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(Crime and Sin)
(There Is Still Hope)
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It is this same mentality, described by Paul, which made the court ruling in 1973 to legalize abortion in the United States. This same mentality fuels both sides of the abortion debate, bringing it to ever-increasing confusion and violence, and is the same mentality that Paul stated would abound in the last days of mankind’s rule over the earth.
It is this same mentality, described by Paul, which made the court ruling in 1973 to legalize abortion in the United States. This same mentality fuels both sides of the abortion debate, bringing it to ever-increasing confusion and violence, and is the same mentality that Paul stated would abound in the last days of mankind’s rule over the earth.
===When Life Begins===
====When Life Begins====
For 6,000 years, humanity has been cut off from God and His Holy Spirit (Isa. 59:1-2)—which imparts spiritual understanding—leaving only fallible human reasoning to solve all of man’s greatest problems. In the Garden of Eden, God offered man His Spirit, which would have been available to the entire world had Adam eaten of the Tree of Life (Gen. 2-3).
For 6,000 years, humanity has been cut off from God and His Holy Spirit (Isa. 59:1-2)—which imparts spiritual understanding—leaving only fallible human reasoning to solve all of man’s greatest problems. In the Garden of Eden, God offered man His Spirit, which would have been available to the entire world had Adam eaten of the Tree of Life (Gen. 2-3).
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This is the AWESOME POTENTIAL OF MAN—so says your Bible. The truth behind the modern holocaust of abortion is that vast numbers of potential sons of God are being slaughtered every day!
This is the AWESOME POTENTIAL OF MAN—so says your Bible. The truth behind the modern holocaust of abortion is that vast numbers of potential sons of God are being slaughtered every day!
===There Is Still Hope===
====There Is Still Hope====
As we have seen, human life begins at conception. To deliberately kill or injure such a life is MURDER, and is punishable only by God the Father—the great Lawgiver. Tragically, this world, cut off from this great understanding, continues to slaughter God’s greatest creations—His future sons!
As we have seen, human life begins at conception. To deliberately kill or injure such a life is MURDER, and is punishable only by God the Father—the great Lawgiver. Tragically, this world, cut off from this great understanding, continues to slaughter God’s greatest creations—His future sons!

Latest revision as of 22:40, 20 May 2019

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Family and Marriage

Another aspect of modern society that has been deeply affected by abortion is the institution of marriage and family. Since the mid-twentieth century, the new morality has been moulding society, especially the younger, more susceptible minds.

What does this new morality entail?—Premarital sex, unmarried couples living together, open sexual experimentation, tolerance and exhibition of different sexual lifestyles, constant conditioning of children to be accepting of any and all forms of sexuality—and the list goes on.

Before this new morality came on the world scene, couples dated for marriage, and held a high regard for the institution of marriage. Sexual relations were saved for after marriage. Children were a blessing to have, not a curse—as they are to many in today’s “get” society. Women would never dream of having an abortion, never mind to maintain a career or a single lifestyle.

But it is far different today.

Couples no longer feel that they have to get married, because “so many people are getting divorced, we’ll just live together.” Today, single and even married women have the occasional abortion because they cannot handle the stress or responsibility of a child. Families are torn apart through adultery and other domestic problems, and, because of the “tolerance” taught in schools, children are unable to grasp a clear-cut definition of exactly what a family should be. Because of sex education in classrooms as early as elementary school, by the time teens graduate from high school, many have had more sexual encounters than they can actually count.

And, as stated, any American born after 1973 is a survivor of legalized abortion—not simply a citizen of their country.

This is the NEW MORALITY—and is further promoted by many in the media and politics to appease the degenerating morals of a decadent society, paralleled by that of ancient Rome. (To learn more about the God-ordained institution of marriage, read our free booklet The Purpose of Marriage – Ever Obsolete?)

