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=<FONT color="#aaooo" size="">'''WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A SPIRIT LEAVES A PERSON'S BODY?'''''</font>=
===='''TBN Israel's Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War.'''====
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===='''She Mocks God on Live TV Then THIS Happens'''====
===='''BREAKING: Israel ATTACKS Iran Military Base; U.S. DENIES Involvement | TBN Israel'''====
===='''BREAKING: IDF Solider Killed By Hezbollah Drone; Hamas ACCUSED Of Stalling Hostage Deal | TBN Israel'''====
===='''BREAKING: IDF Eliminates Hezbollah Brigadier General; Iran Facing GLOBAL Sanctions | TBN Israel'''====
===='''Signs of the End Times are 'Intensifying' as Anti-Semitism Soars'''====
<div class="blog-box"><FONT color="#aaoooo" size="6">'''Verse of the Day'''</font><html><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="https://www.biblegateway.com/votd/votd.write.callback.js">  
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<html><div><a target="_blank" href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/Holy-Bible-King-James-Version/dp/000725976X/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=king+james+bible&amp;qid=1706001332&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-2&_encoding=UTF8&tag=lani9loo-21&linkCode=ur2&linkId=fad5721f4a5a269868d5ca08eb22c3bc&camp=1634&creative=6738">'''Our recommended bible!'''</a></div></html>
<blockquote><p>WiCWiki has been in existence in various forms for over 24yrs when our very first early site launched in 2000.  Since then as with our beliefs we have been on a extraordinary journey and have been able to build a website that is so vast with a staggering <FONT color="#oooaaa" size=>'''{{NUMBEROFPAGES}}''' </font>articles, you could be here for days.... well we hope. </p>   
<blockquote><p>WiCWiki has been in existence in various forms for over 24yrs when our very first early site launched in 2000.  Since then as with our beliefs we have been on a extraordinary journey and have been able to build a website that is so vast with a staggering <FONT color="#oooaaa" size=>'''{{NUMBEROFPAGES}}''' </font>articles, you could be here for days.... well we hope. </p>   
<p>Our biggest aim is to share the <FONT color="#ooooaa" size="">'''Word of God'''</font> through a medium that is accessible to everyone who has access to a PC, Tablet or even mobile device.  We have searched through every nook and cranny of the Wibbly  Wobbly Web to find the best and most accurate articles according to the bible, all into to one place...'''www.wicwiki.org.uk'''. *formerly known as<FONT color="#oooaaf" size=""> '''What is Christianity'''</font></p>   
<p>Our biggest aim is to share the <FONT color="#ooooaa" size="">'''Word of God'''</font> through a medium that is accessible to everyone who has access to a PC, Tablet or even mobile device.  We have searched through every nook and cranny of the Wibbly  Wobbly Web to find the best and most accurate articles according to the bible, all into to one place...'''www.wicwiki.org.uk'''. *formerly known as<FONT color="#oooaaf" size=""> '''What is Christianity'''</font></p>   
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     <h3 class="panel-title">[[File:Page.png]] '''December's''' featured article</h3>
     <h3 class="panel-title">[[File:Page.png]] '''April''' featured article</h3>
=<FONT color="#aaooo" size="">'''''Christmas'''''</font>=
=<FONT color="#aaooo" size="">'''A Man-directed or Christ-directed Kingdom?'''</font>=
<p>What becomes of Christmas, when the day is gone? It is the gladdest day of the year. It is celebrated in all Christian lands. The churches observe it, sometimes with great pomp and splendor, with stately music and elaborate ceremonial, sometimes in simple, homely worship. It is kept in homes, with happy greetings and good wishes, and universal giving of gifts. Everyone, even the miser, grows generous at the Christmas time. Men who are ordinarily cold and unmoved toward human need, wax warm-hearted in these glad days. People everywhere rise to a high tide of kindly feeling. There is scarcely a home anywhere, however lowly, which the Christmas sentiment does not reach with its kindliness. Public institutions—orphanages, hospitals, homes, prisons, refuges, reformatories—all feel themselves touched as by a breath of heaven, for the one day.<br><br>
<p>Now we have come to the most important issue found in this booklet. The question is, are Christians to take their faith and their gifts and go forth to attempt to deliver the world, to set up the Kingdom of God? Or should the believers wait patiently on the Lord until He shows us what to do, and guides and empowers us in doing the necessary work of the Kingdom? Will the Lord Himself build His own Church on the Rock, or does He expect us to build the Church? Will all these wonderful aspects of redemption drop down from Heaven some day as a persecuted remnant waits patiently before the Lord, or are the Christians to use their faith and energy to produce a triumphant Church that will take its place as the head of the nations? </p>
