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==Don't Give Up On God==
&quot;Now  the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, My soul shall have no  pleasure in him&quot;<br>
(Hebrews  10:38).<br>
by Tom Stewart<br>
In truth,  only two kinds of people inhabit this planet-- those who are&nbsp;<em>for</em>&nbsp;Christ and  those who are&nbsp;<em>against</em>&nbsp;Christ. Jesus said,&nbsp;&quot;He that is not  against us is on our part&quot;&nbsp;(Mark 9:40). The Apostle Peter wisely  observed,&nbsp;&quot;Of a truth I  perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that  feareth Him, and worketh Righteousness, is accepted with Him&quot;&nbsp;(Acts 10:34, 35). On one hand, Christ's  adversaries are commanded,&nbsp;&quot;Repent ye, and  believe the Gospel&quot;&nbsp;(Mark 1:15); but, on the  other, to the Saints, who may be presently undergoing difficult times and  circumstances, the Apostle Paul  said,&nbsp;&quot;Stand fast in the  faith, quit you like men, be strong&quot;&nbsp;(1Corinthians 16:13). Strength comes in the believing of  those words from God.&nbsp;&quot;In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth  rise up and walk&quot;&nbsp;(Acts 3:6). The Epistle  of James promised,&nbsp;&quot;Draw nigh to God,  and He will draw nigh to you&quot;&nbsp;(James  4:8). And, to that testimony, the Apostle Paul added,&nbsp;&quot;If God be for us, who can be against  us?&quot;&nbsp;(Romans 8:31).&nbsp;<em>If  we are doing right, then we should never quit.</em>&quot;Now the just  shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, My soul shall have no pleasure  in him&quot;&nbsp;(Hebrews 10:38).<br>
<strong>Right Doing is Righteousness</strong><br>
Right action  flows from right willing or the willingness to do right. That is Righteousness.&nbsp;&quot;Little children, let no man deceive you:  he that doeth Righteousness is righteous, even as He is Righteous&quot;&nbsp;(1John 3:7). When we are actively trusting&nbsp;&quot;Jesus Christ  the Righteous&quot;&nbsp;(2:1), then we are&nbsp;&quot;clothed with Righteousness&quot;&nbsp;(Psalm 132:9), and we may rely that His promised Spirit is  working in us&nbsp;&quot;to will and to do  of His good pleasure&quot;&nbsp;(Philippians 2:13). In  fact, we may fortify ourselves that so long as we still have the slightest  willingness to do right, the Almighty will breathe strength into us by His  Spirit.&nbsp;&quot;And I will put My  Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My Statutes, and ye shall keep My  Judgments, and do them&quot;&nbsp;(Ezekiel 36:27). What an  amazing amalgamation of the Sovereignty of God with the Free Will of man!&nbsp;&quot;My Father worketh hitherto, and I  work&quot;&nbsp;(John  5:17)! When you feel yourself ready to give up, pray for the mercy of God--&nbsp;&quot;uphold me with Thy Free Spirit&quot;&nbsp;(Psalm 51:12). Since God&nbsp;&quot;cannot deny Himself&quot;&nbsp;(2Timothy 2:13), in that He faithfully chooses the right, He  will always choose those who choose the right, as well, i.e.,&nbsp;&quot;Blessed are they that keep judgment, and  he that doeth Righteousness at all times&quot;(Psalm 106:3). Even when He will soon  judge the Earth, He chooses the right in that He seeks His own highest good and  the highest good of His moral creatures.&nbsp;&quot;Thus will I magnify  Myself, and sanctify Myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations,  and they shall know that I am the LORD&quot;&nbsp;(Ezekiel 38:23).&nbsp;&quot;The LORD is known  by the Judgment which He executeth&quot;&nbsp;(Psalm 9:16).&nbsp;&quot;When Thy  Judgments are in the Earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn  Righteousness&quot;&nbsp;(Isaiah 26:9).<br>
<strong>Giving Up on God is Not Our Right</strong><br>
