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If you are a Christian... you must cast out demons, and heal the sick!
'''If you are a Christian... you must cast out demons, and heal the sick!'''
These are the words and promises of Jesus to all who believe:
These are the words and promises of Jesus to all who believe:
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1. The one mentioned in 4 verses of Acts 2:4,6,8,11: "They begun to speak other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak", "and the crowd was exited because each heard them speaking in his own native language", and the disciples were all Galilean!… this great miracle of Pentecost has never happened again in the Church… or has it?… the language of "joy" is understood by anybody… if you love someone, he will understand you, no matter if he only speaks German or Russian or Chinese or Japanese… the languages of "joy", and "love", and "peace", are understood by everybody, and they are probably the greatest miracles of the Christians of all times.
1. The one mentioned in 4 verses of Acts 2:4,6,8,11: "They begun to speak other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak", "and the crowd was exited because each heard them speaking in his own native language", and the disciples were all Galilean!… this great miracle of Pentecost has never happened again in the Church… or has it?… the language of "joy" is understood by anybody… if you love someone, he will understand you, no matter if he only speaks German or Russian or Chinese or Japanese… the languages of "joy", and "love", and "peace", are understood by everybody, and they are probably the greatest miracles of the Christians of all times.
2. The other kind, "speak in tongues", is one of the 9 gifts of the Spirit mentioned three times in 1Cor.12:10,28,30, and explained again in 1Cor.14:1-33, where the gift to "speak in tongues" or "praying in tongues" is mentioned 12 times.
2. The other kind, "speak in tongues", is one of the 9 gifts of the Spirit mentioned three times in 1Cor.12:10,28,30, and explained again in 1Cor.14:1-33, where the gift to "speak in tongues" or "praying in tongues" is mentioned 12 times.

Latest revision as of 13:43, 10 January 2011

If you are a Christian... you must cast out demons, and heal the sick!

These are the words and promises of Jesus to all who believe:

"These signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well." (Mark 16:17-18).

These are the 5 signs that will accompany those who believe in Jesus:

1. In my name they will cast out demons:

These are the usual demons in our midst: Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Smoking, Gluttony, Homosexuality, Masturbation, Fornication, Pornography, Adultery, Lies, Stealing, Anger, Pride, Hate, Avarice, The Occult: Horoscope, Witches, Magic, Spiritism, Errors, Heresies...

Are you a believer in Christ?... did you cast out any demon last month in the name of Jesus?... bear with me, we will talk later more about this...

2. They will speak in new tongues:

The tongues of love and joy and peace... these tongues are understood by anybody... if you have joy, anybody will notice it and understand it, even the one who speaks Chinese of Japanese... and it is contagious!... and the tongue of love and peace...and all the 9 fruits of the Spirit of Galatians 5:22.

Are you a Christian?... do you speak these tongues?... we will talk also later about glossolalia!.

3. They will pick up snakes with their hands... and they will not hurt them:

The jealousy of a wife or the drunkenness of a husband are worse than snakes... but they won't hurt you!... nothing and nobody can take away your joy and love and peace in Jesus Christ... the rebellion of a child is a very bad serpent, and so it is the neighbour who calumniates you, and the boss who mistreats you, and the teacher or the friend or the fellow Christian who hurt your feelings, or may even betray you... ... but none of those snakes will hurt you...and still more: You will take them in your hands, and cast them away, like you do with bad demons!... we will go into this later.

4. And when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all:

Your failures in life, your depressions, your doubts, are often deadly poisons... but they won't hurt you!... you will always be with joy and love and hope and peace, no matter what!... your anger, vanity, hate, resentments, are bad poisons... but even your homosexuality, or masturbation, or alcohol or tobacco habits, which are deadly poisons, won't hurt you!, praise the lord!... ... please, bear with me!... because even you can cast them out!... and you will!...

5. They will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well:

When was the last time you placed your hands on a sick person and got well?...when was the last time you just place your hand on a sick person?... never?... are you a Christian?... we will comment this right away!... Are you a Christian?... and none of these five signs accompany you?... what kind of Christian are you?