What becomes of all the joy when Christmas is over? Does it stay in the life of the community afterward? Do we have it in our homes the next day and the next week? Do we feel it in the atmosphere of our churches? Does it stay in the hearts of people in general? Do the carols sing on next day? Does the generous kindness continue in the people's hearts? Does the love in homes rich and poor abide through the winter?<br><br>
<p>For two thousand years the Christian churches have attempted to use the things of God, in addition to numerous physical devices including human talents, energy, wisdom, and especially money, and by them set up the Kingdom of God on the earth. Such efforts have not endured and shall never endure. </p>
Two or three years ago, in one of our cities, an Oriental was giving his impressions of our American Christmas. He said that for weeks before Christmas, people's faces seemed to have an unusual light in them. They were all bright and shining. Everyone seemed unusually kindly and courteous. Everyone was more thoughtful, more desirous of giving pleasure than had been his accustomed. Men who at other season of the year had been stern, unapproachable, were now genial, hearty, easy to approach. Those who ordinarily were stingy, not responding to calls for charity, had become, for the time, generous and charitable. Those who had been in the habit of doing base things, when they entered the warm Christmas zone seemed like new men, as if a new spirit possessed them. And the Oriental said it would be a good thing if all the charm of the Christmas spirit, could be made to project itself into the New Year.<br><br>
<p>For several centuries the Catholic Church used every ability of the flesh, including political intrigue, treachery, and the torture and murder of its adversaries, in its attempt to establish what it believes to be the Kingdom of God, the will of God, on the earth. It has stopped at nothing and will yet stop at nothing in order to accomplish its own ends. </p>
This is really the problem to be solved. Christmas ought not to be one day only in the year—it should be all the days through the year. We may as well confess that the solution has not yet been realized. Almost immediately after Christmas, we fall back into a selfish way of living which is far below the high tide to which we rose at Christmas. There is a picture which shows the scene of our Lord's crucifixion in the afternoon of that terrible day. The crowd is gone, the crosses are empty, and all is silent. In the background is seen a donkey nibbling at a piece of withered palm branch. This was all that was left of the joy and enthusiasm of Psalm Sunday.<br><br>
<p>Today there is a movement among Christians termed Reconstructionism. Reconstructionism is an attempt by Christian people to employ faith, the gifts of the spirit, politics, money, and whatever else can be brought to bear in order to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth. This effort is well-intentioned but, like the efforts of the Catholic Church, it is not in accordance with God's Word. </p>
Is it not much the same with the beautiful life of Christmas? Five days afterward, will not the world have gone back to its old coldness, selfishness, and hardness? Will not the newspapers have resumed the story of wrong, injustice, greed, and crime, just as if there had been no Christmas, with its one day's peace and good will? Shall we not have again about us, within a few days, the old competition, wrangling, strife and bitterness among men? The sweet flowers of Christmas will soon be found trampled in the dust by the same feet which, this Christmas, are standing by the cradle of the Christ-child.<br><br>
<p>The moral depravity, the abortions, the sexual perversity, and all the other abominations that are filling the nations of the earth have irritated and disgusted Christian people until they are ready to take action. "Let us arise and put a stop to this corruption. Church of God, on your feet. Up from the pews. March forward in the name of the Lord Jesus." </p>
How can we keep the Christmas spirit with us after the day has passed on the calendar? We cannot legislate a continuation of Christmas good will. We cannot extend it by passing resolutions. We cannot hold it in the world's life by lecturing and exhorting on the subject. Yet there ought to be some way of making Christmas last more than one day. It is too beautiful to be allowed to fade out after only one brief day's stay in the world. What can we do to extend it? We can begin by keeping the beautiful vision in our own life.<br><br>
<p>Recently a major Pentecostal organization called for morality in the government of the United States of America. Perhaps it would be a better idea for the organization to stress moral behavior among its own people. The problems of the world will not be solved as secular governments repent and obey the laws of the Kingdom but as the Lord's people repent and obey the laws of the Kingdom (II Chronicles 7:14). </p>
