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(Immortal Souls?)
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Most people do not understand the relationship between men and ''souls''. Almost everyone has been taught and assumes that every human being is born with and possesses an IMMORTAL SOUL. The popular belief is that, upon death, the souls of sinners go to hell ''forever'', while the saved go to heaven ''forever''.
Most people do not understand the relationship between men and ''souls''. Almost everyone has been taught and assumes that every human being is born with and possesses an IMMORTAL SOUL. The popular belief is that, upon death, the souls of sinners go to hell ''forever'', while the saved go to heaven ''forever''.
Is this what the Bible says?
===Is this what the Bible says?===
God’s Word declares, “the wages of sin is ''death”'' (Rom. 6:23), and that “sin is the transgression of the law” (I John 3:4). Could the Bible then also teach that human beings have immortal souls? It certainly does talk about “souls,” but in what context?
God’s Word declares, “the wages of sin is ''death”'' (Rom. 6:23), and that “sin is the transgression of the law” (I John 3:4). Could the Bible then also teach that human beings have immortal souls? It certainly does talk about “souls,” but in what context?

Latest revision as of 23:33, 26 October 2011

Next Part Mankind Required to Choose

Back to Sex Its Unknown Dimension

Back to By David C. Pack

Take a moment to consider yet again the foundation upon which man’s knowledge is now supported—the theory of evolution, which postulates a creation without a Creator. Revelation from God has been dismissed as fiction while science has been elevated and deified to replace the “superstition” of religion. The very existence of God has been rejected by many of the modern proponents of “higher learning.” Science focuses upon the material while dismissing God and His revelation to mankind.

Evolution has come to be accepted largely without question. To merely offer possible problems with this theory, and to seek proof of it, is considered academic heresy. Practitioners of higher learning demand acceptance without reservation. No one may challenge what they have decided the masses must believe.

Error usually comes from the acceptance of a false premise, but one that is so supported—so taken for granted—by its advocates that it must be considered exempt from being questioned. This is based on the assumption that it should be self-evident to all who are informed and educated. Such is the false premise of evolution, and therefore it is granted near immunity from scrutiny or verification. Since evolution, by its nature, is not subject to verification or proof, it is actually more proper to categorize it as a religion or a faith—a blind faith! Probing into its veracity, into the supposed proof that it is true, is prohibited to its followers.

We have seen that educators have duped generations into accepting the evolutionary lie. This has caused countless millions to believe that mankind is continually evolving into a better and higher order of existence. But to simply look around is to expose the devastating fruits of this deception. (Again, you are strongly urged to read our thorough publications addressing the fallacies of evolution, and those proving the existence of God.)

Man is far from evolving upward—he is degenerating downward, into ever new lows of indulgence, debauchery and immorality of every kind. Sex has not been an exception.

To grasp an overview of the trends mentioned above along with their implications, it is necessary to examine what higher education has completely dismissed—divine revelation. Since mankind’s fund of knowledge has failed in helping to resolve the mounting evils abounding in society, we must revisit what man has rejected. The most logical place to start is at the very beginning. Prepare for many surprises, because orthodox teachings and religious assumptions will be seen to be consistently at odds with what the Creator reveals.

How It All Started

The apostle John recorded that “In the beginning was the Word” (Jn 1:1), and then continued with “the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Let’s understand what this means. For there to be One who was God, but who was also with God, it is obvious that two Beings—two Persons—are described.

Jn 1:14 continues, “the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” The only God Being who ever became flesh in order to dwell among men is Jesus Christ. Remember, it states that the Word “was made flesh.” Christ was not flesh until He came to earth to become the Saviour of mankind—to pay the ransom for sin, His life, and eventually deliver mankind from captivity.

Genesis 1:1 states, “In the beginning God...” Moses recorded the first five books of the Old Testament in the Hebrew language. The Hebrew word translated “God” is Elohim, a uniplural word like team, group, family or church. The God of the Bible is one Family—one God—composed of two Beings. This is why Christ could be God and be with God at the same time. John 4:24 states that “God is a Spirit.” God is made up of, or composed of, Spirit. Men are composed of flesh.

God and Christ enjoy complete harmony and complete agreement in everything. They reflect perfect outgoing concern, love and cooperation. The Father is the Supreme Leader of a Family that both chose to expand.

First, God created the angels and then the entire physical universe, including earth. Then, later in Genesis 1:1-31, we find that God said, “Let us [more than one] make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen 1:26). There was clearly more than one Person involved in the creation of man.

Gen 1:25 shows that each animal was made after “his kind.” Dogs come from dogs and have puppies that look like dogs. Cats come from cats and have kittens that look like cats. Horses come from horses and have foals that look like horses. This is true throughout the entire animal kingdom. Of course, this is no mystery.

But here is what has not been understood. Men are not part of the animal kind—and evolution does not understand or allow for this. They do not carry the likeness of any “beast of the earth” (Gen 1:25). They are made in the image and likeness of God. They are part of the God kind. This is the plain message of Scripture, and this understanding is directly connected to the purpose of sex.

Immortal Souls?

Most people do not understand the relationship between men and souls. Almost everyone has been taught and assumes that every human being is born with and possesses an IMMORTAL SOUL. The popular belief is that, upon death, the souls of sinners go to hell forever, while the saved go to heaven forever.

Is this what the Bible says?

God’s Word declares, “the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23), and that “sin is the transgression of the law” (I John 3:4). Could the Bible then also teach that human beings have immortal souls? It certainly does talk about “souls,” but in what context?

God has been most clear about this, and about what man is, from the beginning. Notice this in Genesis 2:7: “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man BECAME a living soul.” This verse does not say that men have souls, but rather that they are souls. Adam became a soul—he was not given one.

Then, almost immediately, God warned Adam, “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die” (vs. 16-17). When placed together, these verses reveal that men are souls, and that souls can die!

The prophet Ezekiel confirms the instruction in Genesis. Twice he was inspired to write, “The soul that sins, it shall DIE” (18:4, 20). Death is the absence of life.

Finally, notice this in Matthew 10:28: “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him [God] which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Souls can be destroyed!

Adam and Eve were physical, material beings who were capable of death, and eventually they did die. The Tree of Life symbolized God’s offer of eternal life. God made the tree available to Adam and Eve as a gift. Had they taken of this tree, they could have qualified to receive eternal life at the end of their physical existence.

Our original parents were created as mature adults, yet had to be instructed and educated from the time they received consciousness. They were given the gift of understanding speech, as well as being able to communicate with speech. God had to bring about this capability immediately since such development usually requires a matter of years with newborn children.