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        <h3 class="panel-title">[[File:Page.png]] April's featured article</h3>
<strong>BELIEVE YOU ARE VALUABLE AS  GOD&rsquo;S CREATION</strong><br/>
'''YOU  ARE CREATED''' in God&rsquo;s image to share His life, love, purpose and creative plan.  You are therefore infinitely valuable to Him. He is saying to you, right now:  &ldquo;I love you. I created my best when I created you. I paid a price for you and  you are worth all I ever paid for you. I have destined my best for you.<br>
<em>God created humankind in his  own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.  In the likeness of God he created male and female.2</em><br/>
<p>God  made nothing inferior. He is first class all the way. He created you unique.  You are exceptional —one-of-a-kind Before you were born, you existed in God&rsquo;s  mind. He knew this world would need you at this time. He planned you with a special  purpose that no one but you could fulfil because no one on earth could do what  you are here to do. Your God-given value does not depend on special genes from  superior parents. Your worth before God is not measured by your assets, the  colour of your skin, super intelligence or formal education. All sorts of  miracles start happening when you discover and accept your value and your  potential.</p>
<p>The  Bible says, <em>You are God&rsquo;s workmanship.3 </em>The man who wrote most of the Psalms was wonder-struck by how God made  human persons. <em>The Lord made people a  little lower than God, and crowned them with glory and honor4  </em>(K.J.V. <em>a little lower than the <strong>angels</strong>. </em>The original Hebrew word used is &ldquo;Elohim&rdquo; — God, as used in Ge.1:l.)<br>
<em>The Lord gave them dominion  over the works of his hands; he put all things under their feet.5</em><br>
The  bottom line of positive and stable self-esteem is when you can say: &ldquo;I  accept the value that God has put on me. When you do that, you will then  cooperate with God to develop the best possible you in this world.</p>
<p><strong>Self-value </strong>will rid you of all jealousy  because you will never again want to be anyone else.6<br>
<strong>Self-value</strong> will wipe out inferiority  because you are in God&rsquo;s class of being and He, in you, is greater than any  person or any power outside of you.7<br>
<strong>Self-value</strong> will eliminate fear of  failure or defeat because nothing can stop you and God working together.8<br>
<strong>Self-value</strong> will give you courage  because you discover that with God at work in you, you become indomitable.9<br>
  <strong>Self-value</strong> will cause you to stand up tall,  to square your shoulders, to look out into the future with new confidence, to  walk with a steady stride, and to rise to the level of importance for which God  created you. &lsquo;<br>
  God  created human persons as much like Himself as any child can be like its natural  parents.<br>
  God  planned that whatever could be said about <strong>Him, </strong>could be said about you.&rsquo;<br>
  God  never planned you or me for poverty, inferiority, sickness, depression, want or  insecurity. 12<br>
  God  never created anything inferior — not you —not any human person.&rsquo;3</p>
<p>As  this powerful principle takes root, you begin to see and respect yourself as a  member of divine royalty. 14<br>
  God&rsquo;s  family is supposed to represent Him and to reflect His lifestyle on earth.  Recognise your value. When you do, you cause the seeds of greatness to  germinate in you.&rsquo;5 Keep those seeds watered by thinking on them and  reaffirming your value until your attitude and conduct are transformed.</p>
<p>Now  say this to God, out loud.</p>
<p><strong>I RECOGNIZE my value, that  You created me in Your own image and likeness. Whatever can be said about You  can be said about me as Your offspring.</strong></p>
<p><strong>My life is Your very breath </strong>— <strong>Your life in human form. Your best material is in me. I am the product  of love. Tam created for greatness, crowned with glory and honour, to have dominion  over all of Your works.</strong></p>
<p><strong>THANK YOU, LORD. I have had  a rebirth of self-worth. Knowing that I am created in Your image and likeness  reminds me of my divine origin, of my high purpose, of my infinite value.</strong></p>
<p><strong>I shall never again  depreciate the me that You value so much. I shall never again put down what You  have lifted up. I am not a nobody. I am a real somebody.</strong></p>
'''NEW LIFE FACT II'''<br>
GOD’S  DREAM for humanity is recorded in the Bible book of Genesis. His plan was to  reproduce Himself in Adam and Eve and to have companionship with them.<br>
But  their friendship had to be two-way. God would need to be sure that Adam and Eve  wanted Him, like He wanted them. They were not required or forced to respect <em>Him </em>any more than <em>you </em>are.<br>
God  placed them in the garden of Eden and gave them <em>every tree that is pleasant to the eye and good for food; and the tree  of life also in the midst of the garden.’</em></p>
<p>The  only condition: Since they were created in God’s image, to share His lifestyle,  they were to trust what<br>
