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Latest revision as of 19:55, 17 July 2011

God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; (Hebrews 1:1,2)

From time to time God has spoken through people whom He has chosen, revealing the part of His plan necessary for man to know.

Of special importance is the revelation of Christ, which began with the calling of Abraham (although possibly heralded earlier by Job-19:25), and was enlarged in the tribes of Israel. To Israel were given the promises, the priesthood, the Tabernacle, and the Covenant-the Ten Commandments.

In the fullness of time, Jesus of Nazareth, the Lord of all, made His appearance. Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of the promise made to Abraham. Abraham and Jesus are part of the one revelation of God to man.

After Jesus' resurrection His Spirit continued in the Apostles, and then in the various other ministries and gifts given by the Holy Spirit.

Soon the Lord Jesus will return, accompanied by His brothers-the firstfruits of Israel, the royal priesthood. Then the nations of the earth will be judged. Some of the nations will be led away to the eternal burnings. Other nations, those who were kind to the Lord's brothers, will enter eternal life.

In the end, the holy city, Jerusalem, will descend from Heaven and be established forever on the new earth. In that day Jerusalem will be "Heaven." The nations of the saved will no longer pray to God in Heaven above. They will come up to Jerusalem and receive blessing and guidance, eternal life and healing, from the saints in whom Christ is dwelling.

At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart. (Jeremiah 3:17)

This is the one Divine plan from the beginning.

Men, in their self-seeking, change God's revelations into religions. God is not caught by surprise. Understanding the wickedness of our heart, He knows we will accommodate ourselves to His revelations in various ways. God works in spite of our weaknesses.

A religion is an attempt of man to find God, to satisfy God. Salvation is God reaching down to man through the darkness, showing man God's purpose and ways.

Organized religion is of the spirit of Babylon (man-directed Christianity).

Biblical Judaism was given by the Lord and is not a religion (as we have defined religion), but a revelation of God. It is the weakness of people that has corrupted Judaism into an intellectual domain inhabited by scholars and elders, lawyers and administrators.

Can we call the plagues on Egypt a religion? Was the crossing of the Red Sea a religion? Was the manna falling from the heavens a religion? No, these were revelations of God to His chosen people.

One Salvation 2

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