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Rick Branch

In their search for spiritual truth, millions of people have searched the heavens.

However, rather than finding the creator, they have become satisfied with the wonders of the creation.

Rather than accepting the Grace of God they have endeavored to satisfy their spiritual yearnings with "...techniques by which to manipulate the stars...," (The Dark Side of History, Michael Edwardes, p. 16).

According to the Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, in 1978, there were estimated to be "...over 10,000 professional astrologers in the U.S. with a clientele of over 20 million people," (Vol. 1, p. 67).

By 1984, the Gallup Poll "...found that 55 percent of Americans, 13 to 18 years old, believed in astrology, up from 40 percent in 1978. In the United States and Canada, 1,800 newspapers print daily horoscopes...," (Dallas Morning News, 19 November 1985, p. 1-C).

Finally, according to a news¬paper printed in Englewood, Colorado:

"Twelve-thousand Americans claim to be full-time astrologers, and another 200,000 work at it part-time. Linda Goodman's two books on astrology have sold an incredible 60,000,000 volumes. Gallup reports that 32 million Ameri¬cans believe in astrology...," (Rivendell Times, July 1988, p.1).

The phenomenon of astrology is growing. Due largely, no doubt, to the fact that it is another system whereby Man is able to reject the Grace offered by a loving God and find answers according to the workings of his own finite intelligence.

History of Astrology

There seems to be a vast discrepancy of opinion on exactly when or where astrology began.

The 24-volume set of books, Man, Myth and Magic indicates, "as a system of divination" it was "first developed in Babylon before the Christian era...," (Vol. 1, p. 150, Richard Cavendish, ed.).

However, as Sheila Geddes of the British Faculty of Astrological Studies, explains, "It is very difficult to find any consensus of opinion as to the probable dates of the astrological `firsts.'

"For instance, one source says that the Babylonians invented the zodiac `probably not earlier than 500 B.C.' Another source puts it at least 300 years earlier, and yet a third says `in the early Greek period,'" (The Art of Astrology: A Complete Course in the Working Techniques of Natal Astrology, p. 138).

Geddes adds to the confusion by with her observation that "The Chaldeans are credited with teaching the Egyptians astrology, but at least one source makes a good case for the reverse," (Ibid, p. 139).

While there may be little agreement on its early history, Ellic Howe, a specialist in the prehistory of German National Socialism, documents astrology's downward trend and its subsequent revival.

"Educated men began to lose interest in astrology towards the beginning of the 17th century, when the discoveries of the first of the modern astrologers, including Galileo, Copernicus and Kepler, were beginning to be understood.

"Astrology was already well underground in Europe during the 18th century and in England the appearance of new textbooks dwindled to a trickle between 1700 and c.1790.

"Indeed, if the British had not kept astrology alive when it was forgotten elsewhere, it might conceivably have disappeared altogether.

"The British and French revivals during the 1890's and the somewhat later German one, were by-products of a new and widespread interest in occultism, magic, the Cabala and, above all, H.P. Blavatsky's Theosophical teachings," (Man, Myth and Magic, Vol. 1, p. 150).

However, with this resurgence, astrology gained momentum and beginning in the 1930's newspapers and other journals began to "mass-circulate" birth signs and other zodiac information (Ibid, p. 149).

Hence, it has grown into "a multimillion-dollar-a-year business and a billion-dollar industry worldwide," (Dallas Morning News, 19 November 1985, p. 8-C).

Is It Science?

Linda Goodman, Astrologer and author of two books which have sold over 60 million copies, believes astrology is a valid science.

Near the conclusion of one of her books she writes, " Astrology is an art as well as a science. Though lots of people would like to ignore that basic fact, it can't be overlooked," (Sun Signs, p. 414).

Taking one step away from claiming astrology is a science, worthy to be classified side-by-side with chemistry and mathematics, is Alan Oken.

As a "professional Astrologer-Consultant," and former Director of the Aquarian Association of Astrologers, Oken has a unique view of scientific testability.

"Astrology is a metaphysical science, an occult science, not a natural or physical one.

"Unlike the times of ages past, astrology is not currently synonymous with astronomy and should not, therefore, be judged with the same system of rational proofs as are the natural sciences.

"Astrology, as a philosophical doctrine and a practical approach to life, does, however, correspond to metaphysical laws, and so if it is to be judged at all it must be seen for what it is in relation to those laws and not from the disparaging images cast upon it by critics who have never looked at astrological work from the inside.

"The strongest proof of the validity of astrology is that it works perfectly well when put to the test within the limitations of its own structure," (As Above, So Below: A Primary Guide To Astrological Awareness, p. 27).

Perhaps to explain this in terms of the average person's dialect, as long as astrology is only tested by itself - it works!

However, astrology which is a metaphysical (beyond the physical) science, must never be examined by the same tests which scrutinize other sciences.

Hence, astrology can never be proven to be true, but by the same line of reasoning, it can never be proven to be false!

Similar to the deliberation over its history, the debate on astrology's scientific nature seems to be a never-ending one.

As Man, Myth and Magic indicates:

"While the horoscope itself can purport to be a scientific diagram, an essentially unscientific activity begins when the astrologer attempts to make deductions based on: the zodiacal positions of the planets; the presence of a planet or planets in one or other of the twelve Houses; and certain angular relationships between one or more planets," (Vol. 1, p. 149).

Contrary to the fact that Goodman claims astrology is scientific and Oken denies the possibility that astrology is capable of being scientifically examined, 186 scientist gazed into astrology and drew their own conclusion.

"A few years ago 186 eminent scientists, including 18 Nobel Prize winners, took the trouble to sign a statement that condemned newspaper astrologers as `charlatans' who were contributing to `the growth of irrationalism and obscurantism,'" (Newsweek, 30 August 1982, p. 49).

Thus, despite well meaning claims by its proponents, astrology is not a science, but rather science fiction.

Yet, as Sheila Geddes of the British Faculty of Astrological Studies boastfully proclaims, "Never has the outlook been brighter for astrology. As we go into the Age of Aquarius, serious interest is being shown on all sides.

"The growth of reputable teaching bodies has resulted in a new breed of well-trained astrologers, from all walks of life, and thriving astrological societies, conferences and well-produced journals all speak of the vitality of our discipline," (The Art of Astrology, pp. 148-149).

With each passing year, man's search for answers in a sophisticated world becomes more and more difficult. As this task grows increasingly complex, more will be satisfied with the first answer they find.

They will reject the biblical answer of placing their faith in God's grace in favor of placing their faith in "a new breed of well-trained astrologers."

Thus, relying on their own works and man-made theories, many will be pacified by the answers they receive from the planets, rather than proceeding to the creator of those planets where the genuine answers are to be found.