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Evolution Says .....

The fossil evidence shows that birds evolved from reptiles. The Archaeopteryx & Mononychus are intermediates which prove the evolution. Feathers evolved from reptile scales. Birds are primitive because they lay eggs.

The Facts Are .....

(1) The fossil evidence which is used to show a structural gradient between reptilian scales and feathers is a single specimen of a feather fragment. However, the specimen is for all intentional purposes, a true feather - it bears no transitional (half-way) characteristics at all. It is said to be an evolutionary intermediate because its assessed age pre-dates Archaeopteryx. Paleontological Journal, No. 4, 1978 p:520-528

(2) The Meyer feather which was said to have come from the same quarry as the two Archaeopteryx specimens, was assigned to the Jurassic period. Both rock halves were sold to different museums, a practice unheard of, as they must always be kept together. Sir Fred Hoyle's investigation of photographs of these two halves show a marked difference in the background texture of the rocks. His conclusion is that they are almost certainly forgeries. Fred Hoyle & Chandra Wickramasinghe, "Archaeopteryx, The Primordial Bird: A Case of Fossil Forgery", Christopher Davies Ltd: Swansea, 1986 p:42

(3) An experiment where pieces of chicken skin were grafted onto a living reptile did produce feathers because the chicken tissue contained the DNA information for the ability to produce feathers. The feathers had nothing to do with the reptiles ability to produce feathers, and is no proof of evolution at all. P. Sengel, "Morphogenesis of Skin", Cambridge University Press, 1976

(4) "Feathers are features unique to birds, and there are no known intermediate structures between reptilian scales and feathers ..... the elongated scales found on such forms as Longisquama ..... are very interesting, highly modified and elongated reptilian scales, and are not incipient feathers." Written by evolutionist Alan Feduccia in the section "On Why Dinosaurs Lacked Feathers" of the book "The Beginning of Birds", Jura Museum: Eichstatt (West Germany), 1985 p:76

(5) "The problem (of feather evolution) has been set aside, not for want of interest, but for lack of evidence. No fossil structure transitional between scales and feathers is known, and recent investigators are unwilling to found a theory on pure speculation ..... How feathers ..... arose initially ..... defies analysis." Written by vertebrate palaeontologist and evolutionist Professor Barbara J. Stahl (St Anselm's College, USA) in her book "Vertebrate History: Problems in Evolution", McGraw-Hill: New York, 1974 p:350 (also Dover Publications: New York, 1985 p:349-350)

(6) Mononychus is a bird-like dinosaur with a keeled breastbone and bird-like wrists. It has been touted as the 'link' between birds and dinosaurs, and is pictured in scientific articles as having feathers. No feathers, however, have ever been found with this fossil. Science News, Vol. 143, No. 16, 1993 p:245; Time (Aust), April 26, 1993

(7) "It is obvious that we must now look for the ancestors of flying birds in a period much older than that in which Archaeopteryx lived." Written by evolutionist Dr John Ostrom, in his article "Bone Bonanza: Early Bird and Mastodon", in Science News, Vol. 112, No. 13, September 1977 p:198

(8) "The (evolutionary) origin of birds is largely a matter of deduction. There is no fossil evidence of the stages through which the remarkable change from reptile to bird was achieved." Written by W.E. Swinton (British Museum of Natural History, London) in A.J. Marshall (ed.), "Biology and Comparative Physiology of Birds", Vol. 1, Academic Press: New York, 1960 p:1

(9) Birds do not lay eggs because they are primitive, but because their breeding and survival depends on it. A bird's high body temperature of 40ºC, would result in the death of most of their embryos. Science, January 20, 1988 p:465; American Naturalist, Vol. 130, 1987 p:941