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1.Read 1 John 4:17.<br/>
1.Read 1 John 4:17.<br/>
2. What is it that lifts us from the power of Satan? <br/>'''The indestructible, endless resurrection power of Christ lifts us from the power of Satan.'''<br/>
2. What is it that lifts us from the power of Satan? <br/>'''The indestructible, endless resurrection power of Christ lifts us from the power of Satan.'''<br/>
3. What two graces does the Holy Spirit impart to us?<br/>'''The desire to overcome sin, and the necessary wisdom and strength to cleanse ourselves from all unrighteousness.'''<br/>
3. What two graces does the Holy Spirit impart to us?<br/>'''The desire to overcome sin, and the necessary wisdom and strength to cleanse ourselves from all unrighteousness.'''<br/>
4. What is portrayed by water baptism?<br/>'''Separation from the sin and rebellion of the world and of the flesh, through Christ's atoning death and victorious resurrection.'''<br/>
4. What is portrayed by water baptism?<br/>'''Separation from the sin and rebellion of the world and of the flesh, through Christ's atoning death and victorious resurrection.'''<br/>
5. In what two areas are we one with the Lord Jesus Christ?<br/>'''His death and His resurrection.'''<br/>
''Shall we continue in sin?''<br/>
5. In what two areas are we one with the Lord Jesus Christ?<br/>'''His death and His resurrection.'''
6. Read Romans 6:1<br/> 
=='''Shall we continue in sin?'''==
6. Read Romans 6:
7. What do the authority and power of our union with the death and resurrection of Christ enable us to do?<br/>'''To choose to live righteously.'''<br/>
7. What do the authority and power of our union with the death and resurrection of Christ enable us to do?<br/>'''To choose to live righteously.'''<br/>
8. What is Chapter Six of Romans?<br/>'''A safeguard inserted by the Holy Spirit.'''<br/>
8. What is Chapter Six of Romans?<br/>'''A safeguard inserted by the Holy Spirit.'''<br/>
9. What is the purpose of Chapter Six of Romans?<br/>'''To prevent a wrong conclusion, on the part of the Gentiles, from Paul's argument concerning the gift of grace—an argument directed toward Judaizers who were forcing circumcision and other works of the Law of Moses on Gentile converts.'''<br/>
9. What is the purpose of Chapter Six of Romans?<br/>'''To prevent a wrong conclusion, on the part of the Gentiles, from Paul's argument concerning the gift of grace—an argument directed toward Judaizers who were forcing circumcision and other works of the Law of Moses on Gentile converts.'''<br/>
10. What must be understood and accepted before we can make progress in overcoming sin?<br/>'''The gift of justification.'''<br/>
10. What must be understood and accepted before we can make progress in overcoming sin?<br/>'''The gift of justification.'''<br/>
11. What does the Holy Spirit do as we follow Him?<br/>'''He destroys sin and self-seeking from us and creates the dwelling place of God through Christ in us.'''<br/>
11. What does the Holy Spirit do as we follow Him?<br/>'''He destroys sin and self-seeking from us and creates the dwelling place of God through Christ in us.'''<br/>
12. What is God's purpose in forgiving us?<br/>'''That we may be changed into the image of Christ, provide a house for God, and be the means of accomplishing other goals that are part of His eternal plan in Christ.'''<br/>
12. What is God's purpose in forgiving us?<br/>'''That we may be changed into the image of Christ, provide a house for God, and be the means of accomplishing other goals that are part of His eternal plan in Christ.'''<br/>
13. Read Romans 6:3.<br/> 
13. Read Romans 6:3.
14. How closely are we to be identified with Christ?<br/>'''All that He Is we are to become, in personality and in inheritance.'''<br/>
14. How closely are we to be identified with Christ?<br/>'''All that He Is we are to become, in personality and in inheritance.'''<br/>
15. What do we enter when we are baptised in water?<br/>'''Christ's death and Christ's resurrection, not our own death and resurrection. We enter the suffering and death, and the power of the resurrection life, of the Lord Jesus Christ'''<br/>
15. What do we enter when we are baptised in water?<br/>'''Christ's death and Christ's resurrection, not our own death and resurrection. We enter the suffering and death, and the power of the resurrection life, of the Lord Jesus Christ'''<br/>
16. What is necessary for the life of victorious discipleship?<br/>'''The full identification of the believer with the death and the resurrection of Christ.'''<br/>
16. What is necessary for the life of victorious discipleship?<br/>'''The full identification of the believer with the death and the resurrection of Christ.'''<br/>
17. Read Romans 6:6.<br/> 
17. Read Romans 6:6. 
18. What do we assign to the cross?<br/>'''Our whole first personality.'''<br/>
18. What do we assign to the cross?<br/>'''Our whole first personality.'''<br/>
19. How much of our personality is God saving from the first creation?<br/>'''Nothing.'''<br/>
19. How much of our personality is God saving from the first creation?<br/>'''Nothing.'''<br/>