When we are  tempted to cease from doing right, we are tempted to give up on God, e.g.,&nbsp;&quot;he that believeth not God hath made Him a  liar&quot;&nbsp;(1John 5:10). We have no more right to give up on  God than an employee has to disobey a lawful order from his employer.&nbsp;&quot;Servants, obey in all things your masters  according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness  of heart, fearing God&quot;&nbsp;(Colossians 3:22).  Neither should we feel that children obeying their parents is anything but what  is expected by God and ourselves.&nbsp;&quot;Children, obey  your parents in the LORD: for this is right&quot;&nbsp;(Ephesians 6:1). In fact, we have no right to feel that we  have done anything but our duty, when we did not give up on God.&nbsp;&quot;So likewise ye, when ye shall have done  all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we  have done that which was our duty to do&quot;&nbsp;(Luke 17:10). That  God is pleased with our faith and right doing is evident by His Word, i.e.,&nbsp;&quot;without faith it is impossible to please  Him&quot;&nbsp;(Hebrews 11:6), and by His rewards, e.g.,&nbsp;&quot;Blessed is the man that endureth  temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the Crown of Life, which the  LORD hath promised to them that love Him&quot;&nbsp;(James 1:12).<strong>But</strong>, His punishment for unbelief,  disobedience, and wickedness demonstrates His displeasure for our not doing or  ceasing to do what we know is right, i.e.,&nbsp;&quot;Therefore to him  that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin&quot;&nbsp;(James 4:17).&nbsp;&quot;8&nbsp;But unto them that are contentious, and do not  obey the Truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,&nbsp;9&nbsp;tribulation and  anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of  the Gentile&quot;&nbsp;(Romans 2:8-9).<br>
<strong>God's Spirit and Promises Keep Us From Giving Up on Him</strong><br>
Has the dinner bell rung yet? Is it time to  quit? Has God officially authorized us to stop doing our duty? Was it not our  understanding to keep our&nbsp;&quot;hand to the plough&quot;&nbsp;(Luke 9:62)&nbsp;until the LORD takes us Home, as He  did Enoch?&nbsp;&quot;And Enoch walked  with God: and he was not; for God took him&quot;&nbsp;(Genesis 5:24). When we are tempted to give up on God, then  we need to immediately avail ourselves of the Exceeding Great and Precious  Promises of God, that have been specifically designed for just such  temptations.&nbsp;&quot;Whereby are given  unto us Exceeding Great and Precious Promises: that by these ye might be  partakers of the Divine Nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the  world through lust&quot;(2Peter 1:4).&nbsp;, to see how God has  magnificently designed His Promises to fit our every conceivable circumstance  and thereby sanctify and further prepare us for our future Heavenly vocations.]<br>
Spiritual first aid begins by pouring in as many Promises of the Word of God as  we can reasonably find.&nbsp;&quot;As thy days, so  shall thy strength be&quot;&nbsp;(Deuteronomy 33:25).&nbsp;&nbsp;of our website would be a good place to start. Couple a good  Promise with a computerized cross reference search, such as the Treasury of  Scripture Knowledge used by the Online Bible &nbsp;and&nbsp;, and you will be able  to find even more Promises.]&nbsp;Especially  find one Promise that the Holy Spirit can recall to your mind. For example, the  need for the&nbsp;&quot;meekness and gentleness  of Christ&quot;&nbsp;(2Corinthians 10:1), especially when you are provoked by  those that despise your testimony, may call forth the Promise that preeminence  with God goes to those who primarily defend Him and not self:&nbsp;&quot;the last shall be first, and the first last&quot;&nbsp;(Matthew 20:16). The&nbsp;&quot;meek and lowly in heart&quot;&nbsp;Christ&nbsp;(Matthew 11:29)&nbsp;is<em>always</em>&nbsp;the Promise, the Pattern. and the  Example that&nbsp;&quot;ye should follow  His steps&quot;&nbsp;(1Peter 2:21).&nbsp;&quot;He was oppressed, and He was afflicted,  yet He opened not His mouth: He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a  sheep before her shearers is dumb, so He openeth not His mouth&quot;&nbsp;(Isaiah 53:7).&nbsp;[More  about meekness may be found in the&nbsp;<br>
[[Don't Give Up On God]]
<font size="4" color="#000027">'''Do you have a ministry or a business'''
Do you have a called of God ministry where your whole purpose is to '''"feed the sheep"''', and God '''supplies your needs''', <FONT color="#aa0000" size="4">or do you have books, tapes, videos, etc. that you '''SELL''' for a "donation", or just outright '''SELL''', and your buyers supply your needs?</font>
There is nothing wrong with being in business and selling things. However, if you are a church or any kind of "ministry", you may want to check your motive for how you are conducting the work of the Lord.
