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The blood of Jesus is the authority for our complete change from the image and ways of Satan to the image and ways of the Lord God of Heaven. The Holy Spirit of God is the power, wisdom, and environment through which the change is accomplished.<br>
The blood of Jesus is the authority for our complete change from the image and ways of Satan to the image and ways of the Lord God of Heaven. The Holy Spirit of God is the power, wisdom, and environment through which the change is accomplished.<br>
'''[[Salvation is moral change.]]'''
'''Back to [['Philippians 3:11']]'''

Latest revision as of 21:08, 23 June 2012

Salvation is moral change. 

Back to 'Philippians 3:11'

The current definition ofsalvation is "the forgiving of the believer’s sins through the atoning blood of Jesus so when he dies he will go to Heaven and live forever in a mansion."

The current definition invites but does not require a change in the individual. It appeals to man’s instinct for self-preservation. The current definition does not stress the transformation of the personality of fallen man or the restoration of Paradise on the earth. Itdoes speak of eternal life, but eternal life is defined as going to Heaven to live forever in a mansion of glory, to walk on streets of gold, and to possess gold, silver, and precious stones. There will be no death there, no pain, no tears, it is taught, referring to a passage that in actuality is speaking not of the Church but of the nations of the saved on the new earth (Revelation 21:4).

The current definition emphasizes our escape from Hell when we die and our entrance into Paradise, into the Presence of Jesus, the saints, and the holy angels. The current definition stresses forgiveness rather than deliverance—a forgiveness that results in going to Heaven when we die rather than to Hell.

The current definition is widely held among us. It may appear to be close enough to the Scripture to be acceptable. However, it is in error. The error of it is destroying the Kingdom of God in the earth.

By defining the Christian salvation as a plan whereby untransformed people can enter Heaven when they die, the chief work of the Kingdom of God is ignored. The chief work of the Kingdom of God is the doing of God’s will in the earth as it is in Heaven.

Naturally, Satan and his worshipers have an interest in preserving the wickedness that is widespread among the nations of our day. Therefore Satan and his angels are willing that we emphasize dying and going to Heaven by faith, or even by a "rapture" in which untransformed individuals are removed from the earth.

Satan’s goal is to maintain his image and ways among earth’s people. As long as the Christians make their goal the attainment of residence in the spirit realm, Satan is undisturbed. Satan’s fear is that the Christian churches will discover that the Messianic redemption is a plan whereby the Presence of God and Paradise can return to the earth, accompanied by the removal of the image and ways of Satan.

The current incorrect definition of salvation is not as innocent as it may appear. Its effect on the Christian people has been and continues to be a nullifying of God’s intention to destroy the works of Satan through Christ (I John 3:8).

A corollary of the current definition is that the Christian Gentiles are to be carried up to Heaven by faith, along with God’s Spirit, while the elect Jews are left to establish an earthly kingdom. By employing this concept the believers can discard all teachings of righteous behavior by stating that such are directed toward the Jews.

Surely the sincere disciple of Jesus can see the diabolical motivation here. By preventing the Gentiles from practicing the righteous laws of the Kingdom of God we effectively are cutting them off from the Life of God. The world continues in chaos because the Jews without the Holy Spirit are incapable of changing the image and ways of Satan in the earth.

The true scriptural work of salvation begins when we accept the Lord Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord. Our initial acceptance of the Lord results in deliverance from Divine wrath through the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus apart from any works of righteousness of our own.

After our initial acceptance of the Lord we are to be led by the Spirit of God into deliverance from all unrighteousness, all spiritual uncleanness, and all disobedience to God, and brought into complete union with God through Christ.

The blood of Jesus is the authority for our complete change from the image and ways of Satan to the image and ways of the Lord God of Heaven. The Holy Spirit of God is the power, wisdom, and environment through which the change is accomplished.