20. Read 2 Corinthians 5:16.<br/> 
20. Read 2 Corinthians 5:16. 
21. What legal freedom do we receive as a result of our death on the cross with Christ?<br/>'''Freedom from the jurisdiction of the Law of Moses.'''<br/>
21. What legal freedom do we receive as a result of our death on the cross with Christ?<br/>'''Freedom from the jurisdiction of the Law of Moses.'''<br/>
22. What results from our death to sin and self?<br/>'''A new creation—the Word of God, created by the penetration of Christ's death and resurrection into every aspect of what we are.'''<br/>
22. What results from our death to sin and self?<br/>'''A new creation—the Word of God, created by the penetration of Christ's death and resurrection into every aspect of what we are.'''<br/>
23. What is made possible by our willingness to assign our first self to the cross with Christ?<br/>'''A resurrection, a new creation in Christ in which all things have been made new&mdash completely new—and are of God.'''<br/>
23. What is made possible by our willingness to assign our first self to the cross with Christ?<br/>'''A resurrection, a new creation in Christ in which all things have been made new&mdash completely new—and are of God.'''<br/>
24. What is the only route to resurrection life?<br/>'''The cross.'''<br/>
24. What is the only route to resurrection life?<br/>'''The cross.'''<br/>
25. What is the purpose of our crucifixion with Christ?<br/>'''That the adamic nature in us may be rendered powerless so we may conduct ourselves in the righteous, holy, and obedient manner that is pleasing to God and that springs from and results in eternal life.'''<br/>
26. Read Romans 6:4.<br/> 
25. What is the purpose of our crucifixion with Christ?<br/>'''That the adamic nature in us may be rendered powerless so we may conduct ourselves in the righteous, holy, and obedient manner that is pleasing to God and that springs from and results in eternal life.'''
26. Read Romans 6:4.
=='''Newness of life.'''==
''Newness of life.''<br/>
27. If we are willing for our first personality to be buried with Christ, for what do we then become eligible?<br/>'''The fullness of the glory of the Father—the glory that enters those who are crucified with Christ.'''<br/>
27. If we are willing for our first personality to be buried with Christ, for what do we then become eligible?<br/>'''The fullness of the glory of the Father—the glory that enters those who are crucified with Christ.'''<br/>
28. Read Romans 6:5.<br/> 
28. Read Romans 6:5.
29. What is God's plan for each member of the Body of Christ?<br/>'''That each member of the Church, the Body of Christ, the Temple of God, be resurrected and filled to overflowing with Divine Life in spirit, in soul, and in body.'''<br/>
29. What is God's plan for each member of the Body of Christ?<br/>'''That each member of the Church, the Body of Christ, the Temple of God, be resurrected and filled to overflowing with Divine Life in spirit, in soul, and in body.'''<br/>
30. What does total resurrection require?<br/>'''Acceptance of and cooperation with the death and resurrection that God requires of us.'''<br/>
30. What does total resurrection require?<br/>'''Acceptance of and cooperation with the death and resurrection that God requires of us.'''<br/>
31. What may happen to us if we lose sight of the fact that we are one with Christ in His crucifixion and His victorious resurrection?<br/>'''We may become discouraged quickly in our attempts to live the overcoming life.'''<br/>
31. What may happen to us if we lose sight of the fact that we are one with Christ in His crucifixion and His victorious resurrection?<br/>'''We may become discouraged quickly in our attempts to live the overcoming life.'''<br/>
32. Is it possible to overemphasize our dependence on the righteousness of Christ?<br/>'''Yes.'''<br/>
32. Is it possible to overemphasize our dependence on the righteousness of Christ?<br/>'''Yes.'''<br/>
33. What must we do in addition to crying, Lord! Lord!?<br/>'''We must do what He says.'''<br/>
33. What must we do in addition to crying, Lord! Lord!?<br/>'''We must do what He says.'''<br/>
34. What will come into being if we truly are in Christ?<br/>'''There will be a visible outworking of the Life of Christ in us if we truly are in Him.'''<br/>
34. What will come into being if we truly are in Christ?<br/>'''There will be a visible outworking of the Life of Christ in us if we truly are in Him.'''<br/>
35. How are we to live? <br/>'''As though we have been raised from the dead.'''<br/>
35. How are we to live? <br/>'''As though we have been raised from the dead.'''<br/>
36. Read Romans 6:13.<br/> 
36. Read Romans 6:13. 
37. What are Christians free to do?<br/>'''To choose to yield our "members servants to righteousness unto holiness."'''<br/>
37. What are Christians free to do?<br/>'''To choose to yield our "members servants to righteousness unto holiness."'''<br/>
38. What does being saved and baptised in water mean?<br/>'''That God has forgiven our sins through Christ and now expects us, by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, to choose to put away sinful behaviourand to conduct ourselves in purity of deed, word, and thought.'''<br/>
