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In this article we will focus our attention on the rock strata itself. You will learn interesting facts about evolutionary falsehoods. Evolution is a myth. God created everything; the evidence clearly points to it. This is science vs. evolution-a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia , brought to you by Creation Science Facts.

CONTENT: Fossils and Strata - 2

19 Basic Problems - Here are the facts in the rocks which destroy evolutionary theory

Page numbers without book references refer to the book, FOSSILS AND STRATA , from which these facts are summarized. An asterisk ( ^ ) by a name indicates that person is not known to be a creationist. Of over 4,000 quotations in the set of books this Encyclopedia is based on (see BOOKSTORE ), only 164 statements are by creationists.


Here are the facts in the rocks which destroy evolutionary theory.

1 - Lowest levels are just as complex.

It is an astounding fact that the lowest strata, the Cambrian, contains a variety of creatures from every phylum, and they have complicated internal structures.

The mathematics needed to work out the lens structure of trilobites was not invented until the 19th century. -p. 25.

2 - Sudden appearance of life.

The lowest strata containing fossils is the Cambrian. (Below that is the Precambrian, with no fossils other than an occasional algae.) Called the "Cambrian explosion" by scientists, it is a sudden appearance of billions of fossils of over a thousand different life forms.

Yet they are all distinct species, with nothing leading up to them. Every major life group (phyla) has been found in the Cambrian strata.

This situation is contrary to evolutionary theory, but quite nicely agrees with what happened during the Genesis Flood. For example, plants would have been washed into higher levels, but their seeds could be found in the lower levels. -p. 27.

3 - No life below the Cambrian.

Below the Cambrian, in the Precambrian, essentially nothing living is to be found.

But above it, in the Cambrian, are over 1,500 different species, including one which is two-feet long. -pp. 28, 30.

4 - No transitional species.

This is one of the most significant findings of over a century of digs. Only distinct species have been found, no half species. This now amounts to over 100 million fossils in thousands of museums and collections.

In order for evolutionary theory to be correct, transitional species-partway between one true species and another which it is supposed to have evolved into-should have been found in massive numbers. But none have been found. Scientists are well-aware of this problem, and have a name for it. They call it "fossil gaps."

An example would be the squid and the octopus. They are the most complex of the invertebrates (animals without backbones). Yet they are found in most of the strata levels. Careful research has disclosed no transitional species leading to or from them. Regardless of the strata, the specimens are identical to those living today.

Another name for this problem is "missing links." The transitional species linking the species together are missing. They are not found; they never will be found. -pp. 30-31.

5 - Abrupt appearance.

Not only do the smaller, slower moving creatures, in the Cambrian, suddenly appear in the fossil record,-the larger creatures appear just as suddenly! And when they appear-they do so by the millions! Tigers, salmon, lions, pine trees, hawks, squirrels, horses, and on and on! And always with no transitional species leading to or away from them. -p. 33.

6 - Stasis.

"Stasis" means to retain a certain form, to remain unchanged. Each creature first appears in the fossil record with a certain shape and structure; it then continues on "for millions of years" through several strata, and then either becomes extinct or continues on to the present. Sometimes evolutionists declare it to have "become extinct millions of years ago,"-but then it is found alive today! Whichever of the three occurs, the creature does not change in shape or structure. -pp. 33-34.

7 - Not enough species.

According to evolutionary theory, there ought to have been a massive number of species changes in ancient times, yet we do not find any of them in the fossil record. We just do not find the intermediary species that link the species we have. -pp. 34-35.

8 - Larger anciently than today.

This is an odd fact, and it also opposes evolutionary theory. Ancient plants and animals tended to be larger-often much larger-than they are now. Many examples of this could be cited. But extinction and reduction in size run counter to evolutionary theory. -pp. 35, 37.

9 - No family tree.

We are often shown a sketch of the evolutionary family tree, yet no such tree exists. The tips of the branches represent the various species, but the branches and trunk are missing. -p. 37.

10 - No geologic column.

The rock strata is supposed to represent evolved species, but it is not a column.

Strata are missing and fossils are mixed together through many strata, and this includes index fossils. It is all one big confusion. -pp. 37-38.

11 - Immense numbers of fossils.

Why are there so many fossils? Immense numbers are to be found. Only an immense, worldwide catastrophe could have produced such a situation. All the evidence points to the fact that vast fossil beds of plants and animals were buried by the Flood.- pp. 40-41.

12 - Not made now.

It is impossible to make a fossil now. Researchers have tried to do it on dry ground and in swamps. But the plants rot; they do not turn to fossils. Rapid burial and immense pressure is needed to make a fossil. -p. 41.

13 - Rapid burial.

It is clear that the fossils were buried with extreme rapidity. There are many examples of one fish eating another-just as both were buried. Quick, high compression occurred. Sharks have been found flattened to ¼ inch in thickness, from one side to the other, but with their tail fully erect. They were not sick, but in the prime of health. -pp. 41-42.

14 - Fossil footprints.

Many instances of fossil footprints have been found. This evidence points to a worldwide flood. Birds were buried on or about the same levels as their footprints. But non-dinosaur reptiles and dinosaurs left tracks well below the levels where the bulk of their bodies were found. They were walking around earlier in the Flood and then later buried by it. -p. 42.

15 - Plants and animals not together.

Evolutionary theory teaches that plants and animals drop to the ground, die, and make fossils. Yet the evidence reveals that plants and animals are generally piled up separately. This would be the case if they were washed into place by a gigantic flood. -pp. 42-43.

16 - Living fossils.

A number of the creatures found in the fossil record no longer exist. This is proclaimed as a proof of evolution, but it is only evidence of extinction. Extinction is not evolution.

Many of the extinct creatures are said to have died out millions of years ago, for their bones are not found in "younger" strata.

Yet some of them have been found to be alive today! They are called "living fossils." One was the coelacanth fish, which has been "extinct" since the Cretaceous period, supposedly 70 million years ago. It was classified as an "index fossil" until 1938, when it was known to be alive and well in deep water, off the coast of South Africa.

If long ages elapsed between each strata, it would be impossible for the coelacanth to disappear for all that time. (Each species must either remain alive or become extinct. If a species becomes extinct, it cannot come back to life.)

But if the strata was caused by the worldwide Flood, which only occurred a few thousand years ago, there would be no problem. The strata were all laid down over a fairly short period of time. -pp. 44-45.

17 - Extinct dinosaurs.

Evolutionists point to the dinosaurs as outstanding evidence of evolution. Yet they only show that creatures died out in earlier times. Extinction is not evolution.

In order for the dinosaur to prove evolution, there would have to be transitional forms leading up to them. But, like everything else, the dinosaurs are distinct species. -pp. 45-46.

18 - None of the fossils or strata are ancient.

Fossils from every level have been analyzed by carbon 14 dating. Scientists have been shocked to find traces of amino acids in all strata levels! This means that all the fossil-bearing strata were laid down fairly recently and at about the same time.

For example, seashells from the Jurassic strata ("135-180 million years ago"), have amino acids and protein residue still within them. So they cannot be more than a few thousand years old. -pp. 46-47.

19 - Human remains in ancient deposits.

Modern men and women are only supposed to have existed on earth for the past 2 million years, and therefore should only be found in Quaternary strata.

Yet human fossils have been found in many different levels, and human footprints have been found in the Cambrian level. These facts totally violate evolutionary theory. -p. 47.


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