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Spiritism is the ancient practice trying to communicate with the death, through a "medium".</span></p>

"Spiritualism", is Spiritism, but under the form of a Christian worship... it is "a deception", because some people may think they are attending a Christian service while they are going to get hot Spiritism. And it is a "sacrilege" to use Christian methods and objects to deliver Anti-Christian Spiritism... The church may include a pulpit, pews, crucifix, and organ... the service resemble the gatherings of a Christian church, using the Bible, with Christian payers and songs... but it is Spiritism!... with "trances", "psychic readings"...

"Condemned in the Bible", with strong words, "it is a prostitution against God"... "they shall be stoned to death"!... "If any turn to mediums and fortune-tellers, prostituting themselves to them, I will set my face against them, and will cut them off from the people... A man or a woman who is a medium or a wizard shall be put to death; they shall be stoned to death, their blood is upon them" (Leviticus 20:6,27)... and it is called "an abomination to the Lord" in Deut.18:12.

Luke 16, clearly illustrates that an impassable gulf separates the dead from the living. And if they could return, Jesus declared that anything the dead may say would have no ultimate moral consequences on the living (Lk.16:31).

The ancient belief was popularized by sisters Kate and Margaretta Fox, 12 and 15 years-old, 1848, in Hydesville, New York, with the famous "rappings" supposedly coming from a peddler who had been murdered in the hose some years previously. In 1888 the Fox sisters confessed that the rappings were accomplished by a method of cracking their toes. The sisters work out a code: One tap: No; three taps: Yes.

"Jesus", for the Spiritualists was a man, not God. While on earth, he was a prophet or an advanced medium, one believed to communicate with the spirit world. Jesus is now a spirit that one can communicate with in the spirit world. No Virgin Birth, no redeeming cross, no resurrection, no Second Coming.

"God", is an infinite spiritual intelligence, an impersonal power controlling the universe.

"After-life", in planet earth continues in the spirit world. Heaven and Hell do not exist, they are states of mind.

"Today", there are less than 10,000 hardcore members of Spiritualistic churches, though church officials estimate more than 500,000, in the USA, England, France, and Brazil. In the New Age the word "medium" is changed for "channeler".

Literature: Spiritualistic Manual, Aquarium Gospel of Jesus the Christ, Oashpe, the Bible.

Address:  National Spiritualistic Association, in Washington , DC . Morris Pratt Spiritualistic Institute in Whitewater , Wisconsin , USA .