There is a story of a young woman who had been with an outing party all day. In the morning, as she left her home, almost unconsciously she had slipped a branch of sweetbrier into her dress. She altogether forgot that it was there. All day, wherever she went with her friends, she and others smelled the spicy fragrance—but none knew whence it came. Yet that night, when she went to her room there was the handful of sweetbrier tucked away in her dress, where she had put it in the morning, and where, unconsciously, she had carried it all day.<br><br>
<p>The church people are sinning because of the overemphasis on grace and the teaching of the any-moment pre-tribulation "rapture." The Christian churches are filled with immorality, rebellion, striving for preeminence, bitterness, covetousness, feminism, hatred, sorcery, and every other evil imagination, motive, word, and deed. And they are calling on the <em>worldly governments </em>to repent? </p>
The secret was revealed. It is when we have the sweetness in our own life, that we begin to be a sweetener of other lives. We cannot depend upon others for our Christ-likeness, but if we have it in our own heart we will impart it to those about us. We cannot find sweetness on every path that our feet must press. Sometimes we must be among uncongenial people, people whose lives are not loving, with whom it is not easy to live cordially in close relations. The only way to be sure of making all our course in life a path of sweetness is to have the fragrance in ourselves. Then on bleakest roads, where not a flower blooms, we still shall walk in perfumed air—the perfume being in our hearts. It is our own heart which makes our world. We find everywhere what we take with us. If our lives are gentle, patient, loving—we find gentleness, patience, lovingness everywhere. But if our hearts are bitter, jealous, suspicious—we find bitterness, jealousy, suspicion, on every path.<br><br>
<p>The attempt to force Christian moral values on local and national governments sounds like a Christian effort. In fact, the believer who does not get behind the Reconstruction movement is scorned as a pew-warmer, a do-nothing, a coward, as someone not fit to be a part of Christianity. </p>
Shall we not strive to make Christmas a continual festival, and not merely the festival of one day? This does not mean a constant celebration of the outer life of Christmas—but a continuance of its spirit.<br><br>
<p>Christian reconstructionism will finally come to nothing. All it will accomplish is to bring persecution upon the churches as secular society rises up to defend its immoral, ungodly behavior. </p>
Henry Van Dyke puts it thus: "Are you willing to stoop down to consider the needs and the desires of little children; to remember the weakness and loneliness of people who are growing old; to stop asking how much your friends love you, and ask yourself whether you love them enough; to bear in mind the things that other people have to bear in mind—the things that other people have to bear on their hearts; to try to understand what those who live in the same house with you really want, without waiting for them to tell you; to trim your lamp so that it will give more light and less smoke; to make a grave for your ugly thoughts, and a garden for your kindly feelings, with the gate open? Are you willing to do these things even for a day? Then you can keep Christmas."<br><br>
<p>So few people, it seems, so very few people understand the way of the Lord!—the way of the cross!—the way of the Lamb! </p>
And when we are doing these things every day, Christmas will have fulfilled its mission.
<p>The way of the Lord is not for large bodies of believers to go on the march no matter how worthy their intentions. The way of the Lord is for the <em>individual </em>to wait on the Lord, patiently seeking His face year after year, being content with the mercies and signs of His love that are given to those who fear Him. </p>
<p>The believer is not to go to war, he is to go to the cross. We do not overcome the adversary by our proclamations of faith or our boastful attitude. We do not, as someone said, "put on our administrative hat" and command the works of God's hands. We can overcome the accuser only by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our Spirit-enabled testimony, and by loving not our life to the death. </p>
<p>The natural man is pleased to move forward in a belligerent manner, calling on Jesus to help him as he seeks, in his own fleshly understanding and energy, to enforce the behaviors that he—the human being—judges to be important and valuable. All of this is of babylon—confusion—and comes to nothing. </p>
<p>It is the personal cross of the believer that slays the self-will, the self-centeredness, the enthusiasm, the personal ambition, and all the other motives that drive the religious crusader. </p>
<FONT color="#aa0000"  size="6">'''Please Watch'''</font><br>
<p>God has the greatest of all revivals prepared for the closing days of the present age. The Holy Spirit will be poured out as never before. This is the promised "latter rain." The Lord Jesus is looking for those few disciples who, in the midst of the spiritual uproar, will patiently, patiently, patiently wait upon Him until He gives clear directions. There will be a great and powerful wind that will tear the mountains apart and break the rocks in pieces, an earthquake, and then fire. But the Lord will speak to His elect in a gentle, quiet whisper. </p>
