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The business of a journalist is to destroy truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, to sell his race and his country for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting, "An Independent Press". We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the Jumping Jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men."
The business of a journalist is to destroy truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, to sell his race and his country for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting, "An Independent Press". We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the Jumping Jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men."
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Latest revision as of 13:57, 9 February 2011


Guilt is invoked to prevent open discussion. Suppression of opposing views is an admitted aim of government ministers. A refined form of censorship is used to keep vital information below the threshold of public awareness. Opposed political parties admit conspiracy to common policies that lack public approval.

Suppression of discussion and guilt without trial is not democracy. The legal duty of MPs is to do the will of the people, not the will of political parties; this has been so long hidden that few people know it.

Our country is no longer realistically democratic. Information is restricted. People do not understand that a lot of the law and legislation now being proposed and put into place undermines our civil liberties; liberties that we have come to expect as inalienable parts of our rights and privileges.

Readers may at first find betrayal incredible, but please realize that this book would not be needed if 'Orwellian' population controls were understood - there would be no dangerous situation to expose - life would be very different.

WHY are we betrayed and HOW is betrayal possible? To discover this needed many years of investigation, but once uncovered the essentials are not difficult to grasp.

A crayfish story: if you place a cray in cold water and gradually bring it to the boil, it is said the cray will exhibit no extreme distress but will be cooked just the same. Likewise we are gradually conditioned to accept that everything is cosy while our legal defences are quietly removed and information restricted.

You may recall the case of National Socialism in Germany: Hitler did not gain power unconstitutionally! Hitler was appointed by politicians who passed the 'Enabling Act' (23/3/33). Hitler ended the German federation and the states of Germany came under control of central government. It was all set up and made legal in full view and acceptance of the public.

How was this possible? It was possible because the German people WERE NOT TOLD THE TRUTH about the IMPLICATIONS of what was being done Truth was replaced with misinformation.

In Australia we saw recently our own 'States Rights' overthrown by means of a politically contrived 'legalistic' move. Our constitution was re-interpreted to give a meaning contrary to that obviously intended and contrary to the traditional and accepted meaning. We are left to believe that this was merely a device for stopping a state from building a dam.

But it was not the dam! The dam was used as a cover! It provided an 'enabling act' to allow the dismantling of our constitutional protection without awakening public understanding and protest.

The Public is the Most Powerful Force in Any Community.

If the establishment wants to make any important change that will be detrimental to public interest it has first to concoct a plan to mislead the public into thinking that what is proposed is for the public good.

It is illegal to change our Australian Constitution without referendum. The establishment got around this by the trick of legal re-interpretation. By this means political parties Federally have taken to themselves the power to overrule the states on ANY matter simply by making an agreement with ANY overseas body or group of people. It does not even have to be an agreement with an elected government and related to defence or trade; it does not have to be an agreement with a government at all; it can be an agreement with anyone about anything - an authority set up by the United Nations organization for instance. That power denies us our constitutional protection.

Worse is to come. We laughed (or cried) when some dictator his nation's written culture into the streets and burnt it. We now know that this is social engineering - a device to change a nation's culture and replace it with something else.

No! Not something else that the people understand and want, but something else that a small group want for dictatorial purpose.

We thought it ridiculous (or tragic) that a nation could be so foolish as to fall for such a trick. But on the basis of agreements with United Nations agencies our own political parties are now producing legislation that allows, and has already resulted in, the removal of many cultural books from school libraries.

They will not be so crude as to burn books in the streets as was done years ago, that is now too obvious. Nevertheless the establishment has taken to itself powers to remove and destroy the entire social literature of our culture and history. This can be ordered by petty officials in local situations and the public cannot legally prevent it.

How Can They do such Incredible Things to Us?

How can they do it without evoking screaming headlines?

How can they do it without a million protesters taking to the streets?

It is done by having a compliant press, by lulling us into a false sense of security, and by simply making laws such as that all literature depicting a traditional role for men and women may be classed as sexist and therefore illegal - that one law covers everything from Shakespeare to Donald Duck.

