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==[[File:Page.png]] August's featured article<span style="font-size:85%; font-weight:normal;">==
===Behavior Matters-===
Many modern doctrines say that it’s okay with God if we sin. Now, Satan is wise enough to not be that blunt. So he has given us subtle doctrines which on the surface appear true and scriptural. But logically they infer that it’s okay to sin, but they never explicitly say that. Since most people do not logically think through consequences, but simply accept what they are taught, these doctrines lodge into the back corners of their minds. Satan knows that when such people are tempted to sin, that they will have no reason to say "No" to sin. Their defenses have been removed by Satan’s popular lies that surreptitiously teach that nothing bad will happen to us if we sin.
Satan’s goal is to make Christians sin. He knows that a sinful Christian can not enter God’s kingdom (Gal 5:21, "those who do such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God"). Thus, Satan is removing rulers who will replace Satan’s rule on earth, thus delaying the overthrow Satan’s kingdom. To prevent his overthrow, Satan desperately wants to destroy those who are to replace him. Thus, he desperately tries to make Christians sin.
And I must admit that he has been surprisingly successful. American and Europe have reached the point where even many Christians do not know that sex outside of marriage is sin. Because the Christians’ light of good behavior has gone out, the non-Christians have no concept of sin, and simply assume that sex outside of marriage is fine. The AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa is due to rampant fornication, and the decades of missionary effort there have clearly failed to prevent that. Why? Because the missionaries unwittingly taught the Africans that it’s okay to sin. So they are sinning.
As a result of the lies, we Christians have lost the fear of God. Jesus taught, "I’ll tell you who to fear: Fear Him who has power to cast body and soul into Hell." We’ve lost this healthy fear of God’s judgment, and so our country has lost it too.
Many years ago, the following words entered my mind: "Religious leaders are usually wrong. Jesus blasted the religious leaders of his day. They were wrong through the middle ages. And they are wrong today. So you must think for yourself, and not merely believe what they tell you." I don’t know if this was the Lord speaking to me, but I think it’s true either way. Much of what religious leaders teach these days is wrong. We must not unthinkingly believe them, because Satan has mixed and supplanted God’s truth with his lies.
Let’s look at some of the lies which Satan has infiltrated into Christian teaching. These lies all have the same logical conclusion: Nothing bad will happen to you if you sin, so it’s okay to sin.
'''Lie: All our righteousness is imputed.'''
The concept of imputed righteousness is only taught by Paul in Romans chapters 3-5. Romans 4:7-8 equates imputed righteousness with forgiveness. And that is because there is a place for forgiveness; how else could we get a fresh start when we repent and turn to God? Romans 3:25 states that he has forgiven our past sins. Imputed righteousness is needed at the beginning to get the guilt behind us so we can get started with serving God righteously.
But Satan has pushed imputed righteousness far beyond its boundary of a fresh start after repentance. Interestingly, Paul teaches us about imputed sin in Romans 3-5 also, but you’ve never heard it taught in your church. Look at Romans 5:13, "but sin is not imputed when there is no law" (KJV). The flip side of this verse says that sin is imputed when there is law. That is, if you know an action is sin, and you do it anyway, God will consider you guilty of sin (i.e., impute sin to you). The Bible explicitly says this in James 4:17, "to him who knows to do good, and doesn’t do it, to him it is sin". And also Hebrews 10:26, "If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there is no more sacrifice for sin."
An important question is: What happens if we sin accidentally? Let’s say you were suddenly tempted and before you knew it, you had sinned. First John 1:9 gives the answer: Confess the sin (repentance is implicit in this), and God will forgive you and clean that sin out of you.
What is imputation? Imputation simply means how God considers us. God imputes sin when we knowingly sin. God imputes righteousness when we repent of sin. He also imputes righteousness to us when we do His will, be it large or small. For example, in Romans 4:22-24, righteousness was imputed to Abraham because he did what God wanted of him, which was to believe His promise.
