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==[[File:Page.png]] April's featured article<span style="font-size:85%; font-weight:normal;">==
==When Was Jesus Crucified?==
When purchasing a house or acreage one always takes the precaution of having it surveyed to insure against the unpleasant surprise of finding that half your new home has been built on your neighbour's property, or the dam is not on your land. To prove the accuracy of the map or plan of your purchase, the surveyor will first locate a government "trig" station or absolute, then fix one corner of your property from this constant as his datum post. And from this known fixed point he will accurately measure and confirm all the other boundaries of the site.<br/>
Ancient masons who built the great cathedrals first established the precise location of one point. Here they laid the cornerstone from which the whole structure was measured. In a recent teaching we learned that Christ is the head of the corner or capstone, from which the temple of the living God or Church is measured. Tonight we're going to revisit the last supper and crucifixion and drive in a few datum posts, or establish some constants, measured from the Absolute or "trig" station of God's Word to make sure the story we are believing is the mind of God, and not Roman Catholic traditions from our denominational past. Scripture has provided us with a series of FIXED days and FIXED dates we can plot on the calendar to determine the events which occupied the last week of our Lord's life on earth, and establish the precise day of His crucifixion. Throughout this lesson I ask you to bear in mind that the Hebrews reckoned their day from sunset to sunset instead of from midnight. We will set forth Jesus' activities as they might have happened in the week before Calvary.
I am not teaching this as doctrine and I may have some details out of order. This will help us to organise our thinking and paint an ordered picture in our own mind. After the resurrection of Lazarus was reported, the chief priests and Pharisees became concerned at the many following and believing on Jesus because of His Supernatural vindication. They feared for their exalted station over Israel, and their status with the Roman rulers. Caiaphas interposed with the solution: "It's expedient for the hierarchy, that one man should die for the people, to preserve the (religious status quo) of our nation" (John 11:47-57). To these Hebrews, any utterance of the high priest was regarded as inspired. Caiaphas had announced a conspiracy to have Jesus put to death by Rome; God used his tongue to prophesy. Thereafter Jesus hid himself from the Jews who were ordered to report any sightings of Him.
The Passover was approaching. This year Jesus was to be that Lamb (John 1:29-34), so He began making His way back towards Bethany which lies on the side of the Mount of Olives, eastward from Jerusalem. He had to be there by Nisan 10 as the Law required the lamb should be separated from the flock on that day (Exodus 12:3-6). It was to be kept in the home for the next four days to be examined for and protected from any blemishes. Jesus was separated and taken into the home of his friends, Mary, Martha and Lazarus. From here He was presented to the people and their denominational religious leaders for examination, but even Pilate declared, "I find no fault in Him".
Nisan 7, our Thursday sunset to Friday sunset Jesus spent our Thursday night (Nisan 7) near Jericho, at the home of Zacchaeus the businessman (Luke 19:1-10). On Friday morning He preached the "parable of the pounds" and set off towards Jerusalem (Luke 19:11-28). Bypassing Bethany, they came to Bethphage, where He sent His disciples to fetch an ass and a colt (Matthew 21:1-7).
Jesus is followed by a multitude from the village rejoicing at the fulfilment of Zechariah 9:9, "Rejoice greatly O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, your King comes to you: He is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass".
Down in Jerusalem, however, nobody was expecting this Kinsman that Zechariah said would come in peace to be a ransom for their souls. Jesus entered the Temple courts where money changers were selling the Temple half shekel as they did at each Passover season. Every adult male must pay the annual ransom that furnished the continual burnt offerings and Temple necessaries. Jesus was that continual burnt offering. In righteous indignation He cast out the money changers who were making unjust profit, and overturned their tables. This was a full day's work and Jesus was exhausted when He arrived at the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus in Bethany on Friday night our time (Matthew 21:8-17; John 12:1).