Nothing New:

These teaching and promises of Jesus are nothing new, they are all over the Gospels and the Bible:

The ministry of Jesus in his last three years on earth was to preach and teach the Gospel, to cast out demons, and to heal the sick (Matt.4:23-24, Matt 9:35, Matt 15:30,Matt 19:1-2, Mr.6:55-56, Lk.4:24,40, Lk 6:17-20, Jn.6:2, Jn14:12-13...

Jesus sent his disciples to do the same: To preach the Gospel, to cast out devils, to heal the sick (Matt.10:1,8, Lk.9:1, Lk 10:9,17-18,Mr.16:17-18, Jn.14:12-13... here, Jesus makes a great promise: "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do"(Jn.14:12)... do you believe in Jesus?... just anyone who believes!... have you done greater things than Jesus?... or at lest the works Jesus did?...

The disciples did what Jesus did: The Acts of the Apostles is full of wonders and miracles... of "actions", that's why it is called "Acts", not just "Words": First Peter and John (Acts 5:12-17, Acts 9:33,40, Acts 12:5-9... then Stephen (Acts 6:8), Phylip (Acts 8:6-8), Paul (Acts 14:8-20, Acts 16:16,25-26, Acts 19:11-12, Acts 28:9)...

Cast out demons and heal the sick:

These are the first and last signs of the five that accompany any one who believes in Jesus... any Christian!... you and me!.

The main problem is that most of us Christians do not even try to cast out demons nor to heal the sick... we are afraid it won't work!, and we leave this job to the Witches and Magicians and Spiritists!...

The Witches and Magicians do it with the power of the devil, but you and I, any Christian, is more powerful than the best Witch or Magician, because you and I do it with the power of God, who is a million times stronger and wiser than the devil.

I even met some Christians who went to the Witch, el Brujo!, to take care of their problems and sicknesses, and to Church to take care of their soul... no!.. no!.. you Christian have more power than any Witch!... never seek to solve your problems or healing through any of the occult methods which put a person in contact with evil spirits rather than with the Spirit of God. While some physical relief might be obtained on occasions, the psychological and distress that comes with it makes it a very bad proposition... and the devil only wants you to go to Hell!... Don't trust any "healer" who doesn't believe that Jesus is the only true Christ.

Christian, whoever you are, start practicing yourself the work of casting out demons and healing the sick... it is a great work you can do to yourself, to your relatives and friends... it is one of your glorious rights and duties as a Christian!.

Heal the Sick:

Next time you go to a hospital, don't just talk about nothing, talk about Jesus, and in his name, place your hand on your friend or relative who is sick... next time your child or husband is sick, place your hands on him!...

Jesus promises you, "you will place your hands on sick people, and they will get well"... one hint: Jesus doesn't say the time nor the way: He doesn't say he will get healed immediately or in three months... nor he does say that he will get cured by a miracle or by a Doctor's job... he just says, "he will get well!... let Jesus do it His way!... you just place your hand on sick people!.

One big problem is that we may feel like God!... and if the patient dies, we may look ashamed!... it is not your job to heal, it is Jesus' job... you just be humble, and place your hands on sick persons... if pride gets into our work, God will never do it!.

You may have a question: What about if the sick person dies?: It is the job of God!... the thoughts and ways of God are as far of our thoughts and ways as Heaven from Earth, says Is.55... and the reason is that God lives in Heaven and things always in Heaven's way, and we live on Earth, we think we are to be here for ever, and we thing in Earth's way... if we start thinking more in Heaven, we will understand God a little more...

Often we say, poor child who died with leukaemia at age three!... when we should say as a Christian: What a lucky child, who was brought to Heaven so soon!...

Of course, in many occasions the sick person will die after you place your hands on him!... we all have to die!...may be at that moment the best way for the person "to get well", or "to recover", as other Bibles translate, is to die, to go to Heaven!, praise the Lord!... don't argue with Jesus, and don't try to be God... just place your hands on sick people, and they will get well... any way God wants... it is God's job, not yours!... you just trust in Jesus!.

