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April 4 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon last days final hour news prophecy update
0:19the bell greetings to all you agree to name a Jesus our Blessed Hope
0:23well I want to talk with you this evening about israel's
Speaker Dr David Reagan
0:28break in the wars at the end times every time a war breaks out the Middle East
0:33map phone starts ringing off the hook and I start getting email messages like
Frequently I am asked to explain or defend the end-time view of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church. For that topic, lots of Bible verses, readings and references rattle around in my skull. I can extract each like a Powerball out of an air machine and present it to the inquiring mind, but never in a linear, comprehensive manner in which I particularly appreciate. And so, this article is my attempt to organize my brain on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture view. You’re welcome to come along on the journey!
0:38you wouldn't believe
0:38asking me one question is that the war but armageddon thats always the question
Taking It to the Bedrock
0:43over and over is this the war
0:45armageddon this question is prompted by the fact
0:49that most people are familiar with only one
0:52in time war the one that has been popularized in movies
0:56and novels as the battle love armageddon in fact this afternoon when them
1:01Polish speaking on notice that book after book after book that he put on the
1:05screen had the word armageddon
1:07in the title other so that is what most people know about the in tampa is going
1:11to be a battle Obama getting
1:12this term literally means the or rather it comes from Revelation chapter 16 16
1:19which in hebrew its shares is called
1:22Harbor Harper armageddon it says in the intact
1:26that the nations of the world will gather and horror
1:29meh getting in hebrew that literally means
1:33them out love McGee Dover them out
1:36a mosquito this is an aerial photograph McGee doe
1:39which is up a trip for Trish dating back thousands of years ago that
1:44always controlled the Bali armageddon
1:47now the valley of armageddon is known in Israel
1:51as the Jezreel Valley it lives in front %uh
1:55mosquito it runs diagonally across Israel from hyper
1:59on the Mediterranean to the Jordan River
2:02most people are surprised to discover that there is no reference in the book a
2:07revelation to the Bali
2:09armageddon only armageddon nor is there any reference to the battle
2:14armageddon but we'll talk more about that later on people are even more
2:18surprised to learn
2:20that Bible prophecy revealed 9 that war
2:23nan wars in the intact and that armageddon
2:28relates to only one over those nine wars
2:32most prophetic scholars have long believed that
2:36the next great in time war will be the war up dog and may God that is described
2:40as a cop 3813 n
2:42into deadly that's not miss build up there were talks about the mideast peace
2:46process that a sarcastic comment on what's going on in the Middle East
2:50as israel is being divided up in the name apiece
2:53the idea that this will be the next war
2:58love Bible prophecy is the stated position for example a Joel Rosenberg
3:03in his popular book the epicenter this war will start
3:08when Russia in Beijing Israel with certain specified
3:11allies all over him or Muslim nations today
3:14but I seriously doubt person that the conflict described as they go 38 39 will
3:20be the next war
3:21at the end times I feel that way for two reasons
3:25first their is a condition for the war NEC Corp 3813 and that simply does not
3:31exist today
3:31and there is no prospect for it to exist in the near future
3:35three times it is a core 38 versus 8 11 and 14 it says this war will occur
3:42when the people up Israel are living securely
3:45in on wall villages it is this requirement
3:50that is motivated most modern-day property scholars like
3:53men like John Wall bird for example to place the Gog and may God war
3:58after the beginning up the tribulation because the tribulation begins
4:02with the any crash signing a treaty that appears to bring peace to Israel
4:07since that's the only way they can imagine peace would come to israel is OK
4:10the dog and may God were hashed to began after
4:13the tribulation starts in Ashburton I can understand that argument
4:16I don't agree with that argument but I understand I would certainly agree that
4:22is not living securely today in on wall
4:25villages either internally or externally do they have security
4:29for internally there is the constant threat
4:32a missile attacks from hamas in gaza
4:36and Hezbollah in Lebanon and terrorist attacks
4:40from palestinians externally there is the constant threat of war
4:44israel was born in war and israel has remained in a state of war
4:49ever since it was established sometimes we just don't realize
4:52how many wars have been an injury Israel began with the War of Independence 1948
4:59then came the suez war 9056 in the six-day war in 1967
5:05then came the war of attrition from 1967 to 1970
5:10next came the war that Israel almost lost the Yom Kippur War
5:131973 in 1982 was a Lebanese war
