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Latest revision as of 01:10, 26 December 2019

Reckless words

Some people boast of their honesty and frankness, just because they "say what they think," flinging out the words right and left as they come, no matter where they strike , or whom they wound .

Do not call this honesty — call it rather miserable rudeness, reckless cruelty.

We have no right to say what we think — unless we think lovingly and sweetly. We certainly have no right to unload . . .

our jealousies,

our envies,

our bad tempers, and

our miserable spite upon our neighbor.

If we must be bad-tempered, we should at least keep the ugliness locked up in our own heart, and not let it out to hurt other people's happiness.

Or, if we must speak our wretched feelings, let us go into our own room and lock the door and close the windows, that no ears but our own shall hear our hateful words!

" Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing!" Proverbs 12:18

" Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones!" Proverbs 16:24

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