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The serpent in the wilderness (John 3:14) is a shadow of that cross which was held high on a hill called Calvary.
The serpent in the wilderness (John 3:14) is a shadow of that cross which was held high on a hill called Calvary.
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|Some different kinds of types are:
|Some different kinds of types are:
|1. Persons
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Revision as of 20:48, 24 August 2011

The Typical Principle is that principle where a type is a Divinely appointed illustration of some Scriptural truth.

A Type is a shadow-Colossians 2:16, 17.

The Passover Lamb of Egypt was just a shadow of when John said, "Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world."

The serpent in the wilderness (John 3:14) is a shadow of that cross which was held high on a hill called Calvary.

1. John 20:25 type Print
2. Acts 7:43 type Figures
3. Acts 7:44 type Fashions
4. Acts 23:25 type Manner
5. Romans 5:12-21 type Figure
6. I Corinthians 10:1-11 type Verses 6-11—Examples
7. Philippians 3:17 type Examples
Some different kinds of types are:
1. Persons Adam to Moses Romans 5:14
2. An event The Exodus I Corinthians 10:11
3. A thing The Veil Hebrews 10:20
4. An institution The Priesthood of Christ Hebrew 9:11. The Sacrifice of Passover (The Sacrifice of Christ) I Corinthians 5:7

The types are usually found in the first five Books of the Bible.


1. A type must never be used to teach a doctrine; merely remember it is an illustration of doctrine.

2. It cannot be positively affirmed that anything is a type unless somewhere in Scripture it is treated as such.


How is a man to be redeemed by a just God? Jesus answered and pointed out that fact in John 3:14.

The Brazen Serpent is the clearest type of Christ found in the Old Testament-Numbers 21. Among the serpent-bitten people of Israel, a lonely brazen serpent is held high on a post. And among sin-bitten, serpent-bitten, Satan-bitten sinners (you and me), there arises a lonely cross.

The wages of Israel's sin was death. The same is true today- Romans 6:23. They died of the serpent's "sting".

The basis of Salvation is seen in God's instruction to Moses in making the brazen serpent. It was God's plan, not man's plan. They wanted Moses to pray to take away the serpents; if God had done so, they would still have died. The serpent, therefore, was cast of brass, which speaks of judgement.

The Brazen Serpent was made in the likeness of that which brought death; Christ was made in the form of sinful man.

The Brazen Serpent was made in the likeness of a poisonous serpent, but there was no poison in it. Christ was made of flesh, but not sinful flesh.

The Brazen Serpent was lifted upon a pole; Christ had to be crucified, lifted up! The way of execution provided by Jewish Law was that of stoning, and this would not do. He must be hanged on a tree! Why? There are two curses in the New Testament- Galatians 3:10, 3:13. This was a death which was reserved for the lowest, vilest, most shameful. "Him that hangeth on a tree is cursed of God."

When the Jews put Him on the tree, they literally said by crucifixion, "You are damned by God."

The condition is the promise that those who looked upon the serpent would live. Look is equal to FAITH. You must not just look on Christ today (His picture),but believe (by faith) in Christ. The Brazen Serpent was able to save all serpent-bitten Israel; CALVARY is able to save all Serpent-bitten men and women

Men and women don't have to have money, position, or be a member of society; they just have to LOOK! Some people might have said, "Why, it is foolish to look upon a serpent on a post". Well, don't look-and DIE! Those who looked were immediately healed, cured; although the serpents remained, those who looked could not be hurt again by the serpents.

There was only one class of people who could NOT be affected by the Brazen Serpent, and it was made up of those who were already dead!

MANNA-EXODUS 16-Every day for forty years God fed Israel manna. The Anti-type of Manna is Christ (John 6:30-58). The Manna came down from heaven. Read Exodus 16:4-Christ came down from heaven-John 6:33.PHILIPPIANS 2-Manna came by gravitation; Jesus came by incarnation. Manna came in a miraculous way; Christ was born in a miraculous way; He was born of a virgin.