Nisan 8, our Friday sunset to Saturday sunset John 12:1 takes us to Nisan 8. From Friday sunset until Saturday sunset our time. "SIX days before Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, to the home of Lazarus whom He had raised from the dead". Jesus spent the Sabbath of Nisan 8 in the home of Lazarus and his sisters. Nisan 9, our Saturday sunset to Sunday sunset After sunset and the close of the Sabbath "They made Him a supper; Martha served: but Lazarus sat at the table with Jesus and their guests" (John 12:2). This is the first of three banquets and two anointing (three in the Gospels, the first in Capernaum - Luke 7:36-50) in the four days before the crucifixion. Lazarus' sister, Mary anointed Jesus' feet in token of His burial (John 12:3-11).<br/><br/>
'''To READ ON''' [[Easter - When Was Jesus Crucified?]]
==Living a Life that Matters -- 'Living Eternally'==
==It Will Cost You Everything!==
==The Great White Throne Judgment==
==The God-Centeredness of Heaven==
==It's Just the Truth==
==Separating From Unbelievers==
==Jesus: Our Sovereign Savior==
==The Infernal Dungeon of Hell==
==The final Blood Moon: Sept, 2015 - Prepare Now ==
==You'll Be Surprised! The date Jesus/Yehushua Was Really Born Pt 1 of 2 ==
Pastor Jim Bakker hosts Rabbi Jonathan Cahn who teaches on the date that Jesus/Yehushua was really born according to the Hebrew calender and the bible and how it ties in to Christ's/Messiah's 2nd return!
==Prepare-We are at the Verge of Collapse Says Jonathan Cahn Author of Mystery of the Shemitah ==
Best-selling author Jonathan Cahn says you better get ready for “a great shaking.” Cahn, whose new book titled “Mystery of the Shemitah,” says, “The Bible says a prudent man prepares. What do you do? I am not a financial expert, but I will speak for myself . . . in general, I would not be putting my stock in the stock market or have things attached to it. . . . You should also have essentials in store so if there is a collapse of not only markets but of infrastructure and services, and these things should break down, that you would be okay for this time period. I am not a survivalist. I am more of a revivalist. . . . We say things will always work perfectly, and I don’t believe things will always work perfectly. I believe we are at the verge of collapse.”
==Holocaust Remembrance Day - April 16, 2015 ==
==2 Samuel 14 ==
Expositional teaching through the Bible at Calvary Chapel in Kaneohe Hawaii with pastor JD Farag.
==2 Samuel 13 ==
Expositional teaching through the Bible at Calvary Chapel in Kaneohe Hawaii with pastor JD Farag.
==Questions Every Christian Should Ask Themselves, Part 1 – 1 Corinthians 8:1-3 ==
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== [[File:Smallinfo.png]] Our Pin Board ==
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! colspan="6" | [[File:Pin.png]]'''Dome Of The Rock Carpet Reveals "Lost Ark Of The Covenant"?'''
Have Muslim authorities just uncovered cryptic geometric code to the location of the "Ark of the Covenant"? http://www.paulbegleyprophecy.com also http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/artic...
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! colspan="6" | [[File:Pin.png]]''''Chilling' posters in Cardiff warn Muslims not to vote in the general election because 'it violates the right of Allah''''
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3044338/Chilling-posters-Cardiff-warn-Muslims-not-vote-general-election-violates-right-Allah.html#ixzz3XyLmISGt
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! colspan="6" | [[File:Pin.png]]'''April 21 2015 Breaking News USA WAR ships dispatched near Yemen'''
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! colspan="6" | [[File:Pin.png]]'''ISIS ISIL DAESH Behead Ethiopian Christians Persecution Libya Breaking News April 20 2015'''
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! colspan="6" | [[File:Pin.png]]'''Mid-East Prophecy Update – April 19th, 2015'''
Pastor J.D. provides evidence, which beyond any reasonable doubt, points to the nearness of the pre-tribulation rapture, which seems to be coming under increased attack as of late. Pastor JD is under the weather due to an illness he shares with his daughter.
==YES OBAMA IS A TERRORIST Walid Shoebat Interview on Savage Nation Radio==
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! colspan="6" | [[File:Pin.png]]'''ISIS Kills 28 Ethiopian Christians '''
'''ISIS continues to kill Christians'''
==The Grim Reality of the last days ´ John MaCarthur preaching ==
John macarthur is going to speak about islam in the middle of the Video . Min 34:25
Islam's Ancient Hatred for the jews " While islam envisions the day when christians and jews will convert to islam en masse , islam's end time narrative makes a distinction between the final destiny of christians and that of jews .
