been covered so far in this booklet. It demonstrates appalling ignorance of even the most basic facts of scriptures pertaining to end-time prophecies. Yet the article shows that almost three out of five Americans (scores of millions) believe that the mixed-up jumble of ideas it references about Revelation will soon come true, but only in some inexplicable, mysterious way. Millions of other professing Christians, no doubt because they either do not care or are confused, reject anything to do with prophecy! Either way, people remain ignorant.

Story flow

of the book of Revelation





FIRST False prophets
THIRD Famine
FOURTH Pestilence
FIFTH Tribulation
SIXTH Heavenly signs
SEVENTH Seven Trumpets 1st Trees injured