I am a Medical Doctor, and this year 2001 is the 35th anniversary of my private Medical Office in New York... as a Doctor, I always end up losing, like all the Doctors, because eventually the patient is going to die... however, after treating over 100.000 patients of all kinds, lungs, heart, cancer, AIDS, kidneys, liver, leper, tuberculosis... I did not have to sign a death certificate!... I know it is not because of my knowledge and skills, but Jesus takes care of me!... and my Mother Virgin Mary!, praise the Lord!.

Cast out demons:

If you are a Christian, you should cast out demons, or drive them out, as other bibles translate... it is the first of the five signs that will accompany any believer in Jesus, any Christian, "These signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons".

This is always "in the name of Jesus", says the Bible... and I like that!... Paul says that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend in Heaven, on Earth, and in Hell (Phil.2:10)... so, when I say "Jesus" all persons in Heaven and in Hell bend their knees... all demons, and Satan himself, kneels to God when I pronounce "Jesus"... so I like to repeat it... Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus... and every time all the demons kneel!, praise the Lord!... the persons in Heaven do it continually with great joy, and each one of us will eventually do it always, either in Heaven or in Hell... it will be good if all of us to start to do it now on earth.

We already mentioned some kinds of demons who hurt people with Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Smoking, Gluttony, Homosexuality, Masturbation, Fornication, Pornography, Adultery, Lies, Stealing, Anger, Pride, Hate, Avarice, The Occult: Horoscope, Witches, Magic, Spiritism, Errors, Heresies...

You and I should cast them out, and doing so, we can be of great help to many of our neighbours!... it is our glorious privilege and duty as a Christian!...

Again, the great problem is that most of us Christians do not do it!... when was the last time you drove out a demon?...

Lets do it!... in the name of Jesus!... When you meet an alcoholic or a liar or a heretic, do it!... he needs your help... and do it to yourself!... we all have some demon bothering us!... we all have some bad habit!..

A hint again: Jesus does not say that the demon will be cast out right away, or in a month, or in 10 years... and does not mention the way it will be done, by an instant miracle, or by the care or compassion of many... that's God's work!... let him do it the way he wants and whenever he wants...

The Book of Exodus is a model of deliverance, and it took 430 years of prayer of the Israelites to be delivered from the slavery of Egypt... may be the deliverance you do will take less than a month!.

Instant miracles may occur, but the usual way is a struggle... a struggle with the wicked demons of the air (Eph.6:12)... and it may be a great battle for weeks or months, or even for years... that's why we will deal specifically with each one of the many demon oppressions: Alcohol, drugs...

Our glorious duty is just to cast out demons in the name of Jesus... always Jesus is the focal point, not the demon... and always trust in Jesus to do it His way!... the name of Jesus should always be in our mouth, the demons kneel every time we pronounce it!, praise the Lord!... if the deliverance has to be repeated, always keep on repeating in the name of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus... until the demon gets sick of it and takes off, praise be Jesus!. 

If you meet an alcoholic or a drug-addict or a homosexual, cast out his demon, in the name of Jesus!... that's the greatest help you can do to that person... you and I have the glorious honour and duty to do it as a Christian. And what happen if the alcoholic keeps on drinking?... you just do it!... the next step is the job of Jesus... but Jesus needs you and me to take the first step... and most of the time we don't do it... let's do it!, in the name of Jesus!.

Next time you meet someone who claims to be a Christian, but denies that Jesus is God, don't argue with him, that's got to be a work of a demon, just cast out the demon... that's the problem of the Jehovah's Witnesses...

If a Christian is talking bad about the Mother of Jesus, don't argue with him, just cast out the demon is oppressing him, only a demon can say I love Jesus but I hate his Mother!...

I have seen demon obsessions that could not even say the words "Virgin Mary", but the instant they said it, they were delivered!... in the name of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...

The Gift of Tongues of various kinds (Mk.16:17, 1Cor.12:10, and chapter 14):

This is part of the second sign that accompanies all believers in Mr.16, as already mentioned.