38. What does being saved and baptised in water mean?<br/>'''That God has forgiven our sins through Christ and now expects us, by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, to choose to put away sinful behaviourand to conduct ourselves in purity of deed, word, and thought.'''<br/>
39. What takes place as we choose to serve God and not Satan?<br/>'''We bear the fruit of holiness of conduct.'''<br/>
39. What takes place as we choose to serve God and not Satan?<br/>'''We bear the fruit of holiness of conduct.'''<br/>
40. What is the end result of holy conduct?<br/>'''Eternal life.'''<br/>
40. What is the end result of holy conduct?<br/>'''Eternal life.'''<br/>
''Hidden with Christ in God.''<br/>
=='''Hidden with Christ in God.'''==
41. What happens as soon as we are saved?<br/>'''We are raised spiritually to sit with Christ on the highest throne of the universe, far above the forces of darkness, far above every other authority—wicked or righteous.'''<br/>
41. What happens as soon as we are saved?<br/>'''We are raised spiritually to sit with Christ on the highest throne of the universe, far above the forces of darkness, far above every other authority—wicked or righteous.'''<br/>
42. Read Ephesians 1:19-21; Eph 2:6.<br/> 
42. Read Ephesians 1:19-21; Eph 2:6. 
43. Where is the "problem" of the saint located?<br/>'''In our life in our physical body on the earth.'''<br/>
43. Where is the "problem" of the saint located?<br/>'''In our life in our physical body on the earth.'''<br/>
44. What is the true Christian discipleship?<br/>'''Choosing each day to walk on the earth according to our new born-again spiritual nature that is in Christ at the right hand of God, rather than according to the lusts of our flesh and mind that tempt us while we are on the earth.'''<br/>
44. What is the true Christian discipleship?<br/>'''Choosing each day to walk on the earth according to our new born-again spiritual nature that is in Christ at the right hand of God, rather than according to the lusts of our flesh and mind that tempt us while we are on the earth.'''<br/>
45. Who decides whether we live according to the appetites of our body and soul or in the Spirit?'''<br/>We do.'''<br/>
45. Who decides whether we live according to the appetites of our body and soul or in the Spirit?'''<br/>We do.'''<br/>
46. What will happen if we choose to follow our flesh?<br/>'''We will die spiritually. We will not attain the resurrection life that comes to those who choose to live according to the Spirit of God.'''<br/>
46. What will happen if we choose to follow our flesh?<br/>'''We will die spiritually. We will not attain the resurrection life that comes to those who choose to live according to the Spirit of God.'''<br/>
47. What is our task while we are alive on the earth?<br/>'''To keep looking toward our spiritual position in Christ in the heavenlies; and by faith in God's Word, and by the strengthening that comes from the Holy Spirit, to bring the Divine Life down into our actions, our thoughts, and our speech.'''<br/>
47. What is our task while we are alive on the earth?<br/>'''To keep looking toward our spiritual position in Christ in the heavenlies; and by faith in God's Word, and by the strengthening that comes from the Holy Spirit, to bring the Divine Life down into our actions, our thoughts, and our speech.'''<br/>
48. What should our behaviour on the earth reflect?<br/>'''Our position in Christ at the right hand of God in Heaven.'''<br/>
48. What should our behaviour on the earth reflect?<br/>'''Our position in Christ at the right hand of God in Heaven.'''<br/>
49. Read Colossians 3:1-3.<br/> 
49. Read Colossians 3:1-3.
50. What will happen to us when the Lord Jesus returns?<br/>'''There will be a reconciliation of our heavenly life with our bodily life on the earth, provided we do not destroy our new spiritual nature meanwhile by living in the flesh.'''<br/>
50. What will happen to us when the Lord Jesus returns?<br/>'''There will be a reconciliation of our heavenly life with our bodily life on the earth, provided we do not destroy our new spiritual nature meanwhile by living in the flesh.'''<br/>
51. Read Colossians 3:4.<br/> 
51. Read Colossians 3:4.
52.When will the sons of God be revealed?<br/>'''At the appearing of the Lord from Heaven.'''<br/>
52.When will the sons of God be revealed?<br/>'''At the appearing of the Lord from Heaven.'''<br/>
53.Read Colossians 3:5; Col 3:8-10.<br/>
53.Read Colossians 3:5; Col 3:8-10.
54. Where does Christ always abide?<br/>'''At the right hand of the Father.'''<br/>
54. Where does Christ always abide?<br/>'''At the right hand of the Father.'''<br/>
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55. Where should we place our affections and interests?<br/>'''At the right hand of God.'''<br/>
55. Where should we place our affections and interests?<br/>'''At the right hand of God.'''<br/>
[[The Holy Spirit Becomes the Life of the Believer]]
[[Category:Studies and Guides]]
[[The Holy Spirit Becomes the Life of the Believer]]