Finally, what about deliberate sin (which God imputes as sin), if we repent afterwards? If we deliberately sin and repent, He might forgive us, He might not. Deliberate sin is a dangerous area, as King David discovered the hard way after sinning with Bathsheba, when God said, "The sword will never leave your house." David suffered badly for that! If God is good to you, he’ll give you so much suffering that you’ll sorely wish you had never sinned. If God is not good to you, He simply won’t forgive you of the deliberate sin
'''Lie: Repentance means feeling sorry.'''
No, repentance means that you refuse to sin again. In fact, there will probably be no feeling at all associated with your repentance. There wasn’t for me when I started serving God, nor when I repented of a sin later. In fact, rather than feeling sorry, your flesh may be feeling good about having sinned. Ignore feelings.
What is repentance? Repentance is the decision of "never again" in your heart. "I will never do that again."
'''Lie: God sees us through Christ.'''
The Bible does not say or imply this anywhere. It’s something new that Satan has sneaked into Christian teaching. Instead, every letter to the Christian churches in Revelation say "I know your works." God was not seeing those Christians through Christ. Nor does He see us through Christ. He sees everything we do, just as He stated. But think about what this lie is saying: Suppose God actually were to see Christ’s righteousness when we’re actually sinning. Then we would not be punished for our sin, which in essence means that it’s okay to sin. So the logical conclusion of this doctrine is that it’s okay to sin.
===To Read More [[Behavior Matters]]===
==Euthanasia backed by former Archbishop==
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Cary has changed his stance on the legalisation of assisted death of the terminally-ill on humanitarian grounds.
To Read More [[Euthanasia backed by former Archbishop]]
==Israel Tells Hamas: "The Gloves Are OFF!" | Gaza Gets a BEATING!==
The blood moon tetrad has begun. Just as expected, it is a sign of war. War between Israel and her blood-thirsty neighbors is taking shape to fulfill Bible Prophecy just prior to the return of the true Messiah to Earth.
==Middle-East Showdown | ISIS & The Threat of Jihad==
The Middle-East is a lit powder keg right now unlike any other time in history. The war on terror has failed miserably. Its failure has given rise to new powerful terror armies hell-bent on destroying all who resist. Iran is preparing nuclear weapons. Their end-game ... annihilate Israel and America and conquer the world. This exact scenario was penned thousands of years in advance in the Holy Scriptures. Are you aware? Are you ready? Is your soul saved?
Although it wasn't the focus of the video, so much ... the obvious conclusion is that with all of these signs here, the rapture of true believers is about occur. HalleluYah and Maranatha!
'''Please LIKE & SHARE! More at http://erfministries.com'''
==Vatican Invokes Satanic Qur'an on Pentecost | Rise of the Global Religion==
For the first time in history, Islamic prayers and readings from the Qur'an will be heard at the Vatican, in a move by Pope Francis to usher in peace between Israelis and Palestinians. What does this mean according to Bible prophecy? Scottie once again shares his informative thoughts in this provocative presentation.
==Prophecy of the Popes FULFILLED! | Pope Francis IS Petrus Romanus!!==
'''PLEASE SHARE THIS!''' - Did St. Maclachy's 112th prophecy of the final pope fail because the new pope named himself Pope Francis and not "Peter the Roman"? In this presentation, Scottie breaks down the facts and shows you some very enlightening information that you may not have known. The False Prophet of apocalyptic fame may very well be in power in Rome after all! Keep a watchful eye on him. We shall soon see.
==Bible Prophecy | Peace, Safety & SUDDEN DESTRUCTION==
Isn't there something in the bible about a middle-east peace agreement? Yes! There sure is and it is one of the events near the rapture and right before the end of the age. In this presentation, Scottie unveils the prophetic scriptures related to the events that are happening on the world stage as you read this and what is next! This is a fascinating video, friends. Do not miss it! Please like it and click the "share" button as well!