This is an important charisma, mentioned 57 times in the New Testament… and a charisma that every Christian should have, as Jesus said: "these signs will accompany those who believe: … they will have the gift of tongues" (Mk.16:17)… "those who believe", all Christians!, do you believe in Jesus?… and still more: It is the only one of these 9 charismas of service which is not only to help the neighbour but also "strengthen oneself" (1Cor.14:4), and we all need to build up ourselves often!.

There are at least two kinds of gifts of tongues:

1. The one mentioned in 4 verses of Acts 2:4,6,8,11: "They begun to speak other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak", "and the crowd was exited because each heard them speaking in his own native language", and the disciples were all Galilean!… this great miracle of Pentecost has never happened again in the Church… or has it?… the language of "joy" is understood by anybody… if you love someone, he will understand you, no matter if he only speaks German or Russian or Chinese or Japanese… the languages of "joy", and "love", and "peace", are understood by everybody, and they are probably the greatest miracles of the Christians of all times.

2. The other kind, "speak in tongues", is one of the 9 gifts of the Spirit mentioned three times in 1Cor.12:10,28,30, and explained again in 1Cor.14:1-33, where the gift to "speak in tongues" or "praying in tongues" is mentioned 12 times.

This "speaking in tongues" is also called "glossolalia" or "baby talk" that nobody can understand. It looks apparently opposite to the one that happened at Pentecost… but it is actually the same… because it is the language of joy and of love and of peace that anybody can understand.

I had a patient who hit the lotto and earned $15 million. At home everything was shouts of joy, without any specific words, but a language that anybody could understand, and that's a little of speaking in tongues… the day you live a little more the fact that you are a child of God, that day you hit the lotto with $1,000 million, because your Father is the multimillionaire, and he has all those thousands of millions of dollars for you, and you will shout with joy, without words, a baby talk, but with a language that anybody can understand…

Another day you will speak in tongues, is the day you realize how horrible is Sin: I saw on TV a woman with his 8 year old child just drown in the mud of an avalanche in Colombia. She didn't said words, but her deep sorrow could be understood, and almost felt, by anybody, even by Hindus or Chinese… Sin is the most horrible event that may happen in your life or in the life of your son, and the day you realize it, there would be no words to express it, only shouts of deep sorrow, baby cry, that anybody will understand.

St. Paul mentions both, "speaking in tongues" and "praying in tongues" (1Cor.14:14-15).

Catholic Charismatic's believe that God gives the gift of praying in an "unknown tongue" to anyone who seeks it. The person is able to speak this new language of praise to God or repentance, even though the individual does not understand what is being said, it is the Spirit of God within the heart praying. St. Paul says, "the Spirit too comes to the aid of your weakness; for we don't know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexplicable groanings. And the one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the holy ones according to God's will" (Rom.8:26-27).

Moreover, the one who speaks in tongues should pray to be able "to interpret those tongues", so the congregation can be built too with it. In fact, Spiking in Tongues plus the Interpretation of them, amounts to Prophecy (1Cor.14:13, 27-28).

The Interpretation of Tongues (1Cor.12:10, and 1Cor 14:1-40):

The Interpretation of Tongues is not a translation of what the other said, but an Interpretation: For example, one may pray in tongues for 2 minutes, and other interprets the message in may be 10 seconds. When someone in the assembly speaks or prays in tongues should also be someone there who Interprets those Tongues to build up the Church. Otherwise pray in tongues by yourself for your own edification (1Cor.14:27-28). We already mentioned what St. Paul says, that tongues plus interpretation are equivalent to prophecy.

Whoever Believes:

A last thought: Before Jesus gave these promises of Mark 16, he said: "He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." (Mr.16:15-16).

If you believe in Jesus, you do what Jesus orders to do, among other things, you preach the good news and you get baptized in His Church!... These promises are for those who believe, whoever believes!... but if you say "I believe", but you don't preach the gospel, and you are not baptized in His Church, you actually don't believe in Jesus, as you don't believe in your Doctor if you don't take the prescriptions he gives to you.