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Regarding sex education, abstinence is typically mocked and made to appear out of fashion. Crude, explicit language is common in such “education” so that the students become desensitized. Homosexuality and lesbianism—now wide open and highly publicized—are made to be things of no concern, as are a host of different kinds of perversions within them. Some “textbooks” actually encourage homosexuality, explaining as did one, “Everyone has homosexual tendencies in one degree or another.” No one should be surprised then to learn that large and growing numbers of teenage girls now think of themselves as “straight,” as having and preferring boyfriends, but also able to enjoy the trendy high school practice of having a lesbian relationship with a female classmate “best friend.”
Regarding sex education, abstinence is typically mocked and made to appear out of fashion. Crude, explicit language is common in such “education” so that the students become desensitized. Homosexuality and lesbianism—now wide open and highly publicized—are made to be things of no concern, as are a host of different kinds of perversions within them. Some “textbooks” actually encourage homosexuality, explaining as did one, “Everyone has homosexual tendencies in one degree or another.” No one should be surprised then to learn that large and growing numbers of teenage girls now think of themselves as “straight,” as having and preferring boyfriends, but also able to enjoy the trendy high school practice of having a lesbian relationship with a female classmate “best friend.”
EXTREME CULTURE: From dance clubs to fashion, youth culture is full of every wrong extreme, invariably leading to sexual permissiveness.
Also, marriage is often lampooned, but at the subtle level. The student is usually led to believe that Christian values are something that are hopelessly out of date. Of course, contraceptives are discussed in almost excruciating detail, with explicit demonstrations and active participation by students. Incredibly, one teacher had children in his class taste flavoured condoms. It requires little imagination to recognize the message this is sending to teenagers. Again, with abstinence the only other option for teenagers facing early exposure to and involvement in sexuality, and with self-control having become the object of subtle, if not open, derision, many default to the idea that dispensing and using condoms are dealing with “reality.”
In fact, in Ohio, advocates of sex education want the state Department of Health to stop all funding of abstinence-only programs. These unbelievably misguided thinkers assert that “there is no clear evidence that abstinence” either “reduces teen pregnancies” or “sexually-transmitted diseases”—that these programs are not “worthwhile.” One high-profile “taskforce” leader declared that “abstinence education spreads misleading or inaccurate information, blurs religion and science, is sexist and disregards homosexuals.”
How long can a society continue if it allows its “leaders” to offer such destructive opinions?
===The “New Morality”===
All of this is the new morality—actually AMORALITY—that is being promoted by many in the media and in politics for the purpose of appeasing the degenerating morals of a decadent society, only paralleled by that of ancient Rome.
William J. Bennett (former Secretary of Education in the 1980s during the Reagan administration), in his book The Broken Hearth, writes this insightful statement about the state of sex, marriage and the modern family: “Men and women today can have sex more promiscuously, more casually, and with much lower odds of pregnancy and childbirth. For the first time, on a large scale, sex has been de-linked from both marriage and procreation. The results of this revolutionary shift are all around us, in our homes, on our streets, in the books we read and the movies and television shows we watch. Sexual promiscuity, heterosexual and homosexual alike, is a fact of life, incorporated into the mentality and often then behaviour of even the youngest adolescents, and reinforced even by well-meaning adults through programs like the free distribution of condoms in schools. As for the by-product of increased promiscuity, the more measurable ones can be found in high rates of abortion and out-of-wedlock births, as well as the relentless march of sexual diseases both old and new.”
Again, this is the NEW MORALITY.

Latest revision as of 23:24, 26 October 2011

Next Part Who Needs Marriage?

Back to Sex Its Unknown Dimension

Back to By David C. Pack

With the idea that any kind of relationship is unnecessary, or even a nuisance, a truly horrific new practice has emerged that is sweeping America—hooking up. Also called “no-strings sex,” this no-limits-of-any-kind mindset is best described as “I had a beer last night, I hooked up last night,” as one professor described it. Today’s college campuses are fuelled by alcohol, which serves to create a sexually-charged atmosphere in which up to 80 percent of students on many campuses engage in sex with complete strangers, with the prevailing practice being to not even ask the name of their “partner.” The feeling has come to be “It’s just sex. What’s the big deal?” The countless thousands who now do this several nights a week have come to believe there is only a problem if they “catch feelings” for the person with whom they are having sex.

The awful culture of hooking up pictures a generation of morally bankrupt young adults in which the pursuit of sexual conquests—“trophy nights”—could be compared to big game fishermen out on the open ocean, with the engine idling on very low power and the boat moving at low speed, as these “fishermen” troll for “big game” sex. Vast numbers of college students and others now seem to exist for the purpose of moving from one sexual encounter to another.

With condom machines readily available in bathrooms all over most campuses today, and safe-sex lectures routinely given to new freshman students, the unseen message is that sex is inevitable and pretty much everywhere. Of course, the advent of wireless phone technology has enabled individuals to easily find each other and “connect”—hook up—before a night is “lost.”

A Carnival Author Tom Wolfe describes what is occurring on campuses today as a “sexual carnival.” He states, “It used to be that the worst slut in the world would put on a veneer of innocence or purity. No longer. The girl who is a virgin does not want to be known as a member of the Virgins Club. Sleeping with someone is a sign you’re on the right track today...” He then asks of this generation’s future, “Will husbands and wives think nothing of having little flings on the side?”

