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The Positive Side of the Judgements of the Lost and Saved.

2 Corinthians 5:10-1Heb. 9:27: "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement."

1. The Bible clearly teaches there will be a day of accounting for every man, woman, boy and girl.

The Bible's message of judgement is not popular today, and many denominations and churches never preach on the subject. The fail to understand that God's negative message of a coming judgement for us all, is in fact presenting the positive message of God's Grace and Mercy. Every time God tells of his wrath and judgement on sin, it is always accompanied with the positive message of God's forgiveness to those who heed His warning and turn from their sin.

So the negative message of Judgement can be to those who repent, a positive message of forgiveness and redemption.

2. The Bible tells us of two judgements:

(1) The judgement of the lost: Rev. 20:11-15.

It is called the "Great White Throne Judgement".

(2) The judgement of the saved: ICor. 3:10-23, IICor. 5:10-11.

It is called the BEMA, Greek word for "Judgement Seat". Refers to the Greek Olympic place where rewards were given.

3. It should be understood that everyone will appear before God at one of these judgements.

Which judgement one stands before is determined simply by one fact: Whether one has trusted in Jesus Christ as their Saviour or not.

Neither judgement is to determine whether one goes to heaven or not! That is determined now while we are living.

If we receive Jesus as our Saviour, we be judged at the BEMA judgement and will go to heaven. Everyone at the BEMA goes to heaven.

If we die without receiving Christ, we will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgement and everyone there is cast into the "Lake of Fire" or Hell.

Note: What one does now determines where he will spend eternity. It is not determined after death. There is absolutely no judgement after death of ones works or deeds to determine whether they go to heaven or hell!

That is a totally false idea which the Bible does not teach!

No one, after they die, stands in judgement to determine if they go to heaven or hell.

4. This message, however, is addressed to those who profess Jesus Christ as their Saviour. We will take a close look at the BEMA judgement of believers.

5. The emphasis today, when we teach about heaven and the BEMA, is to stress that it is a place of reward.

We speak of mansions in heaven, and of how wonderful it will be to see Jesus, "Face to face".

There is little or no mention of any condemnation at the BEMA judgement.

We are taught it is strictly a place of getting reward. We view it much like taking part in a contest where the main prize is a million dollars. However, we don't think we will win the grand prize and are content if we win anything at all. All we suffer is a little disappointment that we did not get the million.

That is not a proper understanding of what the Bible teaches about the BEMA judgement.


A. In the Olympic games there is a place of reward where those that did well receive rewards. Gold, Silver or Bronze.

1. But please note: Many participated in the games, yet only a few receive reward.

2. Have you ever seen the face of the one who lost the game? I saw the final competition a few years back on the two women who were competing of the Gold, in the standing high jump. I will never forget the look of pure pain of losing on the face of the women who lost. She won the silver.. yes, but she suffered greatly because she did not win the GOLD, the first prize.

B. I Cor. 3:15, says that if a man's works are burned in the fire, HE WILL SUFFER LOST!

1. It further says that some there will get no reward at all!

2. This person will be saved, but "so as by fire". It has the meaning of referring to a person who runs out of a burning building barely escaping with his life.

3. I John 2:28, says there will be "shame" for some at the coming of Christ as they stay before Christ Jesus.

4. I John 3:3, says that those who are truly looking of the return of Christ, are purifying themselves now in preparation of Christ's coming.

Note: Lots of folks talk and sing about Jesus coming back, but the test of whether one truly in looking to Christ's return is determined by how they are presently living their lives!

5. Heb. 13:17, instruct the church to obey their pastors, which means to receive God's word when they teach it. Why? Because they watch for your souls and will have to one day give an account to Christ for what they did.

Most understand that the joy or grief they experience will be at the BEMA judgement. They will stand and watch their congregation come before Christ and will experience joy with those who faithfully served Christ, and grief over those that did not.

Note, how it is worded: "they must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you".

C. Most teaching discounts the "fear" of God. It is said that to fear God means we should revere Him, but not be afraid of Him.

1. Yet, Heb. 12:28, says we are to serve God acceptably with reverence and GODLY FEAR!

2. Note verse 29, "For our God is a consuming fire."

We should rightly be afraid and terrified at God wrath!

3. But today, God's love is stressed with little mention of the fact that God hates sin, and will absolutely judge it! God is pure and righteous and holy. He will not condone sin and its destructive effects on us.

4. The fact that God will condemn men to Hell because they rejected His provision for their salvation is proof enough that God deals harshly with the sinner.

5. Note II Cor. 5:11, Paul is speaking of the BEMA judgement says, "Knowing the TERROR of the Lord, we persuade men".

D. Pastors who are faithful to the Lord are begging folks to serve God.

1. The reason is because folks are not serving God as they should. That is indicated by the poor attendance at services, Sunday School and Bible study.