==Christian bakery criticised by new NI minister==
The Christian bakers who are facing legal action for declining to decorate a pro-gay marriage campaign cake
acted against the law, a new minister at the Northern Ireland Office has suggested.
MP Andrew Murrison said that businesses should "comply with the law" which "prevents discrimination against gay people".
- See more at: http://www.mychristiandaily.com/index.php/uk/177-news-item-2-uk-europe/11483-christian-bakery-criticised-by-new-ni-minister#sthash.4mBksqjm.dpuf
==Global protests against ISIS attack on Christians in Iraqi==
Protests are ramping up around the world against Islamic extremists who have purged Iraqi Christians from lands they have inhabited for 2,000 years.
See more at: http://www.mychristiandaily.com/index.php/uk/178-news-item-3-uk-europe/11484-global-protests-against-isis-attack-on-christians-in-iraqi#sthash.9KyNn7Vk.dpuf
==Israeli wedding hall remains closed after Christians ordered to host 'gay' ceremonies==
A wedding site inside a kibbutz for Messianic Jews remains closed after an Israeli appeals court upheld a lower court's order that the Christian owners at the facility must host same-sex ceremonies despite their biblical beliefs -
See more at: http://www.mychristiandaily.com/index.php/uk/186-generic-news-5-7/11492-israeli-wedding-hall-remains-closed-after-christians-ordered-to-host-gay-ceremonies#sthash.zvz0a3ZH.dpuf
==Is Jesus unique? How to answer the 'are all religions the same' question==
Jesus was always being asked questions. He also answered people with questions. And questions about whether Jesus is unique are not new.-
See more at: http://www.mychristiandaily.com/index.php/feature/11486-is-jesus-unique-how-to-answer-the-are-all-religions-the-same-question#sthash.ImSfZqCY.dpuf
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==Attorneys represent UK Christian disciplined as 'bully' for sharing her faith==
See more at: http://www.mychristiandaily.com/index.php/uk/179-news-item-4-uk-europe/11533-attorneys-represent-uk-christian-disciplined-as-bully-for-sharing-her-faith#sthash.ytVry8sy.dpuf
==British gov't to fund sperm bank for lesbians and single women==
See more at: http://www.mychristiandaily.com/index.php/uk/177-news-item-2-uk-europe/11531-british-gov-t-to-fund-sperm-bank-for-lesbians-and-single-women#sthash.4V5Y6x1R.dpuf
==Bishop of Gloucester questioned by police over assault allegations==
See more at: http://www.mychristiandaily.com/index.php/uk/176-news-item-1-uk-europe/11514-bishop-of-gloucester-questioned-by-police-over-assault-allegations#sthash.JMmdcskN.dpuf
==Mid-East Prophecy Update – August 3rd, 2014==
Published on 3 Aug 2014
Pastor J.D. talks about the Christian’s attitude towards the lawlessness and strong delusion already at work as it relates to the world’s condemnation of Israel and admiration of Hamas.
==Rowan Williams: Islam Restores Traditional British Values==
==Netanyahu to World Leaders: "Stand With Israel"==
Israel's prime minister has warned Hamas that it will pay an intolerable price if it continues to fire rockets at Israel and that Israeli troops will operate as long as necessary to restore calm for Israeli citizens. (Aug. 2)
==One Week In The Life Of Israel | Land For Peace?==
Published on 30 Jul 2014
More at http://erfministries.com
If you are not an anti-Semite enemy of YHWH, Please Like & Share. Thank you.
==2014 July 25 Breaking News Israel Jewish State Crisis Iran supported Terrorist Group Hamas War==
==Glenn Beck's Message to Israel | "Glenn Beck Radio Program"==
'''MUST WATCH THIS----------'''
==ILLUMINATI PLANS 2014 - To Kill Billion People ( NEW WORLD ORDER 2014 )==
==Breaking News New World Order ALERT RIMPAC2014 international Military exercise==
Published on 25 Jun 2014
2014 July 20 NWO GLOBALIZATION ALERT China attending RIMPAC2014 world's largest international Military exercise 23 nations will participate in the 2014 RIMPAC Part 1 http://www.china.org.cn/world/2014-06...