The meaning of the word "Manna" is "What is it?" When Christ came among men they asked, "Who is it?"

The description of Him is small, round, white and sweet. Christ was small: He was born in a stable, as a carpenter's son, not as a King's son. Round: This denotes His deity. Round has no beginning or ending. WHITE: Christ was the Holy One Whose life was without sin. Sweetness: This is the joy and happiness that comes by Christ- "O come and taste of the Lord for He is good."

MANNA came with the dewdrops. Manna came in the nighttime. Christ came in the night, to a world of darkness that knew not God.

MANNA was ground, beaten, and baked. All of these speak of suffering. CHRIST was ground between the wrath of God (John 6:51). He was beaten by men; the bread was mixed with water, leaven added, fire, and baked, exposed to the fire of God's wrath.

That Manna which was once lying in the desert, but was taken into the presence of God, speaks of the resurrection of Christ. The Manna came to Israel for forty years. Never did it come before the journey, nor has it come since (John 6).

Manna was not for the world, but it was for the people of God. Responsibility was given by God, but it had to be appropriated by man. "Go and gather." Manna could not be bought; it was God's gift. This is true of Jesus. Salvation cannot be bought; it is Christ's gift.

Manna was mysterious, but they didn't have to understand; they just had to appropriate.

They had to eat Manna or perish; today, we must believe or perish, believe and live; the same is true of Jesus as is true of Manna. The end of bread is labor; so it is with the Bread of Life-labor and serve. THE TWO BIRDSLEVITICUS 13, 14-Here we find what is typical of the - death and resurrection of Jesus.LEVITICUS 13 equals the discovery of leprosy; LEVITICUS 14 equals His cure.

Leprosy typifies sin.

The leper is the sinner. Leprosy-begins in a small spot under the skin. One bright spot reveals leprosy as much as 1,000 bright spots. One sin reveals that a person is a sinner as much as 1,000 sins do (Romans 3:23). If a person commits one sin, that person needs a Saviour. Leprosy is contagious, dirty, repulsive; leprosy is corrupt. Leprosy is bad enough, but SIN is a million times worse. The leper was condemned by the Law of God as unclean. If a man doesn't think he's a sinner, just let him read the Law (Exodus 20) and the results (James 2:10).

The Law was given to God's own people to condemn them; if that is so, then what is the condition of the rest of the world?

The leper was separated, set off, put away from the camp; even his parents could not help; he was separated from the love of God, etc.

"Unclean, unclean," was his cry, which was demanded by law. This was not an Arabian law, not a law of India; but it was the Law of Israel, which was given by God. In life and in death the leper was separated; he was alone. Leprosy can only be cured by God. There is no record that man ever cured a leper in the Scriptures. God alone can save a sinner. There are two ways, though, in which the leper and sinner differ; they are:

1. The sinner will make light of his sin, while the leper will not make light of his leprosy.

2. The leper knows he's a leper, but a sinner does not know he's a sinner. There is only one way to show a sinner he is one, and that is through the Word of God. -

There were two clean birds; one was killed; there must be death to cleanse from sin. There was slaying without the camp; Christ killed outside the gate. God commanded there must be slaying outside the camp; the same is true of Christ.

One was killed in an earthen vessel; he was killed over running (living) water-His Body. In the vessel was water. In this death two liquids met (blood and water). The same is true of Jesus. John saw blood and -water come gushing from the side of Jesus Christ.

After the death of the first bird, the second bird was dipped in the blood of the first bird. The second bird bore the marks-of the first bird. The same is true of Christ's resurrection; He bore the marks of death.

The second bird was set free in the field; it was the same with Christ, WHO was set free after His resurrection.

The leper had a living witness of his cleansing by the bird flying; it is the same today. Our Witness is the Lord Jesus, sitting at the right hand of God.

The cleansing-the Law cleansed -a leper. The Priest -(Leviticus 14:3) went to where the leper was. Christ came to where the sinner was. The leper was then brought to the Priest. This is true of the Saviour (John 6:37). The blood was applied to the leper seven times; there was no result until the blood was applied. Hyssop equals faith. When the blood was applied, he was then pronounced clean (John 1:9).