It is indicated in the fact only about 25 % of Christian tithe and give thanksgiving offerings to God.

It is indicated in that lack of comment to jobs that are assigned. Hard to get enough teachers, choir, nursery workers, youth leaders. A hand full of faith, do most of the work.

2. Note Heb. 10:25, It speaks not forsaking attending church, which means worshipping, fellow shipping and studying the Bible with other believers.

Note: We need to be exhorting one another (building each other up). Why? Because the day of Christ's return is coming.

3. Paul begged the Corinthians to receive the promises of God, and to "... cleanse ourselves for all filthiness of the FLESH and SPIRIT, perfecting holiness in the FEAR of God."

II Cor. 7:2, he begs "open your hearts to us."

Note verse 3. "I do not say this to condemn, for I have said before that you are in our hearts, to die together and to live together"


A. The Bible says we do not have to stand ashamed at Christ's coming.

1. Paul was not. II Tim. 4:6-8 He was ready. He knew he would receive reward.

2. Why he knew he had fought the good fight, he had finished the race, and he had kept the faith.

3. He emphatically states: "...there IS laid up for me a crown of righteousness.. the Lord will give when He appears".

Note II Tim. 4:1...I CHARGE you before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who WILL judge the living and the dead at His appearing.

Note V3, time will come when believers will not endure sound doctrine...


1. I John 1:9. Confess you sin...do is now.

2. Note that the verse says, to confess and Christ will forgive us and cleanse us for sin.

3. BUT....are we not already forgiven?

Why does God say he will forgive us now, when other Scripture tells us we already are forgiven?

4. Folks the answer is simple. At the BEMA judgement, all we did whether living for the Lord, or not which is sin will be judged.

Folks the BEMA is the place of setting things right before be presented to Jesus Christ as the "chase" Bride of Christ.

C. The unfaithful Christian will suffer greatly at the judgement seat of Christ.

1. He well stand having to look into the eyes of the One who suffered and died for his sin. Who went through great torment on our behalf. Many will stand there ashamed, fearfully so because they did not "...discern the Lord's body" I Cor. 11:29.

2. They made little of Christ's suffering for them, in that they would not faithful serve Him.

3. There will be two group there at the BEMA.

One rejoicing receiving crowns and reward that they in turn lay at Christ's feet in worship and thanksgiving to Him. They will honour and glorify the Lord Jesus who is worthy!

(Rev. 4:9-10)

The other group will stand, ashamed, heads down with nothing to offer. Having received salvation they made little of it. They will suffer great loss.

How terrible to stand face to face with Christ who gave his all for us and have nothing or very little to thank him with.

4. It will not be pleasant for the latter group. Heb. 10:30, after begging believers keep the faith and abide in the Lord, we are warned..."Vengeance is mine says the Lord...THE LORD WILL JUDGE HIS PEOPLE".

This is surely not an idle meaningless threat. If there is not a serious negative side for those who have been unfaithful, the these Scripture has not meaning. It would be like the way so many parents today try to discipline their children. Many is the time we hear a parent say, "Don't do that, you will get a spanking!". Yet, the child knows the parent hasn't spanked him in that past and has said it a thousand times without taking any action. So, the threat has no meaning.

Surely God is not making an idle threat here. He means what he says!

V31. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!


A. Confess our sin. Admit it. Stop fighting with God about it, stop trying to justify ourselves and admit that we are sinners.

Jesus said he came to save not the righteous (they think they are without sin), but folks who will admit and accept that the are sinners and need God's forgiveness.

Those that repent, which means to be sorry, and to turn from sin. GOD FORGIVES!

Thank God...He forgives......

B. Would you do that now? Admit the sin that is surely in your life. Some more that others.

1. The secret things only you know about.

2. The unfaithfulness in your life.

3. The bitter or unforgiving spirit you harbour toward someone, maybe even a relative, ex-friend?

4. Your unfaithfulness in:

*Attending the services of the Church.

*Of not try to exhort and lift one another up.

*Robbing God of His tithe and not giving offering of thanksgiving to the Lord.

*Setting by and letting others do the teaching, cleaning the church keeping the nursery and etc.

*Not regularly studying God's word.

*Not praying and spending time with the Lord.

*Husbands who do not really love their wives as the Bible says we should.

*Wives who refuse to submit and be the helper their husbands need.

*Using language unbefitting a Christian.

*Lusting after the world and all its hollow pleasure.

*Not visiting neighbours and witnessing for the Lord.

*Being unethical in our dealings with others.

*Lying, stealing...and a host of others sin.

1 Cor. 11:31, says "for if we should judge ourselves, we should not be judged."

"I beseech you therefore, my brethren, by the mercies of God, that your present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:1-2)