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The tenth and eleventh chapters of the Book of Revelation should be considered as one whole. They describe the time we are in now, the time of the seventh, or last, trumpet. An important aspect of this period is the final witness of the Kingdom, symbolized by the "two witnesses."

(10/29/2006) The two witnesses of the eleventh chapter of the Book of Revelation are Christ and His Church. The symbolism is taken from the fourth chapter of the Book of Revelation, where there is one lampstand and two olive trees. The one Lampstand is Jesus Christ. The second lampstand, of the eleventh chapter of the Book of Revelation, is that which is taken from the first and also is the light of the world, as is true of the original Lampstand. There is but one second lampstand, instead of the seven lampstands of the second and third chapters of Revelation, because they are the victorious saints are are found in each of the seven churches.

The two olive trees of the fourth chapter of Zechariah and the eleventh chapter of Revelation symbolize the Spirit without measure that shall rest upon Christ and His Church as they bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to every city and village upon the earth. They are the power of the seven thunders, given only to those who have died to self-will and are alive in Christ. They portray that the mystery of the Gospel, Christ in us, shall be brought forth not by the wisdom and ability of human beings but by the Spirit of God.

The Lord Jesus told us that before the end came, the Gospel of the Kingdom would be preached to every nation as a witness. These are the two witnesses of the eleventh chapter of Revelation. God shall permit the witness to be "killed" for a season that the terrible sin of man seeking to be God may come to maturity. This does not mean that Jesus Christ or the victorious saints will be killed. It means that the witness shall be taken out of the way so the dread spirit of man attempting to be God can be revealed in all its horror.

The Father and Christ were two Witnesses two thousand years ago. Yet only Christ could be seen. So it is true that Christ and His victorious saints shall compose two witnesses, although only the saints will be seen.

We now are in the time when the seventh angel is about to blow. The work of the prior six trumpets is described in the preceding chapters of Revelation. Now we have come to the seventh, and last, trumpet. When the last trumpet sounds, the victorious saints shall become immortal; those who died in Christ shall return with Him; and the kingdoms of this world shall become the Kingdom of God and His Christ, including those who have become an integral part of Christ.

This is the time of the "again" prophecy (Revelation, 10). But notice, as chapter eleven begins, the saints are judged. Therefore we are being judged today. The closer we are to Christ, the sooner the judgment begins.

How does this work out in practice? The Holy Spirit begins to point out those areas of our personality and behavior that are not of God, that are not in the image of Christ. As soon as we notice this darkness we are to confess it, naming it specifically to the Lord. Then we are to ask Him for the strength to turn away from it. When we do this, God is faithful and righteous to forgive our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

After we have done this, we still may be tempted to commit this sin. However, we now find that we have the strength to resist it. The Spirit has killed it; taken the life from it.

What we have just described is a real, specific, experience, just as is true of being born again or speaking in tongues. Try it for yourself.

Now that a portion of His Church has been at Pentecost for a season, the Lord is bringing us forward to a further aspect of redemption. The time is now for the messengers of God to remove from His Kingdom all that is offensive to God, as we read in the thirteenth chapter of Matthew.

It is a baptism with the fire of Divine judgment on the enemies of Christ that dwell in His people. There is a baptism with the Holy Spirit. After this comes the baptism with fire. His fan is in His hand and He shall blow away the chaff and burn it up with eternal fire.

Thank God forever! He has determined to make an end of sin, as Daniel tells us.

The tenth chapter of the Book of Revelation sets forth the last-day witness of the Kingdom of God. The eleventh chapter of the Book of Revelation describes the forming of Christ in those who are bearing witness. Christ who is being formed in us shall not be revealed to the world until the time comes for the saints to take the Kingdom, that is, until the Lord Jesus returns to take His inheritance to Himself.

We can understand readily that the saints must be judged in this fashion before they can bear witness to every city and village. Today the believers, in numerous instances, talk about Christ but are not bearing an accurate witness of God, His Person, His ways, His will, and His eternal purpose in Jesus Christ. Until we are bearing an accurate witness of God in our mind, words, and actions, we cannot overcome the accuser of the brothers.

When God is satisfied that a true witness has been given to the ends of the earth, He will withdraw the power. At that time the witness shall be overcome by Sodom (the lusts of the flesh, just as Christians are being overcome today by the pornography on the Internet); by Egypt (involvement in the Antichrist world spirit, looking to the world for survival, security, and pleasure); and Jerusalem (religious arrogance and presumption) This is how the witness shall be overcome, after the great worldwide testimony has been given.

Also, according to Daniel, some of the saints shall be killed by persecution. The result of overcoming of the Kingdom witness will be a season of the rule of man, during which an illusory peace and safety shall fill the earth.

When spiritual darkness has come to its fullness, the seventh trumpet shall sound. Christ shall descend from Heaven, followed by those who have been purified from all worldliness, all lust, and all self-will. There is no guile found in them. The will of God has been created in them as a rod of iron.

Antichrist and his adherents shall be destroyed by the power and fire of their advance. The Word of God, the sharpest of all swords, shall be spoken by Christ and His saints. The enemy shall be torn to pieces; ripped to shreds until he is as dust in the street.

Christ has been waiting until the Father makes His enemies His footstool. He has enabled His victorious saints to overcome the accuser by His own blood; by the word of their Christ-filled testimony; and they have permitted the Spirit of God to take from them their fallen nature and replace it with the eternal Nature of Jesus Christ.

All that has been described above shall surely occur. It remains for you and me to cooperate with the Holy Spirit until we have been fully prepared to ride behind Christ in His Day. He cannot return until every member of His army is faithful and true, for otherwise the forces of righteousness would be driven back into the spirit world as they sought to establish the Kingdom.

The warrior angels will do the fighting. But they cannot overcome Satan until Satan has been overcome by Christ in the saints.

In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: "We have a strong city; He sets up walls and ramparts for security. "Open the gates, that the righteous nation may enter, the one that keeps faithfulness." (Isaiah 26:1,2—NASB)

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