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"Watchtower Bible and Tract Society"

It was founded by Charles T. Russell in 1852, though the first formal organization was in Pittsburgh in 1872.

3 million members worldwide, and 926,614 in the USA , with 9,985 Kingdom or Assembly Halls (in 1994).

Address: 117 Adams Street , Brooklyn , NY 11202 (called " Bethel ").

Before, they have been called "Millennial Downists", "International Bible Students", and "Russsellites", after their first leader.

... Their official name, is not "Jehovah's Witnesses", but an Incorporated Society, the "Wathtower Bible and Tract Society" ... in this Society, the leaders are elected by the number of "stocks" they have; the "President of the Society" is the one who has more stocks... the members do not vote, they do not count, even though they are the ones who bring the money, selling Bibles, Books, the Watchtower, Tracts... the actual President is Milton G. Henschel, since 1993.

Very active members:

The Witnesses are very active, selling 100,000 books and Bibles, and 800,000 copies of its two magazines, daily!... from home to home...

False Prophecies:

The Witnesses are the children of the Adventists, and as the Adventists, they have officially announced the Second Coming of Christ and the Armageddon for 6 dates: 1914, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, and 1975... and never came!...

... The prophet whose prophecies are not fulfilled is a "false prophet"... on everything!.

... But the Society, and the money, keeps going on, because every time there was an "strange explanation", swallowed by some members: After the 1914 failure, the explanation was that Christ did not come to earth, but "became king in heaven", and cast out Satan, with the consequent World War I... After the 1975 failure, there was another explanation ready: The witnesses were told that Adam's creation was in 4026 B.C., and 6,000 years later would be the Second Coming of Christ, in 1975; when the date passed, many members left the Society, but others followed Franz's explanation that the 6,000-year chronology was set forward not since Adam, but since Eve's creation, and the leaders do not know the interval between the creation of Adam and Eve!...

... Henschel, the actual President, has not set a fixed date, only that it will be in the early 2,000s.

Little Popes"... "Blood Transfusions"

The Witnesses reject the "successor of Peter" of Matt.16:19, the Catholic Pope... but they have their "little Popes", not the successor of Peter, they are self- proclaimed, but much more demanding that the real Pope:

... For example, Russell permitted the "Blood Transfusions", and said "only he with the mentality of a pharisee can prohibit them"... so, at that time all the Witnesses read in the Bible that the Blood Transfusions were a good thing to do...

... But then came their second "little Pope", Rutherford, and "prohibit the Blood Transfusions"... and since then, every Witness reads in the Bible that the Blood Transfusions are prohibited... the 3 million of them!... and if anyone dears to say that the Blood Transfusions are permitted, he will be "disfellowshiped", cast out of the Society, and the rest of the members will consider him as dead, they are forbidden even to speak with him... and the "excommunicated apostate" is told he will not rise from the grave on Judgment Day...

... How come at least 10 Witnesses don't read in the Bible that the Transfusions are permitted, like other 2,100 million Christians do?... you know the reason: Because the actual "little Pope" says so... if another Russell would come, all of them will read in the Bible that Transfusions are good!

... One of the big problems about the Transfusions is that Jesus repeats 4 times "you have to drink my blood", in Jn.6:53-56... but they dismiss it as a "symbol", as told by their "little Popes".

Some members have been "disfellowshiped" for reading books written by ex-members, or eating with a suspected dissenter... and if a Witness says that "Jesus Christ is God", he will be the worst apostate!...

The "144,000"... the "Brainwash"

The key word for the Society is the "Second Coming of Christ", with the war of Armageddon, won by Jesus Christ, and the beginning of the "Millennium" of Rev.20.

The Witnesses are told to work hard "now", because from that Day, the 144,000 "anointed ones" since 1914 will live for ever as kings and priests in heaven, as told in Rev.7 and 20; and the "Great Multitude" of Rev.7, will rise from their graves to live for ever on earth like in a paradise, ruling earth under the tutelage of the 144,000 during the "Millennium", ... but only the good Witnesses!... the rest of the wicked people will be annihilated in the Millennium... and the "apostate Witnesses" will not raise from the grave on Judgment Day, at the Second Coming of Christ.

These ideas, of "raising from the graves" to "rule earth", "like a paradise"... are the basis for the brainwash of the members with biblical after long biblical lectures... and their leaders become like gods for them... there is no other world for a Witness...

... And there are many good honest Witnesses... but brainwashed... no biblical reason makes sense for them, only what they are told in the Kingdom Hall... I pray Jesus to give light to any honest Witness who reads these lines, and I order Satan to get out of his heart, in the glorious name of Jesus, because only Satan can praise Jesus by saying that "Jesus is not God". Thank you, my Lord and my God Jesus Christ... proclaimed just like that in the Bible, in the Gospel of St. John 20:28.

Jesus Christ "is not God"

The Jehovah's Witnesses discard most orthodox doctrines of the Bible, conflicting with those of historic Christianity:

The Holy Trinity is seen as a demonic doctrine, Jesus christ is stripped of his deity, is not God!, the Holy Spirit is robbed of his personality... they deny the physical resurrection of Christ, and there is not eternal Hell... their doctrines on the sufficiency of Christ's atonement, on human government, and on the existence of the soul are not biblical...

The worst of them all is to say that "Jesus is not God": But their Bible says emphatically the "Jesus is God", on John 20:28 , proclaiming Jesus "my Lord and my God"... "Lord"... "God"... the Bible says Jesus is God!... directly... just like that!.

... John 1:1-3, says it also directly; however, in their Bible, Knorr added an "a"... "is a god", and he put not "God", but "god"... but verse 3 says that "all things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being".

Colossians 1:16-17, also proclaims that "all things" were made by Christ and for Christ... but again, Knorr adds "(other)" several times between "all things", trying to water down the creation of all things by Jesus Christ, material and spiritual... but in Jn.1:3 says it so clearly!... and here Knorr forgot to put the word "(other)" in between...

The Society is the worst vomit of Satan...

... only Satan can may you praise Jesus Christ, by saying the "Jesus Christ is not God"... only Satan can make you living only expecting the Second Coming of Christ, with his great victory of Armageddon, and proclaiming that "Jesus Christ is not God".

They "changed" the "Bible"

Knorr, the third president of the Society, published the Bible of the Society, "The New World Translation"... changing and adding words in many verses... and the Bible says, "if anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him every plague mentioned in the book" (Rev.22:18).

He changed or added words to verses relating to the "deity of Christ", the "adoration of Christ", the "immortality of the soul", the "eternal Hell"... (Jn.1:1, Colos.1:14-16, 2:9-10, Fil.2:5, Tit.2:13, Heb.1:6, 8, 2Pet.1:1, Matt.28:17, Luc.24:52, 23:43 , Matt.25:56)

The Life of a Witness

It is a strange one: Do not observe holidays or birthdays. Do not vote, salute the flag, work in the military, play chess... no Sabbath is observed, they meet on Sundays to study their Bible... they work hard, "door to door"... making money for the Society.