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Therefore my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. (Philippians 2:12,13)

"God who works in you to will and to act."

(10/11/2009) It is my point of view, as I have elaborated in my book, Godwill Castle, that in the new world of righteousness God is preparing in the present hour, every inhabitant will obey God in all aspects of their life. His will shall be done in the earth as it is in Heaven.

Doing God’s will in all aspects of our life may seem undesirable or even impossible of attainment. However, it is the manner in which numerous other disciples of the Lord Jesus, as well as myself, are living at the present time. It is the "rest" of God, the thesis of the Book of Hebrews.

It is far more restful and pleasant to enter the will and Life of God than to be driven by one’s own ambitions and fears.

How much misery can be avoided when we look to Christ for all matters. Eve had merely to ask God’s judgment when Satan made his suggestions. Would the history of the world been changed if Eve had sought God’s wisdom?

So it is with you and me. We can plan our own way; make our own decisions based on our desires and experience. Or we can look To Christ continually for all we think, say, and do.

The Lord Jesus Christ will walk in the garden of our heart if we ask Him. As He does, we are not to ignore Him but to look to Him continually until it can truly be said of us, "It is not he who lives but Christ who lives in him." However, if it is to be said of us that it is not we who are living but Christ who is living in us, two factors must be operating: first, God must be revealing His will to us; second, it must be God who then performs His own will.

It is not enough for us to pray until we know God’s will. As soon as we know it, we then must pray for God carry out His own will, whether or not He uses us to perform some part or all of it; or whether our role is to pray and have faith that God’s will is being performed.

It is the role of salvation to bring us to the place where we abandon our own schemes that we may determine God’s will. Then, having found God’s will, we are to look to Him and not ourselves for the performing of His will. Enabling us to thus forsake our own life that we may be an expression of God’s Person and will is the result of the perfect work of salvation.

I have been preaching for over thirty years that God is asking each Christian to forsake his own way, his own plans to save himself and the world, and to seek the will of Christ. A further step must be taken if we are to perform the work of the Kingdom of God and obtain eternal results. We must learn that God intends to accomplish His own work, as we obediently and faithfully do whatever He asks of us.

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