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God's initiative is the factor that divides the true work of the Kingdom of God from Babylon. The Bible is a record of God seeking man and guiding him in the development of God’s Kingdom. God takes the initiative. Man’s part is to be obedient and to seek the Lord for every thought, word, and action. There is no place today for ambitious people who are trying to do "big things for God."

(12/19/2004) This morning we had a marvelous "movie." It was filmed by our own David Wagner, and told of a little girl who found peace through the Lord Jesus.

This evening I spoke of several issues that face us as our church looks forward to the new year. One of these issues is the need for us all to be in one accord. This requires that we set aside all criticism, refusing to give in to Satan in this area.

Another area to which we must apply ourselves is that of finding our individual gifts and ministries. We can find these only as we present our body as a living sacrifice, and pray fervently for the gifts and ministries to which we believe God has called us.

A third very important aspect is learning how to find God’s will so He may keep the initiative. My suggestion is that after prayer we take a small step in the direction we feel God would have us go. Then we think about what kind of fruit has resulted. Has there been love, peace, and joy, or not?

If the fruit seems good, then we take another small step, praying earnestly in the meantime. The Bible says if we turn to the right hand or the left we will hear a voice saying, "This is the way, walk in it."

So we may not hear anything from the Lord unless we are beginning to get out of His will.

I added a test that I use to determine God’s will. What I think God is telling me must not be contrary to the Scriptures. Also, when I think about the direction I am to take I look to see if thinking about it brings me joy or a sense of heaviness.

Next, I look at my circumstances. Do my surroundings, particularly the advice of people I respect, agree with what I think I am hearing from the Lord?

If one of these three do not agree, then I go back and pray to see if God will give me peace, or if the circumstances will come into agreement.

We can hardly be too careful in these days. Deception abounds among the believers. We need to pray, and pray again—particularly if we have a burning desire along some line. This usually is not of the Lord but an idol.

Hagar may inflame our personality, but it is good old Sarah who produces the eternal inheritance.

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