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Latest revision as of 19:21, 10 February 2011

Every Christian experiences a sense of failure at some time or another. Satan would like to leave the Christian with a sense of self-condemnation and disillusionment with God's plan for his life. But God has more than adequately taken in to Account human failure in His plan for our lives.

In order to handle the failures we may encounter, we must understand clearly a number of things:

God Defends us

Romans 8:31-34; 1John 3:19-20

The intention of God's goal is not to produce condemnation if we do not live up to His standards, but this is how the Enemy would like us to respond. One of his main weapons against us is condemnation through failure. But God has committed Himself to us - and that means through good or bad, success or failure ( 2 Timothy 2:13).

We Have A Decision

Accept full responsibility

Failure is a product of human weakness, and it is only when we claim responsibility for our own failure that we allow God to work on our behalf. It is very easy to blame others - friends, enemies, family, the system - or even God. But no matter what may happen, God is never at fault ( Zeph.3:5).

Repent and receive forgiveness

If we fail, God doesn't give up on us. Instead, the Lord Jesus acts like a defence attorney, defending us before the Father against all the accusations of the Enemy ( 1 John 1:9- 2:2). Repentance opens the way for us to leave our failure behind.

God requires an involvement from us. We need to be as committed to His purposes as He is to us!

God's Plan Continues

It is impossible for God to fail, so when He commits Himself to do something, not even your worst failure can hinder Him from bringing it about ( Job 42:2; Heb.6:16-19; Phil 1:6; 2:13).

Failure Plays a Part

Failures were never intended by God, but God actually has the ability to use failure to further His plan - not just "in spite of", but "because of".

He works in all things for our good ( Rom.8:28)

He reveals His glory in our weakness ( 2 Cor. 12:7-10; 4:7-11; 2 Cor.4:7; 13:4; Phil.4:13)

He uses us to minister to others ( 2 Cor.1:3-4).

Biblical Examples

Three great men of God experienced great failure. Each ran away, but received the call "a second time" and ultimately became some of the greatest heroes of faith recorded in the Word of God:

Moses ( Exodus 2:11, -4:13; Hebrews 11:24-29)

Jonah ( Jonah 1-4)

Elijah ( 1 Kings 17-19; 2 Kings 2:1-12)

Let us Press on

God is at work in our lives, maturing us, bring us closer to the full realisation of God's plan ( 2 Cor. 3:18).

Phil.3:12-16; 1 Cor.9:21-27; Heb.l2:1-13