A Jew that was judicially dead became alive again!!! After his cleansing, he was to wash himself and his clothes in water; this is the same as we are to do; we are to wash ourselves in the Word of God!


An old dead stick budded, blossomed and bore (Numbers 17:8; Hebrews 9:4). Chapter 16 of Numbers is the darkest period in the history of Israel. There was a rebellion in the camp. Korah wanted to be high priest. Rebellion was against God's appointed and anointed,

Moses carried twelve rods with him into the Tabernacle. Moses then went into his tent. The next day Moses came and found that one dead stick had come to life. Aaron's rod had buds, blossoms and almonds.

Preceded by death.

That stick was dead. The rod had been a branch, but it was cut off from life; now there was no life in the rod.

Preceded by death.

Jesus, the Branch, was cut off from life. There was no life in the body of Christ on the cross after he died.

1.At the back of each demonstration there was sin. This was the sin of the people, rebellion. The sin of the people made budding necessary. Our sin made the death of Christ necessary.
2.There was life out of death. Budding of the rod was an act of God by putting life in that dead stick. This was not natural; it was only by the power of God. Christ’s resurrection was an act of God. It was not natural for a dead body to have life.
Not creation, but resurrection. Not creation, but resurrection.
3.In each case confirmation of God’s appointed one is made Aaron's rod that budded was the declaration of God that Aaron was the appointed one. Jesus' resurrection was the declaration of God that Jesus was the Appointed One (Romans 1:4).
4.There was not only a confirmation, but there was a damnation:

Against Korah and his followers.

Against these false christs and their followers.
5.Both were seen by the people:

Tested by the witnessing by the people. There was no question concerning Aaron's rod.

Read Acts 1:3 and I Corinthians 15:1-11.
6.Has to do with many people:

Aaron's rod was the rod of one for the many (for the tribe of brought Levi). It brought assurance and blessing.

The resurrection of One was for the many. Resurrection assurance and blessings.
7. Both were laid up before the presence of the Lord:

After being witnessed by the people, the rod was taken into the presence of the Lord in the Tabernacle.

Christ, after being witnessed by the people, has gone into the presence of the Lord.
8.Both are tokens against Rebels:

Judgement came.

Judgement Day of God shall come (Acts 17:31).
9. The miracles established faith:

Aaron's rod budded; they knew that Aaron was the appointed one.

We know by the resurrection of Jesus Christ that He is the Appointed One.


Jacob was the slickest, most deceitful man in the Scriptures. This man was a crook.

A wanderer was Jacob, because of trickery, etc. He was tired; he went to sleep, and a vision was revealed to him. God did not make any IFS to Jacob, but Jacob made IFS to God.

The Ladder speaks of One (God) Who is to bring the earth and heaven under one Headship of Jesus Christ.

Personal Application:

1. Separation-the Ladder shows that there is a gulf between God and man.

2. Mediation-I Timothy 2:5-A mediator is one who goes between.

A mediator must know both sides. He must be a partaker of man and a partaker of God. Christ is that Go-Between between man and God. The Go-Between-Salvation is accepting Christ, the Only Way (Acts 4:12) from man's ruin to God's glory. God's grace is shown when Jacob is at the foot of the Ladder, far away from God, helpless, with nothing, and being nothing. When Jacob saw the Ladder he was born again. Salvation is not by education, but by revelation. And God came down the Ladder by Christ. God comes down to man today by Christ. Jacob merited nothing, but God promised everything. One trait of Jacob was greed for gain; but the salvation was that Jacob promised to TITHE.

3. Salvation-"How dreadful is this place"-"A dreadful death; the Cross of Calvary for me", "This is none other than the House of God, and this is the Gate of Heaven" (Genesis 28:17). Jacob learned that he was the object of God's care. NO MATTER WHAT CONDITION A SINNER MAY BE IN, THERE IS A LADDER, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!!

The End ----

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