5:18in 1987 to 1993 was the first Arab
5:21intafada in 1991 the first Gulf War 2000-2004 the second arab departed
5:272006 the hezbollah war 2008
5:30tonight in the war with Hamas
5:33it goes only and own and I'll the Bible says
5:37that the nation will be established in one day and the next day the birth pangs
5:40will begin and they did
5:42and they continue to this day I would argue that Israel is not only in secure
5:47but that is the most in secure nation in the world when it comes to external
5:50security not internal security
5:52I'll go to israel and walk around the streets of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem at
5:55night and never feel any
5:57problem at all I would do that Dallas Texas but it's the most
6:00in secure nation in the world externally is the only nation an hour
6:05were every village that's built their is built out a reinforced concrete all the
6:11all the buildings everything because they built for war
6:14it is the only nation and the world were every apartment building
6:17every house every community up single-family houses
6:21cash to have a bomb shelter within walking
6:25a distance it is a nation so insecure
6:28that it has built a wall that meanders almost 400 miles
6:33to protect its citizens from terrorist
6:37and it's been very effective in fact I would argue that Israel is currently
6:41more insecure than
6:42anytime in its history for two reasons
6:45first the missile attacks that can be launched
6:48any moment but Syria and other nations the next war in israel is going to be
6:53any other war the israel's ever book because when it breaks out thousands of
6:56missiles are going to literally rained down on television
7:00and the second reason it's more insecure than ever before is because of its
7:05by the Obama administration the second reason that I doubt
7:10that the war a BC Court 38 39 will be the next in time war
7:14a Bible prophecy is because the nation's mention
7:18Eliza rusher do not include a single
7:23Arab state not one that has a common border with Israel I'm a pure thought
7:26about their
7:28not a single one has a common border with Israel instead the nation's
7:32identified or
7:33perjure which is Iran and possibly also iraq
7:37Kush which is pursued a.m. put which is libya
7:41and possibly Algeria and Tunisia also
7:45and then gomer and Beth to took a more which of course
7:48is modern-day Turkey as you can say none of these russian allies not a single one
7:53has a common border with Israel
7:57Pacific there is no mention whatsoever up each chipped
8:01Jordan up Syria oblivion un
8:04or gaza this produces an important question
8:08why is it that none up the nation's located next to Israel
8:13are mentioned as allies rusher in the Ezekiel 38-39 war
8:18I personally believe that the best explanation this mystery is the one
8:21supplied by bill Salus
8:24in his book is roster he proposes that the next
8:28prophetic in time war will most likely be that described in some 83
8:33a war between Israel and its immediate neighbors
8:37he believes this war will produce the conditions that are necessary
8:40for the war %uh visoko 38 39 and I agree with their conclusion
8:44with that point clarified let's now take an
8:47overview up the in time prophetic wars
8:51in one i think is their logical order the first
8:55the war but israeli extermination described in some 83
8:59somebody three states that the immediate neighbors a israel will launch a war for
9:04the purpose up wiping
9:05out Israel as a nation the nation's described as being apart
9:10this nefarious effort or those with a common border with Israel
9:15including Lebanon Syria
9:18Jordan Egypt in gaza
9:22all these were the common border the second half a psalm 83 is a prayer
9:27for israel's victory the outcome of the war is not specifically stated in Psalm
9:32but we know from other scriptures that israel will be victorious
9:36for example saccharide 12 success that in the end times
9:40israel will be like a fire pot among pieces of wood and a flaming torch among
9:45what they will consume on the right hand on the left all the surrounding
9:48people gonna be like David against Goliath
9:52bill Salus believes this war annihilation
9:56will be arraigned on the Arab nations and will result in there
9:59overwhelming defeat producing great territorial expansion
10:02enhance national resources for Israel and yes peace for Israel
10:07it's a depleted its during this war that Israel most likely destroyed Damascus
10:12in fulfillment of the prophecies and I say a seventeen injure my nineteen which
10:16but in the end times Damascus will be destroyed it will never
10:20be built again but the security provided by psalm 83 war will not last long
10:26because what will happen is that the Arab nations will turn to their natural
10:30ally Russia
10:32and cry out for help resulting
10:35in the first war up dawg and may God
10:38the door described NEC Corp 38 men
10:42this is where russia comes down against Israel with certain specified Muslim
10:46the russians will be delighted to respond to the Arab crack
10:49for help because they have always dreamed up taking over the oil filter
10:53the Middle East
