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{This page is a work in progress}

A treasury of our best devotional gems

"Christ is all!" Colossians 3:11

"From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another!" John 1:16

[[Carry all your concerns to Him — in the arms of faith! [[My Shepherd! [[Nine evils which death will put an end to [[Treasures and pleasures! [[That spiritual pipe An arm that can never be broken!
An easy hell
The infinite ocean of Christ's love!
The nest was destroyed
Sin is shut out — and they are shut in!
He has done all things well.
The sufferings of this present time
My Father!
Would you see what sin is?
View well the monster in true light!
We can't even imagine!
My needs — His fullness!
Home, sweet home! There is no place like home!
A poor, weak, and trembling creature
Everyone had a home — but Him!
An outlet and an inlet
Not our home!
Altogether lovely!
I would have been perfectly submissive!
The last pang, and groan, and tear!
It was not human misery — but divine love!
The happiest moment of his life!
What a heaven!
Had I a thousand lives, a thousand souls
When they are twisted out of my hand
All the sins of the saints
For you, a vile sinner, a rebel worm!
In the midst of all the wild scene — Stephen fell asleep!
The grand object of the eye of faith!
Look at the King in His beauty!
Oh! what a pillow on which to rest your aching head!
What a comfort is this!
He drank it up — every drop!
The Lord's gentle usher
What a wonderful person!
God's jewels!
Behold the Emperor of Woe!
That ruthless invader of all happiness!
No mind has imagined
HE cares for ME!
The most precious thing in heaven or earth
God does not deal with us in this 'sentimental' way!
Evil chapters in your 'life story'
An undressing from his sins and infirmities
The moment after our friends say we are dead
He cannot love you more!
Plato's wish
Like sugar in our tea!
Calvary's stupendous scene!
Devour me, devour me!
Meditate on HEAVEN!
Look up today, O parched plant!
This strange, double picture of Jesus!
The process was not easy!
The funeral of all your sorrows!
The happy exchange
All the hell that you shall ever have!
A sea of sweetness
We also rejoice in our afflictions!
Such a friend
Look upon death
My Father's home