'''Remember the money changers in the temple where JESUS turned over the tables and threw them out. They were selling things in the "CHURCH"'''. </font><FONT color="#aa0000" size="4">'''(God made it quite clear to us that we were not to charge for anything, that HE is  our source.)'''</font>
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[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – November 22nd, 2015'''
<div id="youtube" data-youtube-id="8mOVbp5NOkc" data-ratio="16:9"> loading ... </div><br>
Pastor J.D. addresses the so-called Syrian Refugee Crisis, and explains the significance of what’s happening in the world today, and perhaps more importantly, where it’s all heading prophetically.
<FONT color="#aa0000" size="4">'''MUST WATCH'''</font><br>
[[File:Pin.png]]'''The Truth About Islam - Interview with Brigitte Gabriel'''<br>
<FONT color="#aa0000" size="4">'''MUST WATCH'''</font><br>
[[File:Pin.png]]'''1. Answering Islam: True Face of Islam | Shahram Hadian'''<br>
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[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – November 15th, 2015'''<br>
<div id="youtube" data-youtube-id="rM3KZBlfTQ0" data-ratio="16:9"> loading ... </div>
Pastor J.D. peels back the layers of the Islamic terrorist attack in Paris so as to answer two important questions after pointing out some of the ironies surrounding what happened on Friday.
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – November 8th, 2015'''<br>
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[[File:Pin.png]]'''NOAH: the TRUTH is BIGGER than you thought......the JourNey BeGins'''<br>
NOAH (FULL Noah Movie ~ "NEVER TRUST THE ENKI" OWN NOAH http://godinanutshell.com/product/noa... is a JourNey into the vast evidence of the Global Flood, Occult, Demons, Nephilim, Enoch, the Watchers, the Enki, Tower of Babel, Mystery Teachings of Fallen Angels, God, Satan, Heaven, Hell and the dimensions between.... A FULL documentary investigation into the science behind the supernatural.
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – November 1st, 2015'''<br>
<div id="youtube" data-youtube-id="zGU8_W9hh2Q" data-ratio="16:9"> loading ... </div>
Pastor J.D. looks at a number of details we’re given within the scriptures concerning the specific fulfillment of certain prophesies in the Bible, which appear to be in play today.
Alan talks about the Satanic influences and pagan background of the Thanksgiving Day holiday ... and points to the true holiday of Sukkot.<br>
[[File:Pin.png]]'''About Thanksgiving'''
<div id="youtube" data-youtube-id="ZPUC3Gp94VM" data-ratio="16:9"> loading ... </div>
[[File:Pin.png]]'''The Nephilim Trail by LA Marzulli'''
'''MUST SEE'''
'''Trey Smith'''<br>
[[File:Pin.png]]'''NephS: (NePhiLiM) A NEW documentary Nephilim, Hybrids, Satan, Demons and the End of the Age'''<br>
<div class="blog-box">You can visit our archive pin board items here: [[Our Pin Board 2]].</div>

Latest revision as of 13:34, 1 September 2023