10:55they there will put their will they there will will therefore
10:58it large an invasion for the stated purpose of helping the muslims destroy
11:03is River their specific allies will in Bobby
11:06outer ring a Muslim states that surround israel all but Saudi Arabia
11:12now I believe that the unstated agenda the russians
11:17and their real motivation will be to use the Arab invitation as an excuse to
11:22expand their sovereignty over all the Middle East
11:25this ulterior motive is described
11:28in DC ko 3812 which says the russians will come to capture spoil
11:33and the seas plunder the invading armies will be supernatural destroyed by got on
11:38the mountains
11:39a Israel the Lord will accomplish this destruction through
11:42earthquakes and pressed lunch pail fire and brimstone and battlefield confusion
11:48even the Jewish people will recognize that the big tree be longs to God
11:53and it will open many of their hearts to the Lord
11:56the greatest mystery concerning this war is its timing
12:00most a place that at the beginning at the tribulation
12:04others have delayed it to the middle of the tribulation
12:07but increasingly in recent years the Tennessee has been the place before the
12:11beginning at the tribulation
12:12the reason they're so much question is because the Bible does not say for sure
12:15when it will occur
12:17and there is room for honest disagreement on this
12:22while the other person on this program our has a different view as to when this
12:25war will occur
12:27so there's room for honest disagreement
12:31in recent years has said the the most common view this coming out these days
12:36is that this war will start before the tribulation
12:39the best discussion of timing that as yet been written I think can be found in
12:43this book
12:44northern storm rising by Ron Rhodes who lives in Frisco Texas is great writer
12:49he concludes that this war Gog and Magog
12:53will most likely occur three and a half years began three and a half years
12:57before the tribulation start here's his reasoning
13:02the tribulation last seven years his ego 39.9% shares that term
13:08the Jews will spend seven years burning the weapons
13:11that they capture in that war likely nuclear fuel
13:14but they're going to be burning weapons that they capture network for seven
13:18but revelation 12 tells us at three and a half years
13:22into the tribulation the Jews will be evicted from the land by the anti-christ
13:27emotional plea to Jordan for
13:31therefore the only way that used it's been seven years burning the weapons run
13:35or use
13:36is for the war to begin three and a half years before the start
13:40at the tribulation this brings up another question
13:44does this mean that the wars up psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39 must occur before the
13:51knotted up the Rapture
13:54can occur in a moment before
13:57during or after these war keep in mind that the Rapture
14:01is not what Storch the tribulation
14:05the tribulation will begin money any crash lands a security treaty with
14:10there could be a period up several years between the time when the Rapture
14:15and the beginning at the tribulation this brings us to the third
14:18in time or the conventional war up the tribulation
14:22mentioned in Revelation chapter 6 although the anti-christ is going to
14:26rise to power in Europe
14:28through cunning and deception intrigue in his charismatic personality
14:33I believe he will have to resort to military power
14:37to conquer the world listen folks Asian
14:40Africa and Latin America have spent the last two hundred years casting of
14:45European colonialism they are not certainly gonna turn around
14:50to some European leader no matter how dynamic and how charismatically maybe
14:54and say please come in rule us they're not gonna do that
14:58they're going to resist any leader who rises to power in Europe
15:02regardless have brilliant and charismatic you may be
15:05were told in Revelation 13 per seven at the a crash will ultimately
15:09achieve authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation and I
15:14believe this authority
15:15will be achieved through war relations six records the
15:19outbreak at this World War it results in the day at the 1/4 up humanity
15:24your first not make those calculation 14 the pneumatic
15:27in today's terms that means that in this war
15:31at the beginning at the tribulation one-and-a-half billion people wilder
15:36this carnage is called the seal judge to review
15:41the wars up some 83 results in the destruction at the
15:45inner ring up the Muslim states around Israel
15:49that iraq Syria Jordan Egypt and Gaza
15:55then comes the war obviously got 38 and 39 with result in the destruction of the
16:00outer ring
16:01turkey Iran iraq should then Libya
16:04Algeria Tunisian both the inner ring and outer ring
16:08or destroyed in these two wars
16:12in other words when I that's going to happen here is that God is going to use
16:17the any crushed
16:18as his hammer brand to destroy
16:22Islam in the Middle East but there are many other work nation to the world that
16:26will also have to be
16:28a taken care because all that green area there
