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        <h3 class="panel-title">[[File:Page.png]] May's featured article</h3>
<big>'''Jesus was commanded to worship the God of Israel'''</big><br><br>
<big>'''Jesus Testifies Against the Trinity'''</big><br>
Jesus was commanded to worship the God of Israel, "Hear O ISRAEL, the Lord OUR God is one." He was required to worship OUR God and since he only worshiped the Father alone he proved to us that OUR God is the Father alone. He didn't worship a three-person-God proving that Israel's God was not a three-person-being. Jesus is our most trustworthy witness.
Our Lord Jesus shows us the Shema means our God is one single HE who we are to serve with all our heart. Mark 12:32; Deut 4:35. Jesus also shows us how to identify that one single HE - his Father alone - "there is NO OTHER but HE." Jesus identified that HE as the Father. He has made us to be... priests TO HIS God and Father. Rev 1:6. Even further, this command was for every Israelite including Jesus, a Jew born under the Law. It says, "the Lord OUR God."
Jesus was required to recognize and serve ISRAEL'S God. He did this by recognizing and serving only one person as OUR God, ISRAEL'S God. Israel's God = Jesus' God. "OUR God" for Jesus meant one person only. This proves beyond any doubt that the God of Israel was only one person. Otherwise, Jesus did not obey the Shema commandment.
'''GOD’S SALVATION PLAN''' would end the scourge of death and restore people to life.</br>
<p>What was His plan and how could it restore you to God and legally  absolve you from the penalty of death for your sins? Substitution was  the answer. If someone who is innocent of sin would willingly take the  place of one who is guilty and assume full punishment for his or her  sins, then the guilty one would be free and could be restored to  friendship with God as though no wrong had ever been done. It was love’s  idea. In order to provide you a substitute who had no sin of his own,  God gave His own Son. Jesus Christ, God’s Son <em>was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. He did no sin)<strong> </strong></em>Jesus  was born by a miracle conception. <br>The Spirit of God overshadowed a  virgin and the seed of divine life was created in her womb. In that way  Jesus was not born of human seed that had been infected by sin. Not only  His conception, but His life among people had to be sinless, in order  to be your substitute. God’s Son must be subjected to the same  temptations of sin as any human person is. He had to be exactly like you  and resist what human persons had not resisted. He had to prove that  God’s original plan could work — that human persons could choose God’s  word, and never dishonour His integrity.</p>
<p>Jesus had to be tempted by Satan just as Adam and Eve had been. This  is why as soon as He was mature, He was led into the wilderness where  Satan came to tempt Him exactly as he came to tempt Adam and Eve in the  garden of Eden. Every time Satan tried to bring question on God’s word,  Jesus rejected his suggestion and forthrightly asserted what God had  said.3 The Bible says that throughout the earthly life of  Christ, He was in every respect tested as you are, yet without  committing any sin.4 That explains why He was able to be your  substitute. Since He had no sin in Him, and committed no sin, He could  assume your sins and give His life as a ransom for you.<br/><br/> Being made  perfect, Jesus Christ became <em>the author </em>of <em>eternal salvation.5 </em>If  your penalty of death was assumed by Him, you would be legally absolved  of the penalty. Since no debt can be paid twice, or no crime punished  twice, you would he restored as though you had never done wrong. Since  Jesus Christ suffered the penalty you deserved, and since He did it on  your behalf, you are no longer guilty before God and need never be  judged for any sin you have ever committed.<br>
<p>The judgement you deserved was put on your substitute, in your place,  and that judgement can never he imposed on you again. This is the heart  of God’s plan in the Bible that we call salvation Now you can  understand these Bible verses. I have personalised them for you. <em>Jesus Christ bore your sins in his own body that you, being dead to sins, should live in righteousness.6 When you were utterly with no way of escape, Christ came and died for you when you had no use for him.7 God showed his great love for you by sending Christ to die for you while you were still a sinner 8 Now God has declared you not guilty Now he will save you from all wrath to come.9 Now you can rejoice in your wonderful new relationship with God </em>— <em>all because of what your Lord Jesus Christ has done in dying for your sins </em>— <em>making you a friend of God.’0  Now, since you have been made right in God’s sight by faith in his  promise, you can have real peace with him because of what Jesus has done  for you. </em></p>
<p>So say this to God.</p>
<p>''DEAR LORD,''' I am so thankful to understand why Christ came and died for me, as my substitute.</p>
<p>I understand that the penalty of sin is death and that death passed  upon all persons because all have sinned. But because of Your love, You  gave Your Son, Jesus Christ, to die in my place.</p>
<p>'''NOW I UNDERSTAND''' that Jesus assumed my guilt and suffered the  judgement of my sins. By doing that, He redeemed me and restored me to  You, 0 Lord. Now it is as though I had never sinned. I am no longer  guilty. My condemnation is gone forever.</p>
<p>No debt can be paid twice and no crime punished twice. My sins have  been paid for. There is nothing against me anymore. The judgement I  deserved was assumed by Jesus as my substitute.</p>
<p>'''THANK YOU, LORD,''' for Your plan of salvation. I believe that You bore my sins, in my place.</p>
''Bible References''<br/>
'''He 4:15; He 5:9; Ro 5:9; 1 Pe 2:22; 1 Pe 2:24; Ro 5:11; Mt 4:1-11; Ro 5:6; Ro.5:l; He 4:15; Ro 5:8'''<br/>
[[File:Pin.png]]'''JESUS CHRIST Is Real! Archaeological Proof Found.'''<br>
Matthew 1:1<br>
"An account of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham."
