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Latest revision as of 21:47, 17 June 2011

The fourth chapter of the Book of Zechariah is the source of Revelation, Chapter Eleven. There is only one Lampstand, in Zechariah. There are two Lampstands in the eleventh chapter of Revelation. The second Lampstand, which as I see it, consists of the saints in whom Christ, the Lampstand of God, has come to maturity. The two olive trees speak of the double portion of the Spirit (Elijah plus Elisha) that will be poured out on the saints who have prepared themselves.

(2/19/2006) In the present hour we are in a period of preparation, of measurement, as set forth in Revelation 11:1. We are being prepared to give the greatest witness of history, the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit is revealing to us the sins and frailties that are in us—everything in our personality that is not in the image of God—and helping us renounce them in Jesus’ name. The Holy Spirit also is forming Christ in us, for Christ is the true Lampstand.

The angel told Zechariah the meaning of the Lampstand. The meaning is this: "Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord."

What is it that is not by the ability of man but only by the Spirit of God? It is the building of the eternal Temple of God.

Zechariah was prophesying during the period that the Temple was being restored, after it had been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. The angel was saying that the Temple will not be perfected by the ability of man but by the Spirit of God.

This is, of course, a prophecy of the last days of the Christian Era. Both the Old Testament and the New reveal that Christ will suddenly come to maturity in His saints. The mystery of the Gospel shall be accomplished. The mystery of the Gospel is Christ in us, the hope of glory. For two thousand years the Christian churches have emphasized Christ with us. The emphasis of the Spirit now is Christ in us.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the chief Cornerstone of the eternal House of God, the Tabernacle that one day will come down from Heaven and be installed on the new earth. In that day Heaven will be on the earth. This is the hope of the Glory that depends on Christ being formed in us—not the Christ of history, but the Christ who is being formed in us in the present hour.

Jesus Christ is also the Capstone that holds the Temple of God together.

The two olive trees are the Anointed Ones who stand before the Lord of the earth. They are, I believe, Elijah and Elisha. Their spirit will come down upon the saints of the last days, just as John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah. The coming anointing of the Spirit will be without measure, as signified by the olive branches pouring their oil directly into the cup of the Lampstand so that there is no need for the High Priest to replenish the oil every twenty-four hours, as in the case of the Tabernacle of the Congregation.

Our Lord said that the Gospel of the Kingdom, that which He and John held forth, will be preached to every nation for a witness. For a witness! The world today needs to be confronted with a true witness of the Person, will, way, and eternal purpose of God in Jesus Christ. We have a great deal of preaching in our time, especially in America. But the witness too often is that of self-serving preachers and denominations.

The nations need to see God. This will happen in the future, but only as those with whom God is dealing today are willing to forsake their sins and frailties and their self-will.

The witness will not be given by fancy preachers in expensive clothes. It is a sackcloth revival.

Perhaps the most important issue that confronts the saints in our day is that of self-will. It is a simple matter to receive the blood atonement, receive eternal life, be filled with the Spirit of God, preach, speak in tongues, prophecy, heal the sick, and still be moved by self-will. It happens all the time in the Christian churches.

Can we cast out self-will like we can the demons that drive our flesh? No, although we can ask God to remove our self-will. When we do, God permits Satan to throw us into some kind of prison. There we must remain, patiently waiting for God to bring us forth.

We must humble ourselves, as did the Lord Jesus, not viewing our state as sons of God something to be grasped. We must become nothing, waiting for the promise, not kindling our own sparks. We have the lesson of Ishmael to consider!

We are not to lay our hand on the Ark of God. The Divine Glory is coming down the road today. We are to be rejoicing and praising the Lord. But that vehicle brings judgment; and so we must purify ourselves of all filthiness of the flesh and Spirit, as the Holy Spirit enables us.

We are in a time of tremendous spiritual opportunity. The very thrones that govern the universe are waiting for those who will overcome, through Christ, all that seeks to distract them from the single-minded pursuit of the heavenly calling.

We are in a time of tremendous spiritual danger. The False Prophet is being fashioned as believers seek to do great things in the name of Jesus, desiring to administer the things of the Spirit rather than waiting on the Lord for direction in every detail of life and ministry.

Will Jesus be able to find any who care enough to turn away from the vibrant culture of America and seek to live in the Presence of Christ throughout each day and night? I hope so, for only these are qualified to be transformed and to be caught up to meet the Commander-in-Chief in the air, and to return with Him to install the Kingdom of God on the earth.

Many are called but few are chosen. You can be one of the chosen. But you must, like Peter and the others, resolve to remain with Christ when the majority of believers continue with their casual approach to Christ and His salvation.

At night I emphasized again and again that whoever would desire to be a part of the end-time witness must turn away from all sexual lust, especially the Internet. Those believers who look at pornography on the Internet must resign themselves to the fact that they will not remain at the right hand of God in Christ but will be pulled down to earth by the tail of the Dragon. They are not preparing themselves to bear witness of the coming Kingdom of God

The evening message can be obtained by sending for the tape. Please contact Mount Zion Fellowship for this. We are hoping to soon be able to point you to a Sunday-evening tape on the Audio page.

We have this one opportunity to be one of God’s stars. Let’s you I and go for it!

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