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(Created page with "==NEW LIFE FACTVII== '''BELIEVE THE GOSPEL AND RECEIVE JESUS CHRIST IN PERSON NOW'''<br/> GOD’S PLAN OF SALVATION is based on faith in the integrity of His word and on y...")
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GOD&rsquo;S PLAN OF SALVATION is based on faith in the integrity of His word and on your right to choose to believe. ''Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.&rsquo;''<br/><br/>
GOD&rsquo;S PLAN OF SALVATION is based on faith in the integrity of His word and on your right to choose to believe. ''Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.&rsquo;''<br/><br/>
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''Bible References''<br/><br/>
''Bible References''<br/><br/>
'''Act 16:31; Ro 5:17; 1 Pe 1:7; Jn 3:36; 1 Jn 1:3; Jn 6:37; 2 Co 5:21; Ex 25:23; 1 Co 6:19-20; 2 Co 6:2; Ps.103:3; Ga.6:8; Jn 1:12; Ro 5:8-9; Ep 2:10; 2 Co.5:17; l Jn 1:7;22; Ac 10:15; Jn 10:10; 1 Pe 1:23; Mk 14:36; Jn 14:27; Jn 15:11'''
'''Act 16:31; Ro 5:17; 1 Pe 1:7; Jn 3:36; 1 Jn 1:3; Jn 6:37; 2 Co 5:21; Ex 25:23; 1 Co 6:19-20; 2 Co 6:2; Ps.103:3; Ga.6:8; Jn 1:12; Ro 5:8-9; Ep 2:10; 2 Co.5:17; l Jn 1:7;22; Ac 10:15; Jn 10:10; 1 Pe 1:23; Mk 14:36; Jn 14:27; Jn 15:11'''</p>
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Latest revision as of 13:44, 11 May 2019


GOD’S PLAN OF SALVATION is based on faith in the integrity of His word and on your right to choose to believe. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.’

All who trust God’s son to save them have eternal life.2

What specifically are you to trust or believe?

A. That Jesus was sinless and perfect;

B. That He died on your behalf and bore the judgement you should bear;

C. That He did it because God loves you and wants to live in you;

D. That God values you so much that He paid this infinite price to make that possible.

These remarkable facts are what is called the gospel or good news:

  • He suffered the penalty of your sins so that you can be saved from death and live eternally as He planned for you, with honour and dignity.

  • He suffered the consequences of your sins so that you can be forever absolved from guilt, condemnation or judgement.

  • He took upon Himself your pains, infirmities and sicknesses, so that you can be free of them and live in health and enjoy longevity.

  • He bore your insecurity, shame, inferiority and loneliness, so that you can live in fellowship with God again.

  • He died so that you can live.

  • He assumed your guilt so that you can receive His righteousness.

God made Jesus Christ who knew no sin to be made sin on our behalf so that in Him we might share the righteousness (or life) of God.3

The record of your sins was credited to Christ’s account. Then He assumed your guilt and bore the judgement you deserved.

In exchange, His righteousness was credited to your account and you were declared righteous in God’s eyes, forever.

When does this happen?

When you decide to believe the good news of what Jesus Christ did, and accept the fact that He assumed all of the judgement for your sins in your place. When you do that, you experience a miracle. This is what takes place in you:

  • The righteousness of Christ is transferred to you and you are free of all guilt and judgement.

  • Jesus Christ comes and lives the life of God in and through you.

  • You become a new creation.

  • You are restored to God according to His original plan.

  • A supernatural power is given to you which makes you a child of God. It is a miracle.

Christ opened the way for God to come to you and for you to come to Him. He is your link with God, your way to the good life, to success, to happiness, to total health and to abundant living.

It all happens when you believe the gospel and receive Jesus Christ into your life, by faith.

These results can take place in you today — now, because the Bible says, Now is the accepted time; Now is the day of salvation4 — for you.

1. You are reborn, re-created, restored to God, made new. You become a child of God. When you receive Jesus Christ, God gives you the miracle power to become his child.5

2. You receive a new spiritual life, the miracle life of God through Jesus Christ in you.

If you are in Christ, you are a new creature. All things become new.6 Jesus said, I am come that you might have life more abundantly.7

3. You receive total peace. Anxiety, hypertension, fear, guilt and condemnation are gone forever.

Jesus said, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.8 Being justified by faith, you have peace with God through your Lord Jesus Christ.9

4. You are restored to friendship, fellowship and life with God — the way you were designed to live on this earth. Truly your fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

5. Your physical body is affected so much by this new inner peace with God that your sicknesses disappear and you experience new physical and mental health. You will serve the Lord your God, and he will take sickness away from the midst of you.1’

The Lord forgives all of your iniquities, he heals all of your diseases.’2

Say this to the Lord.


O HEAVENLY FATHER, I am so thankful to know and understand the gospel and to believe what it says.

I believe on Jesus Christ and, by faith, I receive You, dear Lord, as my personal Saviour — now.

You were without sin, yet You died for my sins. You took my place, assumed my judgement and suffered my penalty in order to ransom me and to restore me to God as though I had never sinned.

You took my sins and now, by accepting You, You impart to me Your righteousness.

I have come to realise what a price You paid to prove how You value me. Your blood was shed to make me clean.’3

0, JESUS, MY LORD, since You paid the full price for my transgressions, there can never be any further price for me to pay.

I believe that I am saved here, now and forever because of the good news of what You accomplished when You died in my place.

Now I am restored to God my Father through Jesus my Saviour. I have recovered the dignity You planned for me.

I do believe that You have now come back to live in me like You originally planned when You created

I believe I am saved. You and I are one again because of what Your Son, Jesus, did in my place.

The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me.’4

The life of Jesus Christ regenerates me.’5

The joy of Jesus Christ fills me.’6

I am of infinite value.’7 Thank You that You love me. I am Yours.’8

You have made my body Your temple. I am redeemed and accepted. I am commissioned in the Kingdom to represent You in this life.’9

MY SINS ARE PUNISHED. They can never be punished again. My debt is paid. No debt can ever be paid twice.

I am saved — here and now.

I believe, and I am free. Thank You for the power that makes me a new creature, now that I have welcomed You home to live in me.

I am as valuable to You as anyone. I am as beautiful in Your eyes as anyone. I have Your nature. I am loved. I can love others. Whatever I sow in others, I will reap. 20

Thank You that I am part of Your plan. I have a place no one else can fill.21

No longer will I condemn myself. No longer will I destroy what You value.22

Now I am accepted. I can do Your work. I am born again. I am a new creature. I have repented of my old values. I have changed my mind about myself and about other people.

Knowing how You value each human person has given me a new value of human life.

I SEE YOU, 0 Lord, with new eyes. I see others as You see them. I see myself in Your image.

Together we can never fail. Father, everything is possible for You.23

Thank You, Lord, that You now live in me.

In Jesus’ name.


Bible References

Act 16:31; Ro 5:17; 1 Pe 1:7; Jn 3:36; 1 Jn 1:3; Jn 6:37; 2 Co 5:21; Ex 25:23; 1 Co 6:19-20; 2 Co 6:2; Ps.103:3; Ga.6:8; Jn 1:12; Ro 5:8-9; Ep 2:10; 2 Co.5:17; l Jn 1:7;22; Ac 10:15; Jn 10:10; 1 Pe 1:23; Mk 14:36; Jn 14:27; Jn 15:11</p>