He  said. God made one single restriction to measure their faith and confidence in  His dream for them. He said:<br>
  <em>Of every tree of the garden  you may free/v eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will  not eat of it; for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die.2</em><br>
  They  were expected to have confidence in what God said and that is all that He  expects of you and me.<br>
  Satan,  God’s enemy, heard of God’s dream and con­ceived a scheme to induce Adam and  Eve to betray<br>
  God’s  trust.</p>
<p>Satan  came into the garden.3 He contradicted God, asserting himself as an  authority, and said: If you eat of<br>
  that  tree, <em>you will </em>not surely die.4<br>
  <em>Eve took of the fruit and  ate it, and gave some to her husband with her; and he ate it.</em><br>
  That  was the original sin — distrusting God’s word.</p>
<p>Say  this to God.<br>
  <strong>LORD, </strong>now I understand why faith  is so impor­tant. That is all You ask of me — just to believe<br>
  Your  word.<br>
  I  now realise that lack of confidence in Your word was the original sin. Your  friendship and compan­ionship with me depend on our mutual trust. You want to  know that I desire Your company and Your lifestyle, just like You have proven  that You desire mine, And the only way I can prove my affection for You is to  trust what You say.<br>
  I  have not done that hi the past. I now realise why I have had to walk alone. I  have played into the enemy’s hands by abusing the trust of life You placed in  me.<br>
  <strong>WITH THE KNOWLEDGE</strong> of this basic prob­lem, I  come to You, 0 Lord, convinced that Your word and Your way is the only basis  for the abun­dant and blessed life You created me for.</p>
<p>From  today, my choice shall always be to totally trust in Your living word.<br>
<p><em>Bible References </em><br>
Gen 2:9; Gen 3:1; Gen 3:6; Gen 2:16-17; Ge.3:4</p>
Go to read more  [[New Life Fact]]
<font size="4" color="#000027">'''Do you have a ministry or a business'''
Do you have a called of God ministry where your whole purpose is to '''"feed the sheep"''', and God '''supplies your needs''', <FONT color="#aa0000" size="4">or do you have books, tapes, videos, etc. that you '''SELL''' for a "donation", or just outright '''SELL''', and your buyers supply your needs?</font>
There is nothing wrong with being in business and selling things. However, if you are a church or any kind of "ministry", you may want to check your motive for how you are conducting the work of the Lord.
'''Remember the money changers in the temple where JESUS turned over the tables and threw them out. They were selling things in the "CHURCH"'''. </font><FONT color="#aa0000" size="4">'''(God made it quite clear to us that we were not to charge for anything, that HE is  our source.)'''</font>
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'''Rock Church - Breaking the Silence on Mental Illness'''<br>
In this message, Pastor Miles addresses those who suffer silently from depression and mental illness. He encourages us all to trust God with our problems and reach out to the help that God has available for us.
'''Love Without Limits - with Nick Vujicic'''
As a guest on Hour of Power, Nick delivers a simple, yet very powerful and convincing Gospel message, a video that we can share with all who seek the Truth (stick with the video, it just keeps getting better)<br><br>
'''Go to ''' [[Nick Vujicic]]
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – April 3rd, 2016'''<br>
<div id="youtube" data-youtube-id="IG1PO6MZv-o" data-ratio="16:9"> loading ... </div><br>
Pastor J.D. talks about the prophetic significance concerning the replica of the Temple of Baal being constructed in Times Square in New York City on April 19th.
[[File:Pin.png]]'''PITN: Impact of Islam, Brussels Update'''<br>
<div id="youtube" data-youtube-id="hhQrsEjV1yo" data-ratio="16:9"> loading ... </div><br>
Dr. Kevin Clarkson and guest, Pastor Billy Crone, explain the impact that Islam is having in Europe and how it could eventually make its way to America
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update, Building Update – March 20th, 2016'''<br>
<div id="youtube" data-youtube-id="9MRxkhy4cqg" data-ratio="16:9"> loading ... </div><br>
Pastor J.D. talks about significant Bible prophecies that are now simultaneously moving towards fulfillment with each passing week.
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – March 13th, 2016'''<br>
<div id="youtube" data-youtube-id="5KtBiee7g4M" data-ratio="16:9"> loading ... </div><br>
Pastor J.D. talks about the terrorist attacks in Israel last week and Iran firing two missiles in light of Zechariah 12 and Ezekiel 38.
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – March 6th, 2016'''<br>
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Pastor J.D. talks about how the US electoral process is fast becoming a distraction and deception from what is arguably an imminent attack on Israel, as well as the collapse of America.
<div class="blog-box">You can visit our archive pin board items here: [[Our Pin Board 2]].

Latest revision as of 13:34, 1 September 2023