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To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations- He will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give him the morning star. (Revelation 2:26-28-NIV)

Two of the rewards promised to the overcomer are authority over the nations of the earth and the gift of the morning star. We must have both. Authority over the nations is an awesome responsibility. Such authority must be controlled by the morning star.

I have been writing a lot lately concerning the change of vision we must adopt if we are to prepare ourselves adequately for what is coming down the trail. Previously we Christians have pictured ourselves going to Heaven when we die and enjoying our mansion and the beautiful scenery. Now we realize this is not the correct vision. The Bible does not talk about going to Heaven and enjoying our mansion and the beautiful scenery. The Bible emphasis is on the return of Christ and His saints to the earth to establish the Kingdom of God, the rule of God, the doing of God's will on the part of the nations.

This is an altogether different vision and we need to make the change if we believe it to be scriptural. Preparing ourselves for a life of ease in Heaven is one thing but preparing ourselves to return with Christ and establish justice on the earth is something far different. Preparation for life in Heaven is minimal. Preparation for returning with Jesus Christ includes total moral transformation, iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to the Father-a completely new creation.

Can you see the reason for this? If you are troubled about the thought of changing your hope, your inheritance as a Christian, from dwelling in a mansion in Heaven to returning with Christ as a coheir of the nations, a member of the royal priesthood, one who will govern people with the scepter of iron righteousness, it might be well at this point to read the Hebrew Prophets and then the four Gospel accounts to see if residence in Heaven is stressed or if the coming of the Kingdom of God is stressed.

We have to go by the Bible instead of our traditions. I'm sure you will agree with this. Another topic related to our participation in the coming of the Kingdom of God, a topic seldom mentioned in today's preaching, is the resurrection from the dead. The ascension that follows the resurrection is emphasized, emphasized, emphasized until one would suppose it to be the main topic of the New Testament and the "Blessed Hope" of the Church. Well, it isn't, and our preaching is not sound. The stress on the "pre-tribulation rapture" of the believers is simply not sound teaching. It is providing an unscriptural hope of escape from trouble when the Bible admonition is to prepare ourselves to stand in the evil day.

We should be placing great emphasis on the resurrection. The resurrection from the dead was the goal of the Apostle Paul. The making alive of the physical body is the conquering of the last enemy. The resurrection is the climax of the work of redemption, of restoration, that Christ came to perform.

The Authority and the Morning Star 2

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