==July 20 Worldwide Protest Palestinians in Gaza the Israel Jewish Crisis==
Chicago & the World Protest Collective Punishment of Palestinians - Israel Jewish Crisis military clashes with Iran supported terrorist group Hamas conflict civilians in crossfire as Hamas uses civilians as shields
==Gaza is Burning: Here's What the Corporate Media isn't Telling You==
==Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians==
==The Plight of the Muslim: the Great Cost of Following Christ==
'''[[The Plight of the Muslim: the Great Cost of Following Christ]]'''
==Iraq Under Siege By U.S. Funded Terrorists==
==UK Catholic diocese funds agency that offers gay adoptions==
[[UK Catholic diocese funds agency that offers gay adoptions]]
==ISIS ISIL - Middle East Events in Light of Biblical Prophecy==
==ISIS Militants in Iraq in Bible Prophecy==
==ISIS The Start of World War III? David Icke==
==ISIS EXPOSED 100% AS CIA OPERATION: "The Next Bin Laden is Here" - Don't Be Fooled==
==Elton: Why Jesus Would Back Gay Marriage==
In an exclusive chat with Sky's Dermot Murnaghan, Elton John explains why he loves the Pope - and reveals plans for his wedding.
'''Must SEE''' '''[[Middle-East Showdown | ISIS & The Threat of Jihad]]'''
==The Kind of Worship God Desires, Part 1 (Selected Scriptures)==
Again, as always, our hearts are greatly encouraged in the testimonies that we hear from those who are confessing their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. And I was reminded, as I was listening again, of the text of Luke 15 where our Lord Himself talks about the joy of God in heaven when one sinner repents. Heaven celebrates that glorious conversion, and so should we. It is the supreme experience of the church to see the fruit of gospel effort here in the very life of the church. What a great joy. Makes these Sunday nights so special because of every testimony being so unique.
==Why I Need A Savior==
'''By Scott Clarke'''
If you wish to escape the coming final judgement to eternal fire and torment, you simply need to accept the Father's free gift. Messiah (Jesus) died for the sins of everyone who accepts Him as their Savior.
This video will walk you through the authoritative requirements to gain eternal life in Heaven.
'''[[People are not born gay, affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists]]'''
''''[[Pregnant woman stoned to death by family]]''''
'''[[THE END IS NEAR]] '''Click Link'''
'''[[Creation and the Flood]]'''
'''[[Spiritual Forces of the Last Days,]]'''
==Come To Jesus.wmv==
"Come To Jesus" sung by the choir of Shadow Mountain Community Church, El Cajon/CA
a worship service from the Headquarters of the teaching ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah
==The Global Flood: How It May Have ACTUALLY Happened!==
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was on the earth forty days and forty nights.
Genesis 7:11-12
Have you ever wondered how this may have actually happened?
Walt Brown Ph.D. has the best scientific theory about it in my opinion. I thought I would pass this on in hopes of helping to battle the ridiculous lie of evolution.
Thank you for watching and YHWH bless you,
P.S. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
Broken Bad: 12 shocking mugshots of ravaged drug ...
'''This is what happen's to you if you take DRUGS?????????'''
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Do you have a called of God ministry where your whole purpose is to '''"feed the sheep"''', and God '''supplies your needs''', or do you have books, tapes, videos, etc. that you '''SELL''' for a "donation", or just outright '''SELL''', and your buyers supply your needs?
There is nothing wrong with being in business and selling things. However, if you are a church or any kind of "ministry", you may want to check your motive for how you are conducting the work of the Lord.
'''Remember the money changers in the temple where JESUS turned over the tables and threw them out. They were selling things in the "CHURCH"'''. '''(God made it quite clear to us that we were not to charge for anything, that HE was our source.)'''
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Latest revision as of 13:34, 1 September 2023