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Back to The Bible's Difficult Scriptures Explained!

Many Bible prophecies reveal that there is yet coming one final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire—when a final king of the north will seize the world stage for a short period prior to the Return of Christ (Dan. 8:23-25). The world is now moving toward this final terrible time of great trouble. This dictator will gather ten other kings (Rev. 17:12-13), who will give their power and allegiance to him, in this last revival of the Holy Roman Empire.

Dan 8:41 says of this king, “he shall enter also into the glorious land.” This entrance into the glorious land, or Holy Land, has not yet happened! The prophecy continues, “And many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.” (Incidentally, Moab and Ammon comprise the modern Middle Eastern nation of Jordan. Many prophecies indicate that God may spare this region because of His plan for a place to protect His true servants.)

Since Dan 8:42 says, “Egypt shall not escape” this time, Egypt could not be the king of the south. Then, Dan 8:43 says, “the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.” The king of the north will, once again, control these two countries, which Italy lost control over at the end of World War II.

Dan 8:44 makes reference to “tidings [news] out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him.” Russia and the Orient lie north and east, respectively, from where the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire will be established in the Middle East.

Remember, prophetically, God uses Jerusalem as the geographic point from which to reference any direction. The king of the north will hear some troubling news and Russia, coupled with many nations from the east, will join the war, centered in the Middle East.

Dan 8:45 summarizes the end of this longest of all Bible prophecies. The king of the north (the final ruler over the last revival of the Holy Roman Empire) will sweep into the modern land of Israel, “the holy mountain,” to establish his religious headquarters. Another prophecy, in Zechariah 14:2, says “the city [Jerusalem] shall be taken.” The rest of this verse must be read to fully understand the horror that occurs when Jerusalem is taken and conquered.

Take a moment to read Luke 21:20, where Jerusalem’s desolation comes from armies that surround it. Zechariah 14:3 continues, explaining what ultimately happens: “Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle. And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east” (Zech 14:4). In the end, Jesus Christ destroys the armies that destroyed Jerusalem!

When speaking of the final beast and false prophet, Daniel 11:45 concludes, “Yet he [the beast] shall come to his end, and none shall help him.” (Also note Daniel 8:25.) Zechariah 14:3 explains that Christ will deal with him—as well as with the false prophet. Revelation 19:19-20 and Zechariah 14:12 give more explanation to the terrible end that will come to these two infamous people!

Examining what has already been fulfilled in Daniel 11 would have been incomplete without also examining what it warns is yet to occur before the Return of Jesus Christ. If God has consistently and accurately foretold already-fulfilled events, prior to their fulfillment, then we must not ignore all of the other events and trends that His Word foretells in advance. What HAS happened on schedule carries enormous implications in regard to what will yet happen in the future—and right on schedule!

One Final, Unusual Prophecy