William J. Bennett, in his book The Broken Hearth, writes, “Men and women today can have sex more promiscuously, more casually, and with much lower odds of pregnancy and childbirth. For the first time, on a large scale, sex has been de-linked from both marriage and procreation. The results of this revolutionary shift are all around us, in our homes, on our streets, in the books we read and the movies and television shows we watch. Sexual promiscuity, heterosexual and homosexual alike, is a fact of life, incorporated into the mentality and often then behaviour of even the youngest adolescents, and reinforced even by well-meaning adults through programs like the free distribution of condoms in schools. As for the by-product of increased promiscuity, the more measurable ones can be found in high rates of abortion and out-of-wedlock births, as well as the relentless march of sexual diseases both old and new.”

Again, this is the NEW MORALITY.

According to what is acceptable in society today, the God-ordained institution of marriage and the family is no longer the same. No longer do all families have a father and a mother, raising healthy, happy children to live the way God intended. In fact, God has been pushed completely out of most people’s lives. They do not want the Creator of all things—the Originator of human existence—to be in their lives, homes, schools or government. That is the true origin of the abortion debate—the governments of men have thrown out God’s instructions in His Holy Word—the Bible! Now that you have seen what science states regarding the facts behind the origin of life, ask yourself the all-encompassing question: What does God think about abortion? Although society has strayed from the true God, removing Him from the picture, what does He—as the AUTHOR of human life—say on this matter?

Crime and Sin

To understand what God thinks of abortion, one must understand the difference between crime and sin. They are not the same, nor are they defined by the same set of laws.

According to most of man’s governments, abortion is a legal procedure. In countries where it is illegal, it is a crime to have an abortion, often resulting in a prison sentence. If someone holds up a bank and steals money, this is a crime. A crime is the breaking of man’s laws.

Sin is similar, and is defined in I John 3:4: “Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.” Sin is the breaking of God’s laws. Depending on where you live, it may not necessarily be a crime to have an abortion, but it is a SIN—and is a clear breaking of the Sixth Commandment, “Thou shall not kill” (Ex. 20:13).

In living contrary to God’s ways, humanity has resorted to killing millions of innocent children—all in the name of creating his own laws, apart from God.

This has been the effect of Adam rejecting God’s revealed knowledge in the Garden of Eden. Instead of learning and obeying God’s laws, man chose to decide for himself right from wrong (Gen. 3:6; I John 2:16; Prov. 14:12;16:25).

In II Timothy 3:1-17, Paul further describes how society would be in the end times—almost 6,000 years after Adam’s fateful decision in the Garden: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves [abortion kills children, simply so that people are free of them], covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection [all parents want the best for their child—abortion is the complete opposite], trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God[while many profess to esteem Christian ethics and morals, they continuously go against Him]; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof...Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth [mankind has had a wealth of knowledge at his disposal, yet cannot come to agreement over the most basic understanding]” (2 Tim 3:1-5, 7).

It is this same mentality, described by Paul, which made the court ruling in 1973 to legalize abortion in the United States. This same mentality fuels both sides of the abortion debate, bringing it to ever-increasing confusion and violence, and is the same mentality that Paul stated would abound in the last days of mankind’s rule over the earth.

When Life Begins

For 6,000 years, humanity has been cut off from God and His Holy Spirit (Isa. 59:1-2)—which imparts spiritual understanding—leaving only fallible human reasoning to solve all of man’s greatest problems. In the Garden of Eden, God offered man His Spirit, which would have been available to the entire world had Adam eaten of the Tree of Life (Gen. 2-3).

Instead, Adam ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:9), which gave him the capacity to understand only physical knowledge. Since then, society has lived contrary to God’s spiritual laws, only acquiring physical knowledge. Humanity has also been in ignorance of God’s spiritual Plan of salvation for humanity.

Media Bias

Another incredible force behind society’s slanted views of abortion is the media. While the media is supposed to present unbiased reporting on all issues—including abortion—watching news telecasts from various media outlets presents a far different picture.

What has this created?—A wave of ideologue rhetoric, spoon-feeding the American public on how they should think on certain issues. All this, while under the banner of presenting the unbiased facts of the day. Many people are beginning to identify this, as evidenced by a recent Gallup Poll, in which nearly half the country stated that they believe the media has a liberal bias.