==John Haller - Prophecy Update "World Gone Mad" ==
"Come, let us reason together" seems like such a simple task, yet it appears that the world, especially the West, has developed an inability to discern and understand what is causing the uptick in Islamic Terrorism. While the world gathered in France, America was conspicuously absent. Was this by design, or just another embarrassing faux pas by the US Government.
==What Must The Church Do About Same Sex Marriage? ==
Hear the dynamic teachings of Reverend Terry K. Anderson, Senior Pastor of Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church and experience A Call To Joy!
==Gay Marriage: A State of Disgrace ==
This sermon focuses on the biblical definition of marriage, which is the union between a man and a woman. It is impossible for two of the same sex to be one flesh. God designed people as male and female. GAY MARRIAGE IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THE BIBLE.
==The 4 Views: Keys to Sharing Christ with Other Faiths==
==When Christian’s are in Willful Sin, Part 1 - 1 Corinthians 5:1-2==
In part one of a series out of 1 Corinthians 5:1-2 titled, “When Christian’s are in Willful Sin," pastor J.D. talks about tolerating willful sin because one fears confronting willful sin may jeopardize the relationship.
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! colspan="6" | [[File:Pin.png]]'''Replacing Jesus'''
Do not be deceived by men; rather be led by the Spirit of Truth.
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! colspan="6" | [[File:Pin.png]]'''Why I Need A Savior'''
'''By Scott Clarke'''
If you wish to escape the coming final judgement to eternal fire and torment, you simply need to accept the Father's free gift. Messiah (Jesus) died for the sins of everyone who accepts Him as their Savior.
This video will walk you through the authoritative requirements to gain eternal life in Heaven.
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! colspan="6" | [[File:Pin.png]]'''Come To Jesus'''
"Come To Jesus" sung by the choir of Shadow Mountain Community Church, El Cajon/CA
a worship service from the Headquarters of the teaching ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah
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! colspan="6" | [[File:Pin.png]]'''Who Is David C. Pack?'''
As Pastor General of The Restored Church of God, David C. Pack oversees the world's most extensive biblically based websites. He attended Ambassador College, entered the Worldwide Church of God ministry in 1971 and was personally trained by Herbert W. Armstrong. He established over 50 congregations, authored more than 20 books, and has written hundreds of booklets and articles. As Editor-in-Chief of The Real Truth magazine and voice of The World to Come program, he has reached millions around the globe with the most powerful truths of the Bible, unknown to almost all.
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! colspan="6" | [[File:Pin.png]]'''Do you have a ministry or a business'''
|Do you have a called of God ministry where your whole purpose is to '''"feed the sheep"''', and God '''supplies your needs''', or do you have books, tapes, videos, etc. that you '''SELL''' for a "donation", or just outright '''SELL''', and your buyers supply your needs?
There is nothing wrong with being in business and selling things. However, if you are a church or any kind of "ministry", you may want to check your motive for how you are conducting the work of the Lord.
'''Remember the money changers in the temple where JESUS turned over the tables and threw them out. They were selling things in the "CHURCH"'''. '''(God made it quite clear to us that we were not to charge for anything, that HE was our source.)'''
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! colspan="6" | [[File:Pin.png]]'''We feature articles by Words of Righteousness, check out the below to find out more.'''
|[[File:Robertthompson.gif|frame|150px|Robertthompson.gif]] Articles of Trumpet Ministries WOR
Sermons on the Paster's page www.wor.org
*[[Sermons WOR]]
*[[Study the Book of Second Corinthians]]
*[[Study the Book of First Corinthians]]
*[[Study for the book Romans]]
*[[Study the Book of Philippians]]
*[[Study the Book of Hebrews]]
*[[Study the Book of Ephesians]]
*[[Study the Book of Galatians]]

Latest revision as of 13:34, 1 September 2023