<p>Will you do this? Will you turn away from your religious planning and programs and wait until you hear the quiet whisper of the Lord Jesus? If you choose to meekly wait on the Lord you will be scorned by many. "Come down from the cross and do something. Climb down from the wall, Nehemiah, and listen to us. Do this! Do that! If you are a son of God, march forward in the power of the latter rain." </p>
<p>Indeed, the latter rain shall fall. But the saints who truly give the eternal witness will be those who patiently bear their cross after Jesus, thinking, speaking, moving only as they hear from the Lord. </p>
'''5 Words that Destroy the Trinity'''
<p>These crucified ones are a small minority. But it is from them that the resurrection life shall flow, the eternal changes shall be made. Babylon (human-activated Christianity) will make a great noise, but the noise is confusion and will not affect the Kingdom of God. </p>
<p>It is time to take the head of man off the Body of Christ and to put the true Head on the Body. This is possible only as there are those who leave the babylonish planning of the church movements and turn to the Lord Jesus in quietness and self-denying patience. </p>
<FONT color="#aa0000"  size="6">'''Please Watch'''</font><br>
<p>Redemption always comes from above, from the Lord Jesus. Even today all that we need and desire comes from above. We are to lift up our heads. Those who look to man to bring to us the good things of the Kingdom of God are looking in the wrong direction. Man, whether or not he names the name of Jesus and does what he does in the Lord's name, is unclean, unholy, self-seeking—totally unable to give us the desires of our heart. The experienced saint learns that only in Jesus are our needs met. Only Jesus knows the true and profitable desires of our heart, and only Jesus can give them to us. </p>
'''This Is A Final Warning From God - Paul Washer and John MacArthur'''
<p>Let us lift up our heads. Our redemption always is drawing near, always is coming from above. Our strength, wisdom, guidance, health, and all other resources always are coming from Heaven; always are coming down from the Lord Jesus.  
<FONT color="#aa0000" size="6">'''Please Watch'''</font><br>
'''Trinity World's Kenodoxia Jesus'''<BR>
True servants of the Lord do not tell lies about him and thereby lead others to follow another Jesus.
<FONT color="#aa0000"  size="6">'''Please Watch'''</font><br>
The Trinity was Man, Woman and Child. When Constantine returned to Rome from Egypt and they created the Council of Nicea, then recreated the Trinity to Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
<FONT color="#aa0000"  size="6">'''Please Watch'''</font><br>
<FONT color="#ooooaa" size="6">'''Shameful Trinitarian John 8:58 Claim'''</font><br>
<FONT color="#aa0000"  size="6">'''Please Watch'''</font><br>
<FONT color="#ooooaa" size="6">'''Why You Should Reject the Trinity'''</font><br>
<FONT color="#aa0000"  size="6">'''Please Watch'''</font><br>
<FONT color="#ooooaa" size="6">'''Jesus did indeed Deny he is God -''' '''Mark 10:18'''</font><br>
'''Jesus never ever was seeking his own will, or his own glory nor did he ever exalt himself in any way shape or form as the Trinitarian swaggering Jesus routinely does.'''  Rather, the true and genuine Jesus totally humbled himself completely surrendering himself to his God from whom all good comes seeking only to do his Father's good not his own will. Jesus knew all good came from his God and for that reason at '''Mark 10:18''' he responded to this man who called him GOOD Teacher by saying, "Why do you call me good?  No one is good but God alone.Jesus was indeed a teacher but his teaching was not his own but came from his God and he did not speak from himself.  '''John 7:16-18'''<br>
'''Brother Kel'''
"I do not seek my glory.  There is ONE who seeks and judges".... The Jews said... "WHO do you make yourself out to be?” Jesus answered, “If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing.  IT IS MY FATHER WHO GLORIFIES ME, of whom you say, ‘He is our God.  '''John 8:50-54'''
<FONT color="#ooooaa" size="6">'''God Bless'''</font><br>
If you would like to contact us or would like to donate towards the upkeep of our site, please feel free to do so by clicking [[mailto:wicwikicontact@gmail.com]]
'''Calvary Chapel Kaneohe'''<br>
===='''GO TO''' <FONT color="#aa0000"  size="5">'''[[ABC’S Of Salvation]]'''</font>====
<FONT color="#aa0000" size="6">'''TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION'''</font>
====<FONT color="#aa0000" size="">'''[[Go TO VIDEOS]]'''====
'''The plague of unsatisfiedness'''<br>
<FONT color="#aa0000" size="">'''True believers personally know the only true God because He has made His home in them. <br>
'''They are his children, born of Him their Father YHWH .  They know the only true God personally. The children of God know their Father YHWH .'''</font>
[[Category:Main Pages|Main_Pages]]
[[Category:Main Pages|Main_Pages]]