For example, imagine if a disease spread around the world, and 126,000 lives were lost. One can expect to go home and hear some reporting on this epidemic of holocaust proportions. What if a war broke out, and 126,000 soldiers were killed in one day? Surely, one could expect to turn on the television and see thousands protesting the war—calling for its quick end. Yet, each day, this many unborn children are aborted worldwide, with nearly 50 million in America alone since 1973!

Instead, what fills newspapers and broadcasts are headlines of abortion clinic bombings, or intolerant, “anti-choice” groups trying to take away a woman’s right over her body. Biased references to both sides of the debate are all over headlines: “Anti-choice” and “anti-women,” versus “pro-choice” and “pro-women.”

However, certain black-and-white developments regarding abortion—such as President Bush’s banning of partial-birth abortion—have been particularly difficult for the mass media to ignore and shuffle away under news headlines about “the war against women continues” or “another bombing at an abortion clinic by crazed ‘anti-choicer.’”

But, God has revealed His Plan for humanity through His Word—the Holy Bible. This great truth cannot be understood by the most intellectual minds; neither can the God-rejecting mind—which seeks to remove God from every aspect of life today—understand it unless God allows it to.

God’s supreme purpose is to reproduce Himself through man! While man is earthly, made of dust, God is spiritual, composed of eternal and inherent life. (To learn more about God’s Plan to reproduce Himself, read our free book The Awesome Potential of Man.)

At the end of man’s 6,000 years of misrule, war and misery, Christ will return, establishing God’s kingdom and government on the earth. Christ’s saints—those who obey God’s Word and are in God’s Church, the spiritual mother (Gal. 4:26; Heb. 12:22-23)—will then rule the earth with Him. Today, true Christians have in them an earnest—or small portion—of God’s Spirit (II Cor. 1:22; 5:5), which will change Christians into spirit-composed sons of God. This great understanding parallels physical reproduction—the conception and birth of a human life—to spiritual reproduction—the conception and birth into spirit life. This is the grand purpose of human life today, and is the gospel message that Christ brought—that of birth into the FAMILY AND KINGDOM OF GOD.

After repentance and baptism, the life of a Christian begins through spiritual conception—the receiving of God’s Holy Spirit. Spiritual conception is pictured by physical conception, which begins human life. Until the Christian is BORN—born in the Spirit and into the Family of God at Christ’s Return—he is in a period of spiritual gestation. Just as the human fetus grows and develops within the mother’s protective womb, a Christian is nurtured within God’s Church, and grows to become a full-grown Christian (II Pet. 3:18; Eph. 4:12-13), like Christ our elder Brother (Rom. 8:14-17).

At Christ’s Return, this small amount of God’s Spirit within each Christian will change, causing the physical, carnal man to be born of the DIVINE NATURE of God’s Family (I John 3:1-2).

The parallels between the physical conception and birth into a human family and the spiritual conception and birth into the God Family are not by coincidence—they were authored by God, and have always been a part of His Plan for mankind. If you understand this great truth, it also is not by coincidence—God is revealing it to you!

This is the AWESOME POTENTIAL OF MAN—so says your Bible. The truth behind the modern holocaust of abortion is that vast numbers of potential sons of God are being slaughtered every day!

There Is Still Hope

As we have seen, human life begins at conception. To deliberately kill or injure such a life is MURDER, and is punishable only by God the Father—the great Lawgiver. Tragically, this world, cut off from this great understanding, continues to slaughter God’s greatest creations—His future sons!

But there is still hope. If you have experienced an abortion in your family, or have perhaps undergone the turmoil of this procedure yourself, God reveals that a time is coming when the world will be at peace, and all who have died will be raised to live again.

At that time, all who have died—including the many millions of aborted children—will be resurrected, and reunited with their families. At that soon-coming time of God’s kingdom, these aborted children will get a chance to live, and learn what it means to be born into the human family—and later into the GOD FAMILY.

This is the good news of the wonderful world that awaits mankind. This is the gospel message that Christ brought to this world. If society would only give heed to this warning (Ezek. 33) and obey God, they could prepare for this time of lasting peace and happiness for all!

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