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        <h3 class="panel-title">[[File:Page.png]] August's featured article</h3>
==Creation of the World.==
'''Genesis Chapters 1 and 2:'''
The creation of the world is a wonder of wonders. Both science and theology are very limited and imperfect to understand it, but beautiful and practical lessons can be drawn from it.
It gives two apparently very different stories of the " Creation ":
In Chapters 1, is the creation of the Universe in 6 days... a hymn of the love of God.
Chapters 2, is, specially, the creation of man woman, and marriage, with the spiritual life that must take, in the tree of the life, from Jesus, abstaining from the tree of the science of the good and bad... God it is here like a " potter ", who creates man from clay; or like a " surgeon ", who removes the rib of Adam to create Eve; or like a " gardener " who planted a garden... a very human God, and very interested personally in man and woman...
In Chapter 1 the Earth is full of water, like Mesopotamia between the rivers Tigris and the Euphrates, and God separates Earth from the waters... in Chapter 2, the Earth is dry, like Palestine, and God brings forth a river, creating the earthly Paradise, the Eden...
Chapter 1 is like a "solemn hymn ", Chapter 2 like a "popular history "... both are wonders of God, the only one God says the Hymn.
The Creation in 6 days, in Chapters 1: It is a symmetrical scheme:
Day 1, creates Light and Astral region...  Day 4: The Sun, Moon, day and night... and the Stars
Day 2: Waters and Air... Day 5: Fish and Birds
Day 3: Earth and Seas, and Plants... Day 6: Terrestrial Animals and Man and Woman.
The adversaries of the Bible immediately make the question: How come there was Light on day 1, if there was no Sun?... modern science has discovered the "cosmic light", every single atom gives light!, there is no need of the Sun to have light in the universe...
The main reason, is that it is not a "scientific history ",  but a "didactic-theological history ", a history of salvation, that teaches us the following fundamental religious truths:
1 There is only one God, Almighty, a loving Person, wise, eternal... who created everything in the heavens and earth with His "word " (the Christ), by the power of the Spirit (Ge 1:1-2).
2 All other things are "creatures of God ": The sun and the fire and animals, are not God, as it was erroneously believed by some ancestors... the man is not God either, as erroneously believed nowadays in the New Era... nature and energy is not God either, as believed today by some pseudo-scientists... all of them are creatures of God!.
3 That God is very much interested in man and woman, whom He named "the king of the creation "... but a king "servant of God ", to Whom he has to adore each full seventh day... there is no nobler conception of man and woman, neither a greater idea of God! (Ge 1:28, 2:3).
The orders of God to man:"Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." (Ge 1:28)
The Food for men: "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food". (Ge 1:29)... and to the animals, "every green plant for food." (Ge 1:30)
4 The woman has the same dignity of man... both were made to "the image and likeness of God " (Ge 1:26-27):
'''Next Part''' [[Creation of the World]]
<font size="4" color="#000027">'''Do you have a ministry or a business'''
<FONT color="#aa0000" size="10">Do you have a called of God ministry where your whole purpose is to '''"feed the sheep"''', and God '''supplies your needs''', or do you have books, tapes, videos, etc. that you '''SELL''' for a "donation", or just outright '''SELL''', and your buyers suppl</font>y your needs?
There is nothing wrong with being in business and selling things. However, if you are a church or any kind of "ministry", you may want to check your motive for how you are conducting the work of the Lord.
'''Remember the money changers in the temple where JESUS turned over the tables and threw them out. They were selling things in the "CHURCH"'''. '''(God made it quite clear to us that we were not to charge for anything, that HE was our source.)'''</font>
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        <h3 class="panel-title"> [[File:Smallinfo.png]] Our Pin Board</h3>
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[[File:Pin.png]]'''America and Israel—Full Rupture Foretold!
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'''Published on 30 Jul 2015'''
The Bible contains an explicit prophecy about a coming break-up between America and Israel. No one is talking about it. These two nations have enjoyed a special and enduring alliance, but a cataclysmic event will soon rock America, Israel and other Western nations, ending this bond. You need to know what is coming and why!
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – July 26th, 2015'''
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Pastor J.D. shares several observations concerning the Iran deal fulfilling more and more Bible prophecies as details of the deal are coming to light.
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – July 19th, 2015'''
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Pastor J.D. addresses the astounding implications of the Iranian Nuclear Deal as it relates to Bible prophecy.
[[File:Pin.png]]'''2 Samuel 20 with a Mid-East Prophecy Update
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[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – July 12th, 2015'''
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Pastor J.D. talks about how the events that transpired last week points to Bible prophecy that ultimately finds its fulfillment in the tribulation and if there was ever a time to believe that the rapture of the church has to happen prior to the seven year tribulation, it is now.
[[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – July 5th, 2015'''
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Pastor J.D. shares about something that’s been on his heart as of late concerning God using the evil that’s waxing worse in this world to loosen Christians grip on this world and the things of this world.
<div class="blog-box">You can visit our archive pin board items here: [[Our Pin Board 2]].</div>

Latest revision as of 13:34, 1 September 2023