Revision as of 02:46, 20 April 2024







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TBN Israel's Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War.


TBN Israel Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tbnisrael/​

TBN Israel Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tbnisrael/

She Mocks God on Live TV Then THIS Happens



BREAKING: Israel ATTACKS Iran Military Base; U.S. DENIES Involvement | TBN Israel



BREAKING: IDF Solider Killed By Hezbollah Drone; Hamas ACCUSED Of Stalling Hostage Deal | TBN Israel



BREAKING: IDF Eliminates Hezbollah Brigadier General; Iran Facing GLOBAL Sanctions | TBN Israel


Signs of the End Times are 'Intensifying' as Anti-Semitism Soars


Verse of the Day

'''Our recommended bible!'''

WiCWiki has been in existence in various forms for over 24yrs when our very first early site launched in 2000. Since then as with our beliefs we have been on a extraordinary journey and have been able to build a website that is so vast with a staggering 86,406 articles, you could be here for days.... well we hope.

Our biggest aim is to share the Word of God through a medium that is accessible to everyone who has access to a PC, Tablet or even mobile device. We have searched through every nook and cranny of the Wibbly Wobbly Web to find the best and most accurate articles according to the bible, all into to one place...www.wicwiki.org.uk. *formerly known as What is Christianity

We hope we become your source for information relating to the Christian religion and pray that these articles help you in every way possible.

Wow! we have been vistied 34,326,874 times, which is a great blessing!

Investigating Islam with Dr. Jay Smith (2 Corinthians 10:5)

IDF Releases Video REVEALING Hamas Hiding Hostages In Al-Shifa Hospital

Jerusalem LIVE view

When Demons Are Real!




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Articles to read and study.

Page.png April featured article

A Man-directed or Christ-directed Kingdom?

Now we have come to the most important issue found in this booklet. The question is, are Christians to take their faith and their gifts and go forth to attempt to deliver the world, to set up the Kingdom of God? Or should the believers wait patiently on the Lord until He shows us what to do, and guides and empowers us in doing the necessary work of the Kingdom? Will the Lord Himself build His own Church on the Rock, or does He expect us to build the Church? Will all these wonderful aspects of redemption drop down from Heaven some day as a persecuted remnant waits patiently before the Lord, or are the Christians to use their faith and energy to produce a triumphant Church that will take its place as the head of the nations?

For two thousand years the Christian churches have attempted to use the things of God, in addition to numerous physical devices including human talents, energy, wisdom, and especially money, and by them set up the Kingdom of God on the earth. Such efforts have not endured and shall never endure.

For several centuries the Catholic Church used every ability of the flesh, including political intrigue, treachery, and the torture and murder of its adversaries, in its attempt to establish what it believes to be the Kingdom of God, the will of God, on the earth. It has stopped at nothing and will yet stop at nothing in order to accomplish its own ends.

Today there is a movement among Christians termed Reconstructionism. Reconstructionism is an attempt by Christian people to employ faith, the gifts of the spirit, politics, money, and whatever else can be brought to bear in order to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth. This effort is well-intentioned but, like the efforts of the Catholic Church, it is not in accordance with God's Word.

