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Back to Next Part Man's religion & God's religion 2

"But where sin abounded, grace did abound much more exceedingly." Romans 5:20

Wherever we go, wherever we turn our eyes, two objects meet our view—sin and misery. There is not a town—nor a village—nor a house—nor a family—no, nor a human heart—in which these two inseparable companions are not to be found.

Sin the fountain—misery the stream.

Sin the cause—misery the effect. Sin the parent—misery theoffspring.

But a question may arise, "How did sin and misery come into this world? What was the origin of sin?" That is a question I cannot answer. The origin of evil is a problem hidden from the eyes of man—and is probably unfathomable by human intellect. It is sufficient for us to know that sin is.

When, then, the deep-seated malady of sin is opened up to our view, and we begin to feel that there is no soundness in us, and nothing but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores—then arises the anxious inquiry, "Is there a cure?"

Now, through God's unspeakable mercy, I can assure you, from His word and in His name—that there is a cure for the malady of sin—and that there is a remedy for the misery and distress which are the sure consequences of it! Yes, there is balm in Gilead—there is a physician there! There is One who says of Himself—I am the Lord who heals you! One to whom the soul can say, when the healing balm of a Saviour's blood is made effectually known—"Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name.

Praise the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all His benefits--who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion." To unfold the malady and discover the remedy, is the grand purpose of the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures.

What sin is and whatgrace is, are there indeed clearly depicted by the Holy Spirit, written by His unerring pen as with a ray of light. And it is a blessing of blessings—a blessing beyond all value—that we know also there is a cure for it!