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Anabolic steroids (Arnolds, gym candy, pumpers, stackers, weight trainers, juice) are a group of powerful compounds that are synthetic derivatives of the male sex hormone, testosterone. These drugs are used illegally by body builders, long-distance runners, cyclists, and various other athletes who claim steroids give them a competitive advantage and/or improve their physical performance. Taken in combination with a program of muscle-building exercise and diet, steroids may contribute to increases in body weight and muscular strength. Approximately 2% of teenagers will use steroids before they graduate from high school.

But steroids are actually very dangerous. Steroid users are vulnerable to more than 70 physical and psychological side effects, many of which are irreversible.

The use of steroids especially damages the liver and the cardiovascular and reproductive systems. In males, steroids can cause withered testicles, sterility, and hair loss (including premature baldness). In females, steroids can lead to irreversible masculine traits such as breast reduction, baldness, and growth of facial hair. Physical symptoms in both include Jaundice (yellowing of the skin), swelling of feet or ankles, aching joints, bad breath, mood swings, nervousness, and trembling. Psychological effects in both sexes can include depression and an increase in aggressive behavior.

Physicians have attributed over 70 side effects which include impotence, acne, water retention, aggression, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, palpitations, jaundice, and death.

While some side effects appear quickly, other potential health effects, such as heart attacks and strokes, may not occur for years. Steroid abuse in young adults can interfere with bone growth and lead to permanently stunted growth. People who inject steroids also risk contracting HIV and other blood-borne diseases from infected needles.

Not only are steroids extremely harmful to your health, but they are also banned by the NCAA (National College Athletic Association) along with a list of other drugs and supplements. This list also includes steroid replacements like DHEA, androstenedione, and norandrostenedione.

If the NCAA ever finds traces of any of these drugs in your bloodstream, you will be banned from playing college baseball or other sports.

Steroids affect your heart: Steroid abuse has been associated with cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke. These heart problems can even happen to athletes under the age of 30.

Steroids affect your appearance: In both sexes, steroids can cause male-pattern baldness, cysts, acne, and oily hair and skin.

Steroids affect your mood: Steroids can make you angry and hostile for no reason. There are recorded cases of murder attributed to intense anger from steroid use. "Roid rages" are uncontrolled outbursts of anger, frustration, or combativeness that may result from using anabolic steroids.

Steroids increase your risk of infection: Sharing needles or using dirty needles to inject steroids puts you at risk for diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.

Steroids are illegal to possess without a prescription from a licensed

physician. It is illegal for individuals to sell steroids. Know the risks! Illegal steroids are made overseas and smuggled into the United States or made in underground labs in this country. They pose greater health risks because they are not regulated by the government and may not be pure or labeled correctly.