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Latest revision as of 21:49, 10 August 2012

Most of Paul's epistles were written to churches, but 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon were written to individuals. Paul wrote to Timothy to advise and counsel him on the ministry.

Sermon on 1 Timothy 1: THE CHRISTIAN AND THE LAW
v.1 Paul indicates that God commanded him to be an apostle.
v.2 Timothy had been a comfort and joy to Paul and a companion on many of his journeys, so Paul thought of him as a son. Paul usually invoked grace and peace in his epistles, but here he added "mercy." Justice is getting what we deserve. Mercy is not getting what we deserve. Grace is getting what we don't deserve.
v.3-4 Paul wanted Timothy to keep the Ephesian church from getting mixed up in false doctrines.
v.6-8 The law actually deals with a man's heart more than with his actions, but people didn't understand when Jesus taught this. Our righteousness is dependent on our faith in Christ, not on keeping the law. Some Christians were tempted to cling to the traditions of the law, because it provided a sense of security.
v.10 "Menstealers" were kidnappers who sold men into slavery.
v.12 When God calls, He also enables. If He calls us to do something, He gives us the ability to do it.
v.13 When we sin willfully, God chastises us. Unbelievers are dealt with differently, because they're ignorant of God's will for them.
v.16 When a well-known sinner comes to God, it gives other sinners hope that God will forgive and accept them, too.
v.18 There had been some prophecies concerning Timothy's ministry when he first began to serve the Lord.

Sermon on 1 Timothy 2: ON PRAYER
v.1 Paul lists various forms of prayer.
v.2 We should pray for our leaders, whether we agree with them or not.
v.5 Job 9:33; John 14:6.
v.7 Paul was a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher.

Sermon on 1 Timothy 3: BISHOPS AND DEACONS
v.1 Bishop means "overseer of the church."
v.3 Greediness among church officials is the curse of the modern Church.
v.16 God was manifested in the flesh in Jesus Christ.

Sermon on 1 Timothy 4: ADVICE TO A YOUNG PASTOR
v.1 Galatians 1:8.
v.2 Men can lie and deceive when their consciences have been dulled.
v.4-5 Paul told Timothy that he didn't have to refuse meats which were prohibited by the law, because God sanctifies all our food.
v.8 There are eternal benefits in godly exercise.
v.10 Jesus is the Savior of the world, but only those who accept Him will be saved.
v.16 We learn a subject better when we teach it ourselves.

Sermon on 1 Timothy 5: MORE ADVICE ON PASTORING
v.1-2 Paul gives Timothy advice on his relations with believers in the church.
v.6 The woman who "liveth in pleasure" is a woman who's forsaken the Lord to live in the world.
v.9 "Threescore" is sixty.
v.14-15 Paul is still talking about the young widows. Though in v.11 it appears that he doesn't want them to marry, he's speaking of widows forsaking the Lord to marry. He advised the younger widows to marry and care for their homes and children, rather than to stay single and be tempted to waste their lives.
v.16 "Relieve" means "take care of."
v.23 Timothy had a problem adjusting to the water in Ephesus (similar to the stomach problems we sometimes develop by drinking water in a foreign country).

Sermon on 1 Timothy 6: THE TREASURE OF GODLINESS
v.1 Our behavior at work reflects on Jesus Christ and our witness for Him.
v.5 Some people see godliness as a way to make gain or acquire possessions, as the "prosperity doctrine" teaches.
v.6 Godliness itself is a treasure.
v.9 "Lusts" also means "desires."
v.10 If money is the obsession of our lives, we'll be pierced with many sorrows.
v.14 This verse refers back to the commandment Paul gave in v.12.
v.17 God has given us a beautiful world to enjoy for free.
v.19 Matthew 6:19-21; 19:21.