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Latest revision as of 23:15, 17 June 2011

What happens when we are born again? Why is it necessary to be born again in order to enter the Kingdom of God? If we are to answer this question, we must realize we are born with a rebellious soul. We are in the image of God in that we have a spirit and soul, but our soul is distorted. Consequently our spirit is distorted, because our spirit reflects our soul.

(12/24/2006) Our play, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, was the big event of the morning. At night I taught about the need to convert our soul into the image of God. We must realize that when we die and pass into the spirit world, there will be no change in our soul. Our soul is what we are. It is our unique identity. There is none other like it in the universe.

What our soul is, is what we will be like when observed by others in the spirit world. In the present hour we can conceal what we are; but after we die the nature of our soul will be evident to God and people.

If during the present life we have been faithful in obeying God, our soul will be in His image. Then upon death we will ascend to be with similar souls, in the Paradise of God. But if we have not been faithful in obeying God, our soul not having been changed from its original fallen state, it is my opinion we will be placed with others with a soul like ours. I derive this thought from the Old Testament teaching that the Lord does not like mixtures. He wants His way made straight.

I do not say that all misshapen souls will be cast into Hell or the Lake of Fire. It is my belief that people will have a chance to learn and grow spiritually after death. But at some point they must receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Master. If they refuse to receive the rulership of Christ and His saint, insisting upon living their own life as they see fit, their destiny will be to exist in perpetual darkness as a wandering star, a spirit kept apart from God and His blessing.

This is only reasonable. If we pass into the spirit world with a misshapen soul, we would not be comfortable with the refined souls of those who have been walking with the Lord. We would be more at home with souls like ourselves.

Our soul is our moral personality. That is, it is our soul that makes moral judgments. In our soul we decide whether or not we are going to obey God. If we do not seek to live a righteous life in Christ, our soul remains in its original rebellious form. "Accepting Christ" does not change this. How many people have "accepted Christ" but never have learned to do Christ's will every moment of every day? Christ is our Lord and Master. God wants us to "hear Him." If we do not obey Christ, our soul remains misshapen, not in God's image, even though we profess faith in Christ.

God "will give to each person according to what he has done." To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. (Romans 6:2-8)

The above passage includes "each person," including those who have "accepted Christ."

Some believers insist we will be changed "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye." But they are deriving this belief from the fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians, the "Resurrection Chapter." The instantaneous change that will occur at the coming of the Lord is in our body only. Our soul cannot be changed instantaneously. If it could, God is wasting time teaching us so many lessons of obedience throughout our lifetime on the earth.

Physical death will not change our soul. What our soul is, it is. When we truly receive Christ as our Lord and Master, the Divine Seed, Christ, is planted in our soul. Each day after that we must receive Christ as our Lord and Master. We must pray each day and read our Bible. We must gather with fervent saints (if we can find any). We give, serve, and do all else that is part of the Christian discipleship. Above all, we must obey Christ sternly and completely. We must deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow our Lord and Master at all times.

During our pilgrimage we will be faced with numerous temptations, difficulties, dangers, desires to act in a manner contrary to Christ. Christ is teaching us to respond as a lamb to those who harm us. Therefore we must pray without ceasing, overcoming through Christ all of the ungodly temptations that beset us. If we do not, we soon shall be deceived.

It is only those who are living in victory who continually are being given to eat from the Tree of Life, which is Jesus Christ Himself.

As we walk in obedience to the Lord, Christ is being formed in our soul. If you can picture it, it is as though our soul is misshapen and a balloon is placed inside of it. As the balloon is pumped full of air (eternal life), it expands. As it expands, the distortions in our soul are leveled out. Eventually Christ fills our soul and it is in the image of God. Then our spirit is one with God's Spirit.

The soul that sins lives in spiritual death, separated from God. The salvation that is in Christ Jesus accomplishes several works of redemption. First of all, it enables us to live in God's Presence without guilt. Second, it converts our soul into the image of God. We cannot go to be with the Lord and enjoy fellowship with Him and His saints on the basis of forgiveness alone. Our soul must be transformed into the image of God's soul. Then we can become one with Him and live in the center of His will in untroubled rest.

To be born again is to have a new creation formed as our soul—a new soul, as it were—is brought into being. It is a new, unique creation. It is a blend of Christ and us. We are living. Yet we are not living. It is Christ who is living in us. Yet, it still is us! It is a new creation. Old things have passed away. All things have become new and are of God.

Our soul is the source of our moral judgments. As Christ is formed in us, the eternal moral law of God is written on our heart and mind. Now by nature we embrace that which is pleasing to God, and of His will, and utterly renounce and reject that which is not pleasing to God, which is not of His perfect will. And this at all times, in every circumstance, for eternity! This is what it means to be born again. This is the Kingdom of God which we enter when we are born again.

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