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Copyright © 2007 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

The study this morning was in the 37th Psalm. The idea is that because we are facing such moral abominations in our country, and will be increasingly so in the days to come, we must choose at all times to avoid fretting and to delight ourselves in the fear of the Lord. According to the eleventh chapter of the Book of Isaiah, delight in the fear of the Lord is the seventh of the seven Spirits that are before the Throne of God.

(10/7/2007) It is not going to be easy! When we see the wicked exalting themselves on every side. When we see Jesus Christ scorned and even blasphemed. When we see those mocked who are endeavouring to live righteously. When we read how all religions serve the same God. When we learn that our country no longer is solely Christian but part Islamic, part Hindu, part Buddhist. We see parades that are a visible representation of Sodom, and people from around the world come to America to look at them. When we read how people are arrested for cruelty to animals because of using them for sex objects.

When there are those who hold that a woman who gets an abortion is to be honoured. When the public school authorities are so afraid of being sued by atheists or by those of other religions that they relegate Christian principles and artefacts to the sidelines. When we see all that historical America esteemed being mocked, scorned, thrust aside in favour of "alternate life styles. When we see this rapid descent into Hell, we can destroy our relationship with Christ by fretting about it.

Whatever good we can do, we should do. But when all we can do is fret, we are disobeying God.

The 37th Psalm commands us several times to not fret ourselves concerning the actions of the wicked. When we fret and complain about the moral decline of the United States of America, we are accusing God of losing control of the world. We are honouring the wicked. Yet, the downfall of the wicked is inevitable. It is the meek who will inherit the earth. The almighty God will see to that!

When the Apostle Paul was imprisoned in Rome he directed us to rejoice in the Lord always. This is not merely a good idea, it is necessary if we are to live a victorious life in the Lord Jesus Christ.

God is in control. It is God who is permitting the wicked to vaunt themselves in the smug assurance that their way is everlasting.

Why would God tolerate this sort of behaviour, when the earth, all its populations, and all its resources, belong to God? It is because God is using all this garbage to bring forth His sons—son who will stand in the Lord Jesus Christ although they are living in a cesspool. This world is the valley of the shadow of death, David reminded us.

If you want good potting soil, turn some worms loose in a pile of manure. A lady who sells potting soil informed me of this. So manure has its uses. In like manner, the social patterns of America have their Divinely ordained value.

We simply must delight ourselves in the Lord. If we will choose to do so (and we always can choose whether to delight ourselves or whether to fret and complain!) God will give us the desires of our heart. Paul told us God will supply our needs. David told us God will give us the desires of our heart. God supplies our needs and fulfils our desires, when we wait patiently before Him.

I cannot emphasize this Bible teaching too strongly. America is becoming Sodom. I have lived in America for eighty-two years and have witnessed the slow decline of morality. But I think the rate of decline is accelerating. To read of a comedienne who mocks Christ is bad enough. But then to find she now is entertaining overflow audiences because of her "joyful, spontaneous creativity," makes me realize the world of Sodom is on the way.

We read in Matthew that both sin and righteousness shall come to maturity just before they are reaped. The way of the Lord shall be made straight. The wicked are becoming exceedingly wicked. The Lord Jesus will make the saints exceedingly righteous in behaviour if we will cooperate with the Spirit of God.

If I am hearing from the Spirit correctly, much blood is about to be shed in America. If you fear the prospect of death for you or your children, I suggest that without delay you draw close to the Lord. Spend some time each day in the heavens with Jesus. Get used to the spirit world. Know that if that darling child of yours is killed in the coming warfare, he or she is happily at play with other children in the parks of Heaven.

If you and the members of your family will love God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind, and your neighbour as yourselves (and you can do both of these things if you will ask Christ to help you), and accept the rulership of King Jesus over every aspect of your lives, than when you die you all will be together again forever in that world that is marvellous beyond all marvels.

Paradise was on the earth in the beginning. Jesus will bring it back to the earth in His time. But what good is Paradise if you are not with your loved ones? Love alone is what the world was made for, as the old song says.

So be full of courage and peace. Do not fret yourself concerning the antics of the wicked. They soon shall be removed from the presence of decent people. You and your family can survive and help others during the coming era of moral and physical horrors.

But if any of you are killed, you then will be released into that true, wonderful, eternal world where there is no more death; no more mourning over the demise of a loved one or a child; (and this is important to some people), no more having to take your beloved pet to the veterinarian to be put to sleep. Are there animals in the new world of righteousness? The eleventh chapter of Isaiah suggests there indeed will be.

So the future is bright with promise for those who love and serve the Lord Jesus. He shall put an end to wickedness when He is ready to do so. We never, never fret about the wickedness of the world because God in His love has given us the Spirit of delight in the fear of the Lord.

You can hear the morning sermon at morning. http://www.wor.org/audio/audio.htm

You can hear the evening sermon at evening. http://www.wor.org/audio/audio.htm

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