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Next Part Satan Has Ministers

Back to By David C. Pack


The truth of the gospel—God’s awesome purpose for man—has been withheld. It explains why you were born. It is incredible knowledge! It will leave you dumbfounded. This amazing knowledge is now revealed—along with the cover-up to suppress it! Billions are now deceived. Previous billions have been. Even you have been lied to. A complete seduction has taken place, and all the world’s religions have played a part in it. Knowledge of your awesome potential—your incredible future—has been kept from you!

Many wonder and worry about the unknown—and what their future holds. Others fear they do not even have a future. Still others fear that civilization has no future. You need never be in doubt about your future again—or of mankind’s. If only humanity knew what God has in store for it! Yet a deliberate suppression of the truth has withheld this knowledge from all but a few. You can be an exception. You can be one of the few who is not deceived! The world has believed a false gospel for 2,000 years. It has generally supposed that Jesus Christ is the gospel rather than the Messenger of it. The Message—the centrepiece—of the gospel is not Christ. By focusing on Him—the Messenger—religious deceivers have been able to successfully suppress and cover up the Message that He brought! The vital knowledge of how man could have solved his problems and understood God’s Supreme Purpose has been withheld from the world, keeping it in darkness. Man does not know what he is or his reason for being. He does not know the way to abundance, peace and all the good things of life. The gospel would have shown mankind the solution to its most insoluble problems.

And yet, except for the apostle John, all the original apostles were martyred for teaching the truth of God’s incredible purpose. Jesus was crucified because people did not want to hear His Message!

A correct understanding of the true gospel reveals crucial knowledge. It contains a dimension of understanding that cannot be discovered by scientific inquiry. This world’s religions have suppressed it. Their theologians neither comprehend nor are willing to teach it. We will see that they have held back the great key that unlocks your purpose for being—YOUR INCREDIBLE FUTURE! How did this happen? And who is behind this suppression of knowledge?

The Super Deceiver To the unlearned, the Bible is a book of shocking statements. It reveals startling truths, completely unknown even to those who profess to understand it. But there are few statements more astonishing than that found in Revelation 12:9. This verse directly states that Satan the devil—who does exist—“deceives the WHOLE world.”

As “prince of the POWER of the air” (Eph. 2:2), Satan has influenced, guided, controlled and completely deceived the unsuspecting masses.

This is an absolutely staggering revelation—so much so that most simply ignore or reject it, believing that it cannot possibly be true. But it is in your Bible. And the entire world remains deceived about the fact that it is deceived!

The Origin of the Devil Now for some history. Where did Satan come from? How did he become the way he is? God originally created three archangels: Lucifer (who became Satan), Michael and Gabriel. Each ruled one-third of hundreds of millions of angels (Rev. 5:11). Lucifer ruled the pre-Adamic world with his third. Along with his angels, he rebelled against the government of God. Numerous passages explain this.

Let’s read of Lucifer after he had become Satan. Isaiah 14:12-15 tells a remarkable story. It contains many clues about where Lucifer was once located, what he did and what happened to him. Read carefully, noticing the emphasis on key phrases: “How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High. Yet you shall be brought down to hell [the “grave”—see verses 9 and 11], to the sides of the pit.” (Learn much more by reading our free booklet Who Is the Devil?) Since his rebellion prior to the creation of man, Satan has greatly “weakened the nations” in both understanding and critical knowledge explaining God’s purpose. His deception has been complete.

This World’s God The Bible also calls the devil the “god of this world”—another shocking revelation! This is what II Corinthians 4:4 states: “In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel…should shine unto them.” Satan blinds the world to the true gospel for a personal reason. It describes the soon-coming kingdom of God—God’s world-ruling government. Of course, Satan seeks to block people from understanding this marvellous truth, not wanting “light” to shine on God’s incredible purpose for mankind. He wants humanity, collectively and individually, to think it has no future! Actually, the devil recognizes that the arrival of God’s kingdom means he will be banished from his current position (Rev. 20:2-3) of global influence as the god humanity unwittingly worships. He will no longer be permitted to deceive or weaken the nations. He also realizes he can never have what God has offered to men.

In John 12:31, 14:30 and 16:11, Christ refers to Satan as “the prince of this world.” These verses state that the devil will one day be judged. John 12:31 parallels the judgment of this world with Satan’s judgment. Why? Because this world is his! Paul’s inspired statement reveals that he is literally its “god.”

This is the plain truth from your Bible! Man’s civilization, with its cultures, ways and systems, is under the control of the devil! Consider. If Satan has deceived the entire world, then this cannot be God’s world. (Also see I John 5:19.) And since the whole world is deceived, it is cut off from God. Deceived people do not know their purpose for being, and practice lives that reflect this ignorance (Isa. 59:1-2; Jer. 5:25).

We could ask: How can a single being deceive over six billion people? There are two primary ways.

First, Revelation 12:9 concludes with, “he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Notice that it says, “his angels.” These beings, which he leads, are referred to as demons (or fallen angels), and they assist Satan in his role of super deceiver. Therefore, Satan does not work alone—he has millions of deceived spirit beings who help him.

But there is much more to understand. There is a second, equally important way through which Satan has so successfully deceived such vast numbers of people—and hidden their enormous potential from them.