16:33is the Muslim world and the largest Muslim nations in the world
16:37are not in the Middle East the largest Muslim nations
16:40or Indonesia with 200 million India with a 145 million
16:45Pakistan with 140 million and Bangladesh with $150 million
16:49those are the big Muslim nation to the world none of which or in the middle
16:54so I think they've any crash will have to continue his war
16:58to conquer all the nations of the world and it appears that revelation 8&9 that
17:02we come to the 4th war
17:03and that is the nuclear war at the tribulation what appears to happen here
17:07in the book a revelation
17:08is that the conventional war started by the any crash begins to more
17:13in true a new killer war
17:16resulting in the deaths up another one-third of those left the latter
17:21well if you calculate that one-third those left the lab is another one and a
17:24half billion
17:25that means folks that by the middle of the tribulation
17:283 billion people wilder in three and a half years
17:33that's one Hampe all humanity is going to die in the first three and a half
17:36years the tribulation
17:38preachers all-time comments they do you think where the tribulation
17:42can I say to the let me tell you said that
17:46if you go into the tribulation you won't have to ask anybody if you're there
17:49your no your know without a shadow of a doubt
17:52there are some hints at this conventional war is going to become a
17:55nuclear were
17:57for example where they had just found in Revelation chapter 8
18:00ember 7 where it says
18:04where it says that term the escalation of the war will result in one for the
18:08earth being burned up
18:10one-third the earth being burned a cell like nigger were to make
18:13another has found a revelation chapter 16 right at the
18:17and the revelation that the into the tribulation where we're told that low
18:21and malignant shores will affect people all over the earth at the end the
18:25something that would be a natural consequence %uh radiation from the usual
18:29atomic weapons
18:31it could very well be that the nuclear holocaust is what Jesus had in mind when
18:36he said that in the end times men will paint from fear
18:39over the expectation that the things coming up on the world for the powers
18:42above the heavens will be ship this war
18:46is portrayed in the book a revelation in chapters 8&9
18:50as a series driver judgments
18:54this brings us to the fifth Ward the war in the heavens
18:59this next war is different from all the others because it is a supernatural or
19:04a war that occurs in the heavens in the middle of the tribulation
19:07its most likely prompted by an attempt of Satan to take the throne of God one
19:11last time
19:12we're told that Satan and his angels will be opposed in this war by Michael
19:17and his angels
19:18michael has an archangel who is pictured in the Hebrew Scriptures as the
19:21commander in chief for god's armies
19:23in as the special protector in his room Michael and his angels will prevail in
19:27this war
19:28and Satan will be cash down to earth and his access to heaven will be cut off
19:32been in his rage Satan decides to destroy the Jewish people
19:37and this decision leads to the next war
19:40the next warm is the war against the Jews and the Saints
19:44launched back any crushed at the motivation up Satan
19:48the a crash launches this war in the second half the tribulation
19:51for the purpose of killing every Jew on planet Earth in their Christian
19:56folks Satan hates the Jewish people
19:59he hates them with a passion he hates them because they are the chosen people
20:03have gotten
20:04he hates them because through them God gave the world the Scriptures
20:09he hates them because through them God gave the world the Messiah
20:12any hates them because God has promised over and over and over in his word
20:17that one day he is going to bring a great Renault the Jews
20:21to salvation in the issuer the site
20:26as a result up this war there is going to be a nother holocaust
20:31during the latter half but the tribulation when Satan is cast down to
20:35earth people possess the any crashed inspiring to annihilate the Jews
20:38and this is the reason that Jesus refers the last after the tribulation
20:42as the Great Tribulation not because it's going to be worse in the second
20:45first air but because is going to focus on the Jewish people
20:49in Bear complete annihilation from planter
20:53some other jews a visual will flee to a place in the wilderness where they will
20:57be super nationally protected by God
21:00many believe that their hiding place will bth it city of Petra one yr the
21:04buildings you see here
21:05located inside a box canyon inside a modern Jordan
21:08there's good reason for this assumption because Daniel 11:41 says the
21:14any crash will be prevented from conquering
21:17Jordan when that poor the world rebelled against him at the end of his reign
21:22but despite this supernatural protection in jordan
21:26zachariah 13h ins says that
21:29two-thirds two-thirds at the Jewish people worldwide
21:33will be killed by the any crashed at this time that will be a holocaust
21:38then the Nazi Holocaust in Revelation 12:17