Prostitution, legal for a long time in Nevada, was more recently legalized in Germany (2003). Incredibly, because of technicalities in German unemployment law, women have been told that they may have to be prepared to “take a job as a prostitute” to prevent the government from “stopping your benefits.” One wonders how far governments could go. (With prostitution already growing faster than ever, made even worse by legalization, there inevitably comes gambling and crime. No one knows how to address the automatic escalation of these accompanying problems either.)

All of this makes it easy to understand why three to five percent of American adults suffer from what is now referred to as “sex addiction,” supposedly a “mental disorder” requiring “therapy” rather than having received the usual childhood dose of constant instruction about character and self-control. People are no longer being taught that life has real and dangerous pitfalls, with real consequences, and that they should be on the constant lookout for them, instead of merely giving in to the easy, natural human desire and emotion of lust.

Abortion Modern society has also been deeply affected by abortion, and this has terribly undermined the institution of marriage and family. Since the mid-twentieth century, the new morality has been moulding society, especially the younger, more susceptible minds in other ways that are not as directly connected to wrong sexual practices.

Before the new morality came on the world scene, couples at least generally dated toward and for purposes of marriage, and held a high regard for the institution of marriage. Sexual relations were generally saved for after marriage. Children were considered a blessing, not a curse—as so many now consider them to be in today’s get-based society. Women of just two generations ago would find incomprehensible the idea of having an abortion. Today, the notion of murdering an innocent, defenceless child in order to maintain a career or a single lifestyle seems perfectly reasonable to millions.

Think of abortion this way: Any American born after 1973 is technically a survivor of legalized (mass) murder.

Couples no longer feel that they have to get married, because “so many people are getting divorced, we’ll just live together.” Today, single and married women have the occasional abortion because they cannot handle the stress or responsibility of a child. Because families are so often torn apart through adultery and other domestic problems, and, because of the “tolerance” taught in schools, children are unable to grasp a clear-cut definition of exactly what a family should be—what a normal family should look like. Additionally, the sex education now commonly taught in classrooms, beginning as early as elementary school, serves to encourage teens to have, by the time they graduate from high school, more sexual encounters than they can count. And, of course, most today are not bothering to count. But many others are. For instance, one man on a television talk show described his conquests as having reached “a buck”—meaning 100 or more women!

Regarding sex education, abstinence is typically mocked and made to appear out of fashion. Crude, explicit language is common in such “education” so that the students become desensitized. Homosexuality and lesbianism—now wide open and highly publicized—are made to be things of no concern, as are a host of different kinds of perversions within them. Some “textbooks” actually encourage homosexuality, explaining as did one, “Everyone has homosexual tendencies in one degree or another.” No one should be surprised then to learn that large and growing numbers of teenage girls now think of themselves as “straight,” as having and preferring boyfriends, but also able to enjoy the trendy high school practice of having a lesbian relationship with a female classmate “best friend.”

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EXTREME CULTURE: From dance clubs to fashion, youth culture is full of every wrong extreme, invariably leading to sexual permissiveness.

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Also, marriage is often lampooned, but at the subtle level. The student is usually led to believe that Christian values are something that are hopelessly out of date. Of course, contraceptives are discussed in almost excruciating detail, with explicit demonstrations and active participation by students. Incredibly, one teacher had children in his class taste flavoured condoms. It requires little imagination to recognize the message this is sending to teenagers. Again, with abstinence the only other option for teenagers facing early exposure to and involvement in sexuality, and with self-control having become the object of subtle, if not open, derision, many default to the idea that dispensing and using condoms are dealing with “reality.”

In fact, in Ohio, advocates of sex education want the state Department of Health to stop all funding of abstinence-only programs. These unbelievably misguided thinkers assert that “there is no clear evidence that abstinence” either “reduces teen pregnancies” or “sexually-transmitted diseases”—that these programs are not “worthwhile.” One high-profile “taskforce” leader declared that “abstinence education spreads misleading or inaccurate information, blurs religion and science, is sexist and disregards homosexuals.”

How long can a society continue if it allows its “leaders” to offer such destructive opinions?

The “New Morality”

All of this is the new morality—actually AMORALITY—that is being promoted by many in the media and in politics for the purpose of appeasing the degenerating morals of a decadent society, only paralleled by that of ancient Rome.

William J. Bennett (former Secretary of Education in the 1980s during the Reagan administration), in his book The Broken Hearth, writes this insightful statement about the state of sex, marriage and the modern family: “Men and women today can have sex more promiscuously, more casually, and with much lower odds of pregnancy and childbirth. For the first time, on a large scale, sex has been de-linked from both marriage and procreation. The results of this revolutionary shift are all around us, in our homes, on our streets, in the books we read and the movies and television shows we watch. Sexual promiscuity, heterosexual and homosexual alike, is a fact of life, incorporated into the mentality and often then behaviour of even the youngest adolescents, and reinforced even by well-meaning adults through programs like the free distribution of condoms in schools. As for the by-product of increased promiscuity, the more measurable ones can be found in high rates of abortion and out-of-wedlock births, as well as the relentless march of sexual diseases both old and new.”

Again, this is the NEW MORALITY.