The moral depravity, the abortions, the sexual perversity, and all the other abominations that are filling the nations of the earth have irritated and disgusted Christian people until they are ready to take action. "Let us arise and put a stop to this corruption. Church of God, on your feet. Up from the pews. March forward in the name of the Lord Jesus."

Recently a major Pentecostal organization called for morality in the government of the United States of America. Perhaps it would be a better idea for the organization to stress moral behavior among its own people. The problems of the world will not be solved as secular governments repent and obey the laws of the Kingdom but as the Lord's people repent and obey the laws of the Kingdom (II Chronicles 7:14).

The church people are sinning because of the overemphasis on grace and the teaching of the any-moment pre-tribulation "rapture." The Christian churches are filled with immorality, rebellion, striving for preeminence, bitterness, covetousness, feminism, hatred, sorcery, and every other evil imagination, motive, word, and deed. And they are calling on the worldly governments to repent?

The attempt to force Christian moral values on local and national governments sounds like a Christian effort. In fact, the believer who does not get behind the Reconstruction movement is scorned as a pew-warmer, a do-nothing, a coward, as someone not fit to be a part of Christianity.

Christian reconstructionism will finally come to nothing. All it will accomplish is to bring persecution upon the churches as secular society rises up to defend its immoral, ungodly behavior.

So few people, it seems, so very few people understand the way of the Lord!—the way of the cross!—the way of the Lamb!

The way of the Lord is not for large bodies of believers to go on the march no matter how worthy their intentions. The way of the Lord is for the individual to wait on the Lord, patiently seeking His face year after year, being content with the mercies and signs of His love that are given to those who fear Him.

The believer is not to go to war, he is to go to the cross. We do not overcome the adversary by our proclamations of faith or our boastful attitude. We do not, as someone said, "put on our administrative hat" and command the works of God's hands. We can overcome the accuser only by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our Spirit-enabled testimony, and by loving not our life to the death.

The natural man is pleased to move forward in a belligerent manner, calling on Jesus to help him as he seeks, in his own fleshly understanding and energy, to enforce the behaviors that he—the human being—judges to be important and valuable. All of this is of babylon—confusion—and comes to nothing.

It is the personal cross of the believer that slays the self-will, the self-centeredness, the enthusiasm, the personal ambition, and all the other motives that drive the religious crusader.

God has the greatest of all revivals prepared for the closing days of the present age. The Holy Spirit will be poured out as never before. This is the promised "latter rain." The Lord Jesus is looking for those few disciples who, in the midst of the spiritual uproar, will patiently, patiently, patiently wait upon Him until He gives clear directions. There will be a great and powerful wind that will tear the mountains apart and break the rocks in pieces, an earthquake, and then fire. But the Lord will speak to His elect in a gentle, quiet whisper.

Will you do this? Will you turn away from your religious planning and programs and wait until you hear the quiet whisper of the Lord Jesus? If you choose to meekly wait on the Lord you will be scorned by many. "Come down from the cross and do something. Climb down from the wall, Nehemiah, and listen to us. Do this! Do that! If you are a son of God, march forward in the power of the latter rain."

Indeed, the latter rain shall fall. But the saints who truly give the eternal witness will be those who patiently bear their cross after Jesus, thinking, speaking, moving only as they hear from the Lord.

These crucified ones are a small minority. But it is from them that the resurrection life shall flow, the eternal changes shall be made. Babylon (human-activated Christianity) will make a great noise, but the noise is confusion and will not affect the Kingdom of God.

It is time to take the head of man off the Body of Christ and to put the true Head on the Body. This is possible only as there are those who leave the babylonish planning of the church movements and turn to the Lord Jesus in quietness and self-denying patience.

Redemption always comes from above, from the Lord Jesus. Even today all that we need and desire comes from above. We are to lift up our heads. Those who look to man to bring to us the good things of the Kingdom of God are looking in the wrong direction. Man, whether or not he names the name of Jesus and does what he does in the Lord's name, is unclean, unholy, self-seeking—totally unable to give us the desires of our heart. The experienced saint learns that only in Jesus are our needs met. Only Jesus knows the true and profitable desires of our heart, and only Jesus can give them to us.

Let us lift up our heads. Our redemption always is drawing near, always is coming from above. Our strength, wisdom, guidance, health, and all other resources always are coming from Heaven; always are coming down from the Lord Jesus.