They trick us by taking advantage of our trust and by disguising the legislation to represent something to which people would normally not object. For instance: no discrimination on grounds of sex, colour or creed.

We do not have need for such legislation but that is irrelevant to what manipulators want. We had little discrimination before it was created by political injustice and what we now have will not be cured by laws that, in future, can be used to totally destroy our culture and civil freedom.

They force anti-discrimination laws on us yet life depends on discrimination. We discriminate when we buy food, have a hair cut, invest money. We discriminate when we employ a plumber or seek a job. Discrimination is essential to life - a basic need. And when people allow government to make wide-ranging laws that contravene basic human needs, then people forfeit their human rights.

Here is a statement from a small book, Your Will Be Done, written by a research analyst in Constitutional Law and one time M.P., Arthur Chresby. His authority has not been refuted. Quote:

"It is legally unchallengable that the party system, with its direct and indirect powers of manipulating politicians and people, has quite illegally striven to drive a wedge between the people and the final source of all their constitutional and legal powers ... as a prelude to transferring the unlimited power of that Monarchy into the hands of the controllers and manipulators of political parties .." (Emphasis added.)

Why does our media not expose these facts and bring them forcibly to public attention? Think about that.

Can you believe or have faith in what the law-makers say they have in mind when they act illegally? They re-interpreted our Constitution despite its clear intent and can re-interpret any law they themselves produce because they produce it with that intent. That they actually do so has, in fact, already been very well demonstrated in our own nation in our own lifetime.

Can such people be trusted with your life?

Our Situation is Desperate

Do you now see the need to expose what is happening to our culture?

Although it has been said that the High Court decision destroyed our constitutional protection, this is not entirely correct. The BELIEFS and knowledge of people are our only real safeguard. High Court decisions can be merely devices designed to persuade people to accept government by political party as legal.

This adjustment to the public concept of democracy will continue until such time as a dictatorship can be set up; after that, what the public believes becomes an irrelevant mythology.

Do not think that this book is an attack on socialism. Bad and all as socialism (in any form) is, it is only the means of installing a military dictatorship to disarm the democratic nations. A few years after One World Government is installed, your life and mine - no matter of what colour or creed - will be forfeit to the whims of a world dictator. We will not have the choices we now dream of because only a small part of present population has any value to a World Governing elite.

That in the course of the logical progression of events (i.e.the evidence). You will not want to believe it, but no one has produced convincing logic, common sense or evidence, to dispute what is revealed. We have only one means of defence - an awakened community.

Authorities will deny what is exposed, but will explain nothing. If they knew anything they would not aid their own demise.

Who am I? That question is irrelevant. The logic expressed through these pages is either substantially correct or substantially incorrect. No position of power, no education, no organization, guarantees truthfulness. In the end our future depends on our WILLINGNESS to search honestly and use intelligence.

It is not a difficult matter to judge. An honest society has no need to suppress lies; lies can be disproven. The honest society allows lies to be disproven but the dishonest society must suppress truth to prevent the lies being disproven.

Information IS being suppressed!

The clipping headed "Independent Press" is believed to be a local re-hash of a U.S.A. item that found its way into the trade union gazette Pipeline (April 1971). While what it says is true it is almost certainly intended to create confusion rather than reveal the true danger. This strange statement may be better understood as we see more clearly who is doing what to whom - AND WHY. These things will become evident as the book progresses.

Independent Press

John Swinton, the late editor of the New York Times, at a banquet on his retiring from office, in reply to the toast to "An Independent Press", said:

"There is no such thing as an Independent Press unless it is in the country towns, you know it and I know it.

There is not one of you who dares to write his honest opinion and if you did you know before hand that it would never appear in print.

I am paid $250 per week for keeping any honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with, others of you are paid similar salaries, for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write his honest opinions would be out in the street looking for another job.

The business of a journalist is to destroy truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, to sell his race and his country for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting, "An Independent Press". We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the Jumping Jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men."

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