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Copyright © 2010 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

"Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites." (Joshua 1:2)

"Moses my servant is dead." What would such a statement mean to the Israelites? To Joshua?

(9/19/2010). About three years ago, Audrey and I were at a pastor's conference. Part of the audience consisted of young people preparing to enter the ministry. A strong word came to me. I resisted it because I did not want to call attention to myself. Finally I knew it was the Lord. So I went to one of the people in charge and said, "I have a prophecy." Then I went back to my seat. I was not called on to give it.

Here is the gist of the prophecy, as I remember: "Sin is going to become worse. Do not regard the old ways of doing things. I am going to do a new and surprising thing that will be more than adequate to enable you to be victorious."

Two nights later, after having forgotten about the incident, the Lord let me know that He was grieved because the young candidates did not hear His message. Since then I have had several opportunities to tell people that Jesus is going to do "new and surprising things and not to cling to the old ways of ministry."

I do not know what the new and surprising things will be. But I am expecting them. In my mind, there is no question that many American churches are preaching death, that is, "lawless grace, any-moment rapture, and eternal residence in a mansion in Heaven." This is what people tell me is being taught across the country. They are looking for a church that teaches the Bible.

(9/19/2010). Thinking in terms of the Book of Joshua, what does Canaan, the land of promise, typify? What does the Jordan River typify? These are important questions, because they typify our entrance into the rest of God, the subject of the Book of Hebrews.

Traditionally the Jordan River represents our physical death, and Canaan represents Heaven. I will tell you what I believe they represent, and you can decide which viewpoint you prefer.

The Jordan River represents death to self, to our "I will." Coming out of Egypt is death to the world, while Mount Sinai represents death to sin. Death to the world, to sin, and to self. These three deaths are the necessary foundation for resurrection into the fullness of eternal life when Christ appears.

Canaan is our objective. It represents the rest of God. All enemies have been subdued. We have been conformed to the image of Christ. We are dwelling in untroubled rest in the center of God's Person and will. God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are dwelling in untroubled rest in us. Now we are ready to be co-heirs along with the Lord Jesus of the works of God's hands—especially the nations of people and the farthest reaches of the earth.

This is what the LORD says: "Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? (Isaiah 66:1)

After the Jordan was crossed, the manna ceased and the Israelites ate some of the produce of the land. This means the daily grace we are accustomed to stopped and in its place we are eating the solid food of the Throne of God which is being created in us. This takes place after we choose to die to our own will, our self-determination, and obey Jesus Christ in every detail of our life.

Also, the new generation was circumcised. It is time now for a new generation of Christians to return to the holiness of former years. We must, as the Spirit of God leads us, purify ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. When we decide to die to our own will, our judgment begins. Little by little the Holy Spirit points out the sinful impulses in our flesh and spirit. Then we are to turn away from these impulses. Christ will forgive each sin confessed and help us kill it.

The rest of God, the inheritance we are approaching, is filled with the enemies of God. Therefore we are facing a prolonged, vicious fight. Each of us as an individual will be attacked by wicked spirits in the world and unclean spirits dwelling in our flesh. Satan is determined that we shall not enter our inheritance in Christ. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. Joshua 1:3)

We have to "set our foot" on our inheritance, and then God will give it to us. How do we know what our inheritance is? It is first Christ, people, and all the works of God's hands. After that it becomes a personal inheritance, depending on the individual Christian. We have to pray without ceasing, as it were, asking God to reveal to us our destiny determined from the beginning of the world. As Paul said, we have to grasp that for which we have been grasped by the Lord Jesus.

So it is time to learn spiritual warfare. Christ will teach us how to defend ourselves against the attacks of the enemy; but we must be ever watchful in prayer, and we must be sternly obedience to the Lord Jesus when we know what He wants us to do.

I understand that we would like to go on the offensive and "win the world for Jesus." Perhaps some people have such a calling. But for most of us it is a patient waiting on the Lord Jesus as He shows us step by step what we are to do, and how to overcome the resistance and pressure exerted by our enemies.

There comes a time when "the enemy is too strong for us," as King David said. Today this is true in America. Because we did not value the nation that had been handed to us by the pioneers, and chose the ways of the flesh, God is removing His hand from us. Now we are facing evil such as we never thought to see in our country.

Well intentioned political and other physical efforts will not avail. We are being attacked by highly placed leaders in the spirit world. We cannot just charge out and defeat them. Only Jesus–only Jesus–has the authority and power necessary to overcome Satan. Jesus is willing to help us survive in the America of the next decade. but we personally must turn away from our own plans and desires and look to Christ for every step.

Some will survive spiritually in the coming days, but it will be only those who are trusting in Jesus at every moment of the day and night. Our armed forces, as brave as they are, cannot help us when God is not with them. And God will not help them when our nation condones abortion and sexual perversions.

Another problem is the entrance of foreign gods into our land–gods which actually are not gods. Only our Lord Jesus Christ and His Father are the true Gods of Heaven, and we are to worship and serve them only. To tolerate the worship of other gods is not acceptable and will bring ruin on us, as it has on the nations that worship them.

Difficult times ahead in America. No doubt about that. But Christ is greater than all the problems we are facing, and will help everyone who calls on Him for assistance.

No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Joshua 1:5)

(Taken from "From Moses to Joshua: I," an excerpt from The Theology of Robert B. Thompson. Copyright © 2010, by Robert B. Thompson.)

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You can hear the evening sermon at evening. http://www.wor.org/audio/audio.htm

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