Latest revision as of 14:20, 26 January 2011

1.Read 1 John 4:17.

2. What is it that lifts us from the power of Satan?
The indestructible, endless resurrection power of Christ lifts us from the power of Satan.

3. What two graces does the Holy Spirit impart to us?
The desire to overcome sin, and the necessary wisdom and strength to cleanse ourselves from all unrighteousness.

4. What is portrayed by water baptism?
Separation from the sin and rebellion of the world and of the flesh, through Christ's atoning death and victorious resurrection.

5. In what two areas are we one with the Lord Jesus Christ?
His death and His resurrection.

Shall we continue in sin?

6. Read Romans 6:1 

7. What do the authority and power of our union with the death and resurrection of Christ enable us to do?
To choose to live righteously.

8. What is Chapter Six of Romans?
A safeguard inserted by the Holy Spirit.

9. What is the purpose of Chapter Six of Romans?
To prevent a wrong conclusion, on the part of the Gentiles, from Paul's argument concerning the gift of grace—an argument directed toward Judaizers who were forcing circumcision and other works of the Law of Moses on Gentile converts.

10. What must be understood and accepted before we can make progress in overcoming sin?
The gift of justification.

11. What does the Holy Spirit do as we follow Him?
He destroys sin and self-seeking from us and creates the dwelling place of God through Christ in us.

12. What is God's purpose in forgiving us?
That we may be changed into the image of Christ, provide a house for God, and be the means of accomplishing other goals that are part of His eternal plan in Christ.

13. Read Romans 6:3.

14. How closely are we to be identified with Christ?
All that He Is we are to become, in personality and in inheritance.

15. What do we enter when we are baptised in water?
Christ's death and Christ's resurrection, not our own death and resurrection. We enter the suffering and death, and the power of the resurrection life, of the Lord Jesus Christ

16. What is necessary for the life of victorious discipleship?
The full identification of the believer with the death and the resurrection of Christ.

