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Next Part Satan’s Kingdom is Both Organized and Unified

Back to By David C. Pack

You may have supposed that the governments of modern nations reflect God’s way. This is nearly everyone’s assumption. While we will learn that God does, in fact, establish and remove nations, we will also learn that this is not God’s world. This is why Christ foretold the coming of God’s all-powerful, world-ruling super government to replace the confused, ineffective and inefficient governments of man. They are powerless to solve any of the world’s biggest problems.

How did the world come to be the way that it is? Why is it in such a state of confusion, suffering, misery and ignorance? Why can’t governments get along—avoid war—find peace and agreement? Why such constant instability, scandal and division among leaders? Why such seemingly endless revolutions and military coups? Why is there no shortage of demagogues, dictators and revolutionaries—who always promise to make things better, yet are only able to preside over continually worsening troubles, problems and conditions?

Despite these conditions, most theologians, religionists and ministers blindly assume that this is already God’s world. Therefore, they conclude that if “all Christians would work together, in love and unity, to make this world and its governments a safer and better place for all, they could bring peace, happiness and prosperity to the world.”

This is a completely wrong view. Nowhere did Christ say, “Go into all the world and strive to make it a better place by becoming part of it.” He taught, “Go you into all the world and preach the gospel.” Christ did not come to make this world a better place. He came to announce the coming of a better, different world—under His government!

Blind, deceived men think that they can bring world peace through human effort alone. Ironically, this quest often involves the decision of “Christian” nations to strive for peace through war. They see certain evil forces at work and feel compelled to “do something about it.” They assume that Christ would be an “activist,” seeking to make the world a better place.

Be honest! Haven’t you heard this many times? Haven’t you heard churches urge people to “get involved,” or “take a stand,” in order to improve some local, national or world problem?

The Great Deceiver

Were you aware that your Bible speaks of “Satan, which deceives the whole world” (Rev. 12:9)? Notice that it says, “the whole world.” This is staggering understanding—but there it is in your Bible. How can the devil deceive over six billion people? What motivates him? This same verse in Revelation concludes, “he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Notice it says, “HIS angels.” These fallen beings are referred to as demons. What role, if any, do they play?

For now, let’s focus on one aspect of this enormous understanding.

If Satan has deceived the entire world, then how can it be God’s world? It has to be one or the other! Since the whole world is deceived, it must be cut off from God (Isa. 59:1-2). This will become clear.

If the devil practices deception throughout the world, it would certainly include influence upon, and control over, all its governments.

Now, if the devil deceives the whole world, and you do not accept Revelation 12:9 as coming directly from the mind of God, then any hope of breaking free of this terrible deception will be lost! The Bible is the plain Word of God! (If you doubt this, then take the time to prove it to yourself. Read our booklet Bible Authority...Can It Be Proven?)

The “god of this world”

The Bible refers to the “god of this world,” and it is not talking about the God of heaven. II Corinthians 4:4 records, “In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel…should shine unto them.”

There is only one being who wants to “blind” this world to the truth of the real gospel—Satan the devil. The true gospel is about the prophesied soon-coming kingdom of God—His world-ruling government. (Our booklet Which Is the True Gospel? explains how Christ will return to earth and establish God’s kingdom, thus replacing the devil, the present “god of this world.”) No wonder Satan wants to block people from understanding this marvelous truth. He wants no “light” shining on it, because he knows that it depicts a time when he will be banished from his current position of global influence.

Three times in the gospel of John, Christ refers to Satan as “the prince of this world.” John 12:31, 16:11 and 14:30 reveal that in the future, the “prince of this world” will be judged. Take time to read these verses. John 12:31 parallels the judgment of this world with Satan’s judgment.

This is because this world is his! Let’s make this plain.

Matthew 4:1-25 contains the well-known account of Christ’s confrontation with the devil after fasting for forty days. The devil repeatedly tempts Christ through twisting scripture (one of his favorite devices). At one point, in Mt 4:8 -9, “the devil took Him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And said unto Him, All these things will I give you, if you will fall down and worship me.”

This is a stunning account! Why?

First, notice that Christ rebuked Satan (Mt 4:10), quoting Deuteronomy 6:13, answering, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.” At no point did Christ say, “These kingdoms are NOT yours to give,” or “Who do you think you are, trying to offer Me what is already God’s?” He said no such thing.

Again, why? Because He knew the kingdoms of this world ARE the devil’s kingdoms(governments). Christ knew they WERE Satan’s to give.

Understand! This account describes the temptation of Christ. What the devil offered Him was designed to tempt Him. If both Christ and Satan knew the kingdoms of this world were not the devil’s to give, then where was the temptation? Surely, the devil would have known what Christ knew. Of course, Christ, who was God on earth, would have known the devil had the power and authority to offer those kingdoms. The temptation would carry no weight—would be hollow—if they were not Satan’s to offer.

For Christ to overcome the temptation, there had to be a temptation!

So that there can be absolutely no doubt that this is true, note the exact same account paralleled in Luke 4:6. The devil is speaking directly to Christ. It adds a key phrase that should hit you like a sledgehammer. He said, “All this power will I give You, and the glory of them: for that [it] IS DELIVERED UNTO ME; and TO WHOMSOEVER I WILL I GIVE IT.” Did you notice? It was completely within the scope of the devil’s power and authority to offer or withhold the kingdoms of this world. They were his to give or not to give. God had “delivered” them to him—to his CONTROL!

This world’s nations and governments, with “all the glory of them,” are still controlled by the “god of this world”—the “prince of this world”! Has anyone told you this before? This is the plain truth from your Bible—and it has a direct bearing on why the world is filled with war! This world, with its ways and systems, is under the control of the devil! (Read our booklet A World in Captivity to learn more about the devil’s role and influence.)