[[File:Pin.png]]'''This is NOT JESUS... This is IDOLATRY'''<br>
'''This is nothing but 100% TRUTH'''
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Apostle Gino Jennings - LOOK HOW YOU'VE BECOME - Best Sermon Ever ***2018 NEW***</font>
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Jesus Testifies Against the Trinity'''<br>
See also the Trinity Delusion Website:  http://www.angelfire.com/space/thegos...
[[File:Pin.png]]<FONT color="#aa0000" size="4">'''The False "Church System" Deception'''</font><br>
[[File:Pin.png]]<FONT color="#aa0000" size="4">'''RED ALERT! LUCIFER'S APOSTATE CHURCH NOW EXPOSED!'''</font><br>
[[File:Pin.png]]'''The True God according to Jesus'''<br>
'''Jesus demonstrates to us the inescapable fact - that he knew the one true God was not a three person being but his Father alone.  Do you trust his testimony on this matter or do you prefer doctrines crafted by men?'''<br><br>
<font size="4" color="#000027">'''Do you have a ministry or a business'''</font><br><br>
Do you have a called of God ministry where your whole purpose is to '''"feed the sheep"''', and God '''supplies your needs''', <FONT color="#aa0000" size="4">or do you have books, tapes, videos, etc. that you '''SELL''' for a "donation", or just outright '''SELL''', and your buyers supply your needs?</font>
There is nothing wrong with being in business and selling things. However, if you are a church or any kind of "ministry", you may want to check your motive for how you are conducting the work of the Lord.
'''Remember the money changers in the temple where JESUS turned over the tables and threw them out. They were selling things in the "CHURCH"'''. <br>
<FONT color="#aa0000" size="4">'''(God made it quite clear to us that we were not to charge for anything, that HE is  our source.)'''</font>
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        <h3 class="panel-title"> [[File:Smallinfo.png]] Our Pin Board</h3>
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Iran threatens to ‘annihilate’ Israel, as Hezbollah boasts of reach of rockets …. Iran heats war rhetoric to cover up military buildup in Syria …. Iranian general warns all Israel air bases ‘within reach,’ no escape but the sea …. Iran warns of 'unpleasant' response if U.S. drops nuclear deal: Iranian state TV reported …. Bill Gates backs a $1 billion plan to cover Earth in ‘Big Brother’ satellites …. California school district says parents can’t pull kids out of new LGBT sex education class
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – April 22nd, 2018'''<br>
Pastor J.D. talks about how the world is becoming increasingly hostile towards God’s people and God’s Word. --- Those wishing to give to Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, please visit http://www.calvarychapelkaneohe.com/i...
The world goes mad when it comes to Israel …. Report: Iran preparing for direct confrontation with Israel …. Iranian Commander: ‘Date has been set’ for Israel’s destruction …. More restaurants go cashless, accept only cards and other forms of payment
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – April 15th, 2018'''<br>
Pastor J.D. has a word of encouragement and hope in light of the situation in the Middle East. --- Those wishing to give to Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, please visit http://www.calvarychapelkaneohe.com/i...
[[File:Pin.png]]'''END-TIMES-NEWS APR 15, 2018 - TRUMP ORDERS STRIKE ON SYRIA'''<br>
Trump orders strike on Syria in response to chemical attack …. Isaiah 17, the destruction of Damascus is getting closer and closer …. Iran openly vows to destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa due to Israeli airstrikes that killed their soldiers in Syria …. War in the Middle East is imminent and only a matter of time
Israeli military on high alert amid Iran threats to avenge Syria strike …. Top Iranian official says Israel to face ‘response’ over air base attack …. ANALYSIS: Russia is aiding Iran Axis prepare for war with Israel …. Senior Iranian cleric: Hezbollah will destroy Haifa and Tel Aviv …. US, France, UK prepare air, navy units for sustained assault in Syria …. Ahead of U.S. nuke deal deadline, Iran threatens to renew enrichment
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – April 8th, 2018'''<br>
Pastor J.D. talks about the breaking news of a gas attack in Syria. --- Those wishing to give to Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, please visit http://www.calvarychapelkaneohe.com/i...
Israel deploys snipers, tanks as Palestinians begin protests along Gaza border …. Israeli Army Prepares for 50,000 Protesters at Gaza Border on Friday …. Hamas wants death and destruction …. Mossad chief '100 percent certain' Iran seeks nuclear bomb …. China Bans Bibles from Online Sellers Like Amazon
[[File:Pin.png]]'''What was crucifixion like?'''<br>
Crucifixion was one of the most dreaded and painful forms of execution in ancient times. Yet, because almost all depictions of Jesus on the cross were painted centuries later, our image of the death of Christ is in many ways incorrect. This short video teaches a few of things about what we do know about crucifixion, and what it teaches us about the Savior.
[[File:Pin.png]]'''7 INCREDIBLE FACTS ABOUT JESUS' DEATH !!!'''<br>
Crucifixion was not a new way of executing criminals in Jesus' day. However, the death of Jesus Christ on the cross was unlike any other in history! It was accompanied by supernatural signs. He was innocent of any crime but agreed to die for our sins, enduring the wrath of God. He died before the Roman soldiers pierced His side, and when they did blood and water came flowing out, indicating that He actually died of a broken heart. And, being God, He could have saved Himself at any time, but He didn't. Learn more by watching this video!
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Latest revision as of 13:34, 1 September 2023