17. Read Romans 6:6. 

18. What do we assign to the cross?
Our whole first personality.

19. How much of our personality is God saving from the first creation?

20. Read 2 Corinthians 5:16. 

21. What legal freedom do we receive as a result of our death on the cross with Christ?
Freedom from the jurisdiction of the Law of Moses.

22. What results from our death to sin and self?
A new creation—the Word of God, created by the penetration of Christ's death and resurrection into every aspect of what we are.

23. What is made possible by our willingness to assign our first self to the cross with Christ?
A resurrection, a new creation in Christ in which all things have been made new&mdash completely new—and are of God.

24. What is the only route to resurrection life?
The cross.

25. What is the purpose of our crucifixion with Christ?
That the adamic nature in us may be rendered powerless so we may conduct ourselves in the righteous, holy, and obedient manner that is pleasing to God and that springs from and results in eternal life.

26. Read Romans 6:4.

Newness of life.

27. If we are willing for our first personality to be buried with Christ, for what do we then become eligible?
The fullness of the glory of the Father—the glory that enters those who are crucified with Christ.

28. Read Romans 6:5.

29. What is God's plan for each member of the Body of Christ?
That each member of the Church, the Body of Christ, the Temple of God, be resurrected and filled to overflowing with Divine Life in spirit, in soul, and in body.

30. What does total resurrection require?
Acceptance of and cooperation with the death and resurrection that God requires of us.

31. What may happen to us if we lose sight of the fact that we are one with Christ in His crucifixion and His victorious resurrection?
We may become discouraged quickly in our attempts to live the overcoming life.

32. Is it possible to overemphasize our dependence on the righteousness of Christ?

33. What must we do in addition to crying, Lord! Lord!?
We must do what He says.

34. What will come into being if we truly are in Christ?
There will be a visible outworking of the Life of Christ in us if we truly are in Him.

35. How are we to live?
As though we have been raised from the dead.

36. Read Romans 6:13. 

37. What are Christians free to do?
To choose to yield our "members servants to righteousness unto holiness."

38. What does being saved and baptised in water mean?
That God has forgiven our sins through Christ and now expects us, by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, to choose to put away sinful behaviourand to conduct ourselves in purity of deed, word, and thought.

39. What takes place as we choose to serve God and not Satan?
We bear the fruit of holiness of conduct.

40. What is the end result of holy conduct?
Eternal life.

Hidden with Christ in God.

41. What happens as soon as we are saved?
We are raised spiritually to sit with Christ on the highest throne of the universe, far above the forces of darkness, far above every other authority—wicked or righteous.

42. Read Ephesians 1:19-21; Eph 2:6. 

43. Where is the "problem" of the saint located?
In our life in our physical body on the earth.

44. What is the true Christian discipleship?
Choosing each day to walk on the earth according to our new born-again spiritual nature that is in Christ at the right hand of God, rather than according to the lusts of our flesh and mind that tempt us while we are on the earth.

45. Who decides whether we live according to the appetites of our body and soul or in the Spirit?
We do.

46. What will happen if we choose to follow our flesh?
We will die spiritually. We will not attain the resurrection life that comes to those who choose to live according to the Spirit of God.

47. What is our task while we are alive on the earth?
To keep looking toward our spiritual position in Christ in the heavenlies; and by faith in God's Word, and by the strengthening that comes from the Holy Spirit, to bring the Divine Life down into our actions, our thoughts, and our speech.

48. What should our behaviour on the earth reflect?
Our position in Christ at the right hand of God in Heaven.

49. Read Colossians 3:1-3.

50. What will happen to us when the Lord Jesus returns?
There will be a reconciliation of our heavenly life with our bodily life on the earth, provided we do not destroy our new spiritual nature meanwhile by living in the flesh.

51. Read Colossians 3:4.

52.When will the sons of God be revealed?
At the appearing of the Lord from Heaven.

53.Read Colossians 3:5; Col 3:8-10.

54. Where does Christ always abide?
At the right hand of the Father.

55. Where should we place our affections and interests?
At the right hand of God.

The Holy Spirit Becomes the Life of the Believer