21:42says the any crash will also war against the
21:45of spring up Israel namely those who keep the commandments of God
21:49and hold to the testimony of Jesus I believe this is a reference to all those
21:53who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior during the Tribulation
21:56both UN jitter it is no wonder
21:59that revelation 7 pictures a great motor cued
22:03above martyrs in heaven coming out the tribulation
22:07show great that the number cannot be counted
22:10they are identified as those coming out up the Great Tribulation who have washed
22:14their robes and made them
22:15white in the blood of the Lamb so the anti-christ
22:19will be very successful in his war against the Jews the sage
22:23but he will fail in his ultimate goal annihilate the Jews
22:27for we are told repeatedly throughout the Scriptures
22:30that a great Renault the Jews will live to the into the tribulation
22:34at which time they will look upon him when their peers than we can we learn
22:37and cry out from the depth to their heart but group above Bisham
22:41adenauer blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
22:45at lisas to the seventh Ward the intense
22:48the Middle East campaign to the anti-christ described and Daniel chapter
22:53Daniel 11 versus 43 45 describe a military campaign in the NE crashed in
22:57the middle east
22:58that occurs at the into the tribulation these verses
23:02and related version revelation could very well indicate
23:05that when the any crash becomes absolutely insanely
23:09obsessed with destroying the Jews and the Saints that the nations of the world
23:13see an opportunity to rebel against him
23:16the nations in the Middle East will be led by the king at the North publisher:
23:20those will also be led by the King in the south
23:23probably Egypt and daniel says that when this rebellion occurs
23:27but the any crash will come into what he calls the beautiful land to put down
23:33terrible rebellion and its shares
23:37that he will conquer all that area except Jordan for
23:41and it seems just as he seems to be completely victorious
23:44that he will hear rumors rumors from the east and rumors for the North that
23:49deeply disturbed him
23:51it says he will retreat with his armies to an area
23:55between the seats where he will come to is in
23:59it appears that army sell the east will come maybe that $200 million or me
24:03mention revelation
24:04an army of the north will come possibly the armies of dog in May Gaga Russia
24:10and that he will retreat to the area between the Seas which of course
24:14would be the belly up armageddon
24:19this brings us there to that famous battle
24:22which is no battle at all as you will see it brings us to the battle
24:26armageddon mention in Joe 3 zachariah 14 revelation 19
24:31it appears that just as the armies from the east in the North start arriving in
24:35the valley of armageddon
24:36to challenge the anti-christ that the Lord break from the heavens
24:40he arrives on the mound abolish he speaks a supernatural word
24:44and all the armies or instantly destroyed folks there is no bad love
24:50jus deadly done or me out the fight the anti-christ there is no battle for me
24:55he Shipley speaks a supernatural world after all
24:58this is the one who spoke in the whole universe came into existence he will
25:02and the anti-christ in his forces will drop dead
25:05in their tracks were told in the Bible that
25:08told 316 says that the Lord will roar from Zion and under his boys from
25:14as a at 10:16 sales the result will be
25:18a wasting disease
25:21zachariah 1412 sis that it will be a plate that the Lord will speak
25:26it will cause the pleasure the soldiers to rock while they stand on their feet
25:30its sister eyes will melt in their sockets for their tongues will rock in
25:33their mail
25:35and the blood will be as deep as a horse's bridle perot distance up to
25:41mercifully and joyfully the Battle of Armageddon will be followed by one
25:47thousand years apiece as the rain up Jesus from jerusalem
25:51results in world being filled with peace righteousness and justice
25:55swords will be beaten into ploughshares
25:58the world would well with the lamb little children
26:02will play with snakes because they will no longer be poisonous jerusalem will be
26:06lifted up as the house play does play some pain or
26:08Jesus will reign as king of kings and Lord Lord David
26:12in his glorified body is the king of Israel multitudes will come from the
26:16earth to see the King of Kings
26:17his glory will go out to the whole world the blessings of God will flow to the
26:22Jewish nation
26:22to all the nations the world to the point but when I get top when when do
26:26you watch back
26:2710 gentiles will grab his robe and say can we walk with you because we know
26:31that God is with you
26:32what a glorious time that's going to be Satan
26:35will be bound CNN crime will be greatly reduced
26:39but there will still be seething rebellion in the hearts
26:43up many if not most of those who go into that time
26:47who who are born during that and it's going to be a great population explosion
26:51during the millennium
26:52those who go in the millennium in the flesh will all be say people but they
26:55will begin to repopulate the earth
26:56and their children will have to come the point where they're gonna believe in
26:59Jesus or not
27:00in the point that the Bible makes is that most will not there will be
27:03sheathing rebellion in the hearts of most people
27:06and why would there be resentment in the hearts of people in the midst of a
27:10perfect Raina Jesus Christ
27:11the answer is really worship
27:15the answer is simple: it's because he's going to rule over the rod of iron
27:20Jesus will rule with Urata iron he will give the law
27:24the law will be strictly enforced by those of us who will be raining with
27:28Jesus and are glorified bodies
27:29those living the flesh will deeply resent the fact that they cannot freely
27:34their worldly lush because they'll have that's in nature in them
27:39they know that if they step battle and there will be Institute arrest
27:43it's the trial it's the punishment no appeal
27:46because every person ruling will have the mind of Christ
27:50justice will be swift justice will be certain justice will be sure
27:54and so they've simply grind their teeth and say we love you Jesus but they will
27:58be grinding their teeth
28:00and that's when Satan is released at the in the millennium the majority of those
28:03in the flesh will reunite
28:05in one lash rate rebellion against God
28:09the night were the intense the Second Battle
28:12up dog and makeup the second ballot government the rebellious peoples in the
28:17world lit again by Garcon may God will revolt against Jesus and try to
28:21overthrow him
28:22and because this war is
28:26entitled a war a guardian may God its often confused
28:30with the war any legal 3813 for noon there some now say no to say more but
28:34they are not they are two different wars
28:36and this can be proved very simply in Ezekiel 38-39 the war a dog in May
28:41goggles a war on Russia
28:43with Muslim allies coming against Israel
28:47in revelation 19 we have Russia with
28:50all the world coming against Jesus
28:53crushed big difference between these two worlds
28:58history is going to and as it began it goes in a circle
29:02it began with two people in a perfect environment for
29:05who rebelled against God it's going to end up
29:09with all of humanity living in a perfect society and the majority will make the
29:13same decision
29:14to rebuild against God when the many purposes are the millennium and perhaps
29:18one the most important is for God to prove to mankind
29:23that man has an inherent see in nature and they can
29:26only be redeemed by the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ
29:30the religion of Satan has always been humanism
29:34the belief in man the philosophy teaches that man is inherently good and man is
29:39capable of perfection
29:40to education and social justice humanist therefore believe
29:44if society can be perfected man can be transformed and man can be protected
29:49but the Bible teaches that man can is fatally flawed
29:53with us in nature that makes people naturally evil
29:56and the Bible teaches that the only solution
30:00to the problem is the transformation of the Holy Spirit that begins with the
30:03person except
30:04Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior gonna prove this
30:08beyond a shadow of a doubt when he puts all a man carried into a perfect society
30:11for a thousand years
30:13and men can will respond with three bed
30:17again the second war a mock my a dog and may God will be the last war
30:22history following it God will take the redeemed of this earth
30:27and he will place us in a New Jerusalem he is now preparing their
30:31he will then consume the earth with fire to burn away the pollution up satan's
30:35last remote
30:36and outta that fiery inferno welcome a new heaven and a new earth
30:40this earth redeem this earth refresh this earth perfected
30:43he will then lower the redeemed a under this new earth inside the New Jerusalem
30:47and he will come to earth to live in their presence eternal
30:51my friends eternal peace is coming
30:54were is going to be gone for ever
30:57this hope a man can will not be achieved by diplomats
31:00it will be a gift of God through Jesus Christ the Prince apiece
31:05who died to read a man can and all of the cosmos
31:08and all I can do when I think about that a shout from the depths of my heart
31:12marionettes Amerinet that come quickly Lord Jesus thank you God like

Latest revision as of 12:57, 5 April 2014


April 4 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon last days final hour news prophecy update

Speaker Dr David Reagan

Frequently I am asked to explain or defend the end-time view of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church. For that topic, lots of Bible verses, readings and references rattle around in my skull. I can extract each like a Powerball out of an air machine and present it to the inquiring mind, but never in a linear, comprehensive manner in which I particularly appreciate. And so, this article is my attempt to organize my brain on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture view. You’re welcome to